DIY Weight Loss spa week?

Has anyone done an at home weight loss "spa" week? With healthy meals, planned exercise, and a daily schedule. I am thinking about taking a week off of work and going to my mom's house to do a jump start weight loss spa week for both of us. Has anyone done this? thoughts?


  • choosing_fitness
    No, I have not ever really thought about this, maybe in only terms of a day, but I think that sounds like a GREAT idea. Sometimes I just take a hot bath, do a face mask, workout before-hand, and eat well and I feel often relaxed and jumpstarted :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Has anyone done an at home weight loss "spa" week? With healthy meals, planned exercise, and a daily schedule. I am thinking about taking a week off of work and going to my mom's house to do a jump start weight loss spa week for both of us. Has anyone done this? thoughts?

    Or try all those things... For longer than a week....? ie a healthy lifestyle?
  • michaeljacksonfan333
    No but sounds like a great idea! My mom doesn't need to lose any weight so I'll probably be doing this one alone haha. But still sounds super fun
  • MustangSallyVA
    MustangSallyVA Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the positive feedback!
  • MustangSallyVA
    MustangSallyVA Posts: 16 Member
    Has anyone done an at home weight loss "spa" week? With healthy meals, planned exercise, and a daily schedule. I am thinking about taking a week off of work and going to my mom's house to do a jump start weight loss spa week for both of us. Has anyone done this? thoughts?

    Or try all those things... For longer than a week....? ie a healthy lifestyle?

    As luxurious as it sounds... unfortunately I do have other responsibilities and can not leave my job, children, and husband to only focus on me forever. ... but thanks for the suggestion!
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    Has anyone done an at home weight loss "spa" week? With healthy meals, planned exercise, and a daily schedule. I am thinking about taking a week off of work and going to my mom's house to do a jump start weight loss spa week for both of us. Has anyone done this? thoughts?

    Or try all those things... For longer than a week....? ie a healthy lifestyle?

    As luxurious as it sounds... unfortunately I do have other responsibilities and can not leave my job, children, and husband to only focus on me forever. ... but thanks for the suggestion!

    What do you think will happen after this magical 1 week "spa" retreat if you don't make it a lifestyle change? Many of us have a zillion other responsibilities as well. We just have to carve in the time. Less than one hour a day is all it takes for me, for example, and that's only 4-5 days a week of exercising. Also, making better food choices takes no more time than overeating does, and should be done every day anyway.

    "Lifestyle change" doesn't have to mean drastic. Just little bitty changes in our decisions is all it takes. :flowerforyou:
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    Has anyone done an at home weight loss "spa" week? With healthy meals, planned exercise, and a daily schedule. I am thinking about taking a week off of work and going to my mom's house to do a jump start weight loss spa week for both of us. Has anyone done this? thoughts?

    Or try all those things... For longer than a week....? ie a healthy lifestyle?

    As luxurious as it sounds... unfortunately I do have other responsibilities and can not leave my job, children, and husband to only focus on me forever. ... but thanks for the suggestion!

    You will have the most sucess sticking to reality and just going into a plan that fits into your already busy life. You will have to figure out what works for you and what you are willing to sacrafice to meet your goals.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Has anyone done an at home weight loss "spa" week? With healthy meals, planned exercise, and a daily schedule. I am thinking about taking a week off of work and going to my mom's house to do a jump start weight loss spa week for both of us. Has anyone done this? thoughts?

    Or try all those things... For longer than a week....? ie a healthy lifestyle?

    As luxurious as it sounds... unfortunately I do have other responsibilities and can not leave my job, children, and husband to only focus on me forever. ... but thanks for the suggestion!

    You have responsibilities so you can't eat healthy or exercise?
  • MustangSallyVA
    MustangSallyVA Posts: 16 Member
    WOW I asked for ideas on how to have a super focused week to get things started, not for rude comments.

    Obviously I understand that it does take a lifestyle change. That is exactly what I am planning. However, I would like a little time to focus on getting my new habits in place, meal planning, trying new exercises, and have a little pampering also.

    I totally disagree that eating healthy does not take more time and energy than eating like crap. It does take time to plan, shop for, and prepare healthy meals. It is a lot quicker to just "drive thru" Of course this is not the best option for me or anyone else.

    I do plan to eat healthy and exercise along with my normal responsibilities, however I can't dedicate 8+ hours a day to this all of the time. I also am sure that you realize it is not feasible to incorporate "spa" type things such as manicures, pedicures, massage, facials ect. into my "normal" life everyday.
  • Limath
    Limath Posts: 89 Member
    I've never thought about it, but love the idea! I exercise an hour a day at the gym after work every day. I'd love to take the 'after work' part out for a week and just treat myself! I love to cook, so I can't help but think of all of the healthy meals you could prepare.

    My husband is going on a fishing trip in a month, maybe I'll have to take a couple of days off for this. :)
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    You didn't say a word about manicures, pedicures, massages and spa treatments in your original post. Those have zero to do with losing weight or making long term changes.

    Plenty of people here have families, jobs, cars, leaky faucets, responsibilities, etc. You aren't alone in that regard.

    They change their eating, exercise and all around living habits using the time they have. A "spa week" isn't going to "jump start" anything in terms of exchanging poor habits for better ones. You'll just view it as a "pampering" experience, then go right back to what you were doing and see minimal to no results. Why bother with that?

    Have the spa treatments. They're a nice treat for tired, overworked and overstressed people, especially parents.

    But don't delude yourself into believing that one week of that will do much besides act as a mini vacation.

