I want to make a change but I need some help.

I am wondering if anyone has used a specific exercise routine. I am 5' 4" and weight 238 pounds I have been able to lose 17 pounds by cutting calories but that doesnt seem to be working anymore. I eat about 1600 calories a day and need to start an exercise routine. Looking for a week by week kind of thing yhat will be simple and easy to follow. Any advice would be great.


  • player30
    player30 Posts: 65 Member
    Great job! I do quite a few things (walking, tennis, eliptical, rowing machine & free weights), but the best place to start is just walk. I tend to walk even when I do other activities. It's free and it is low impact. Just start out & then try to increase your time & speed over time.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    When I was first starting out, I did the Couch to 5k program on days alternating with the Nerd Fitness beginner bodyweight workout. I took one or two rest days each week. Also, I eased into the bodyweight program by doing reduced reps and sets in the beginning.
  • bobbiejohanson
    bobbiejohanson Posts: 6 Member
    I installed fit star it's been great they have a lot of different workout if it's a busy day they got shorter workouts u should try it I'm really glad i did
  • mwcontois
    mwcontois Posts: 44 Member
    I just started but have been doing exercise and reduced calories from the start. I'm on the 1200 cal plan, so if I don't exercise and just eat that number of calories I'm pretty much guaranteed to be hungry at least part of the time. By burning up calories I can replace them and keep the hunger away, focusing on protein and reduced sodium. I walk every day...take the stairs whenever I can...do the little things. I try to burn 300 cals a day, so I usually will do the elliptical for an hour and then pick some other exercise to at least make up the difference. Right now I am doing all cardio but will start strength training next month. The latest thing I am trying to do is become an early riser and exercise in the early AM before work, rather than at night, so my metabolic rate gets an early start and stays going all day. The important thing is to do what is right for you, without making excuses. Good luck!
  • stacynoell
    stacynoell Posts: 41 Member
    Cut the calories down to 1500 on cardio only days- keep the 1600 on strength training days. I do 3 cardio days for 60 minutes, walking, dancing, zumba, treadmill, tennis, then 2 lifting days 30 minutes of cardio, 20 minutes lifting, 10 minutes of abs. Fitness bands are good strength training tools with little injury risk...
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    I just do what I like. Swimming rocks, so I do a lot of that. Walking is good when the weather allows.

    The girls do not take well to bouncing, so none of that! I like to get my exercise outside. I think fresh air is so important and doesn't get the credit it's due yet. :)

    Just try different things and see what you enjoy. Then do that until you don't enjoy it and switch to something else.

    Doesn't really matter much...as long as you're moving, you're good. Work up to more as you go. :)
  • ajones2600
    ajones2600 Posts: 8 Member
    I will be able to go to the gym 3 maybe 4 nights a week tops. It will have to be at night. I work 8 to 5 40 hours a week and I am a full time online student with 2 children so I wouldnt feel right going while they were awake since I would be sacrificing my time with them. I do need to do something though or I am worried I will gain the weight I have lost back. I enjoy swimming laps and the bike. my knees are pretty sore pretty frequently and I have flat feet so I try to stay low impact at least until I lose a bit more weight. I did a significant amount of walking yesterday and noticed that my legs cramped up all night. Anything I can do to avoid that. I drink a lot of water so its not a hydration thing.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I see no need to cut calories on cardio days. Weight loss comes about through caloric deficits. You can achieve that deficit through less food, increased activity, or a combination of those two. IMO it makes more sense to make one change at a time and see how that works before tweaking things further. In other words, increase your activity while staying at the same calories. Try it out for 2-3 weeks to see if your loss picks up or continues and then decide whether to cut calories further.
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I LOVE my Leslie Sansone DVD's. It is walking in your home at your schedule, easy to learn but very effective. Have been using them for years! Good luck and keep up the great work!! Consistency is the key. Eating healthy, exercising, good self care CONSISTENTLY and you will get there!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Oh yeah, those Leslie Sansone videos are great and very low impact!
  • redgsdmom
    redgsdmom Posts: 4 Member
    I love my FitBit it ties to MY Fitness Pal and I set step goals. It keeps me motivated and accountably just to keep moving
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Lots of good ideas here. You're doing a great job, keep up the good work!
  • Soccermavrick
    Soccermavrick Posts: 405 Member
    My advice is find a couple of things that you like to do. A) you are more than likely to continue doing them and B) it will get you out and moving. And from the sound of it you are trying to get started. For me that was the gym and weights, for a few friends it was sports, or long walks that turned to running. There are hundreds of free programs available on utube or on the cheap on ebay, but everybody is different, some of us have bad knees or a bad back.

    The truth is the MOST successful exercise program out there is the one that you keep doing!!! Good luck, but it sounds like you are already off to a good start.