    No one was being "rude" about your idea. It sounds like a perfectly fine idea. But if it isn't part of a long term plan, then it's just a fluffy diversion.

    And I'm genuinely curious about why you seem to think that exercise and an improved diet requires "8 hours+".
  • Limath
    Limath Posts: 89 Member
    You didn't say a word about manicures, pedicures, massages and spa treatments in your original post. Those have zero to do with losing weight or making long term changes.

    All implied by 'spa week'. :)

    I think some people have read A LOT more into your original post. Many people go to weight loss 'spas' to spend time pampering themselves in a healthy way. Why spend the money when you can do it yourself?

    Is it a 'long term' weight loss plan? Of course not. Is it a time to take care of yourself, and reflect on future goals...sure!

    I'm still in! Thanks for the idea!
  • MustangSallyVA
    MustangSallyVA Posts: 16 Member
    Limath .... You get me! LOL I guess I expect people to be able to understand what I mean, and respond appropriately, and most don't. Thanks so much for "getting it" I thought I was loosing it for a minute.
  • rayneface
    rayneface Posts: 219 Member
    Limath .... You get me! LOL I guess I expect people to be able to understand what I mean, and respond appropriately, and most don't. Thanks so much for "getting it" I thought I was loosing it for a minute.

    I agree - I think it's a great way to refocus on you! Too many people lose sight of themselves and this is a fantastic, inexpensive way to recommit to your healthy lifestyle goals. Plus you get to have fun with your mom, try new recipes and turn what people normally dread about vacations (splurging and indulgence) into a positive.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    Many people go to weight loss 'spas' to spend time pampering themselves in a healthy way.

    Well, if lots of people are doing it! ...

    But honestly, you talk about responsibilities... I have way too many responsibilities to ever take a whole week off for facials and massages and I still manage to eat healthy and exercise. You can be a priority without being your only priority.
  • justformel
    justformel Posts: 193 Member
    As a mother to 3 girls, this sounds like a great idea, I would have never thought of! Sounds like great mother/daughter bonding time, that I know is hard to make the time for sometimes. Life does get in the way and if you are able to take the time off from work and do it, thats awesome!!

    I see nothing wrong with some home manis, pedis, home cooked meals, you guys could also make some meal plans for several weeks, research some new recipes, put some grocery lists together, prep meals that could be frozen, lunches for work, that you could take out of the freezer and right into your lunch bag.
  • MustangSallyVA
    MustangSallyVA Posts: 16 Member
    As a mother to 3 girls, this sounds like a great idea, I would have never thought of! Sounds like great mother/daughter bonding time, that I know is hard to make the time for sometimes. Life does get in the way and if you are able to take the time off from work and do it, thats awesome!!

    I see nothing wrong with some home manis, pedis, home cooked meals, you guys could also make some meal plans for several weeks, research some new recipes, put some grocery lists together, prep meals that could be frozen, lunches for work, that you could take out of the freezer and right into your lunch bag.

    This is exactly what I had in mind. Take the time for planning several weeks worth of menus, try out new healthy recipes, maybe do some freezer cooking to prepare for the weeks ahead. We probably will go out for pedicures but home facials, ect are definitely in the plan. THANKS!!!
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    That's the fun part about implying things...

    They don't mean the same things to you as they mean to other people.

    I worked in the spa industry and saw lots of women like you, OP.

    Women who thought the "spa experience" of "pampering" would help them long term.

    You'll relax and de-stress alright...for about a week.

    Then you'll go back to the status quo and ultimately achieve nothing.

    You'll lighten your wallet, I'll say that much.

    I'm not down on relaxing or spa treatments, but they're a short term solution to a long term problem.

    Having nice nails won't help you lose weight, no matter what the spa brochure says.

    I'll be honest when I say that spas see people like you coming a mile away.

    They want your money.

    They set you up to fail so you'll keep spending money and come back.

    I find it interesting that you wonder about people having "8 hours+" to devote on making appropriate food and exercise choices, but you have the time with all your responsibilities to take an entire week off to go to a spa.

    So which is it?

    Do you have no time to make better choices at home because you're super busy or do you have a week to spare to go to a spa?
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member

    I totally disagree that eating healthy does not take more time and energy than eating like crap. It does take time to plan, shop for, and prepare healthy meals.

    Not true. I spend less time in the grocery store now than I used to. I don't plan meals, I buy what foods fit my goals and tend to buy the exact same things every week. I spend ten minutes throwing my breakfast and lunch together in the morning (this includes using a food scale to weigh foods), and never make anything for dinner that takes more than 30 minutes total for prep and cooking.

    In comparison, before I was on MFP, I'd wake up, spend 15-20 minutes searching through the cabinets for junk for breakfast, end up not finding anything that I wanted, I'd stop at the drive thru on my way to work for a breakfast sandwich (this takes time), and would spend almost all of my 30 minute lunch break driving to another drive thru for something to eat for lunch because I never brought my own food, and when I did make lunch, I'd spend 20+ minutes in the morning throwing elaborate lunches together that were 1,000+ calories because I had no idea how much I was eating.

    Saying that eating healthy takes more time and energy than eating like crap is an excuse.
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    It sounds like a great idea to give you time to gather your thoughts and really get organized. I am a single mom with a 7 year old son, he doesn't go anywhere so he's attached to my hip I feel! I agree that it really takes time to get started both meal wise and mentally. I have to take time on Sundays for meal prep, cooking, organizing or what not, and have often thought to myself if I took time to myself it would be so much easier! Even to sit and journal and write down your goals, short term and long term takes time! Enjoy your week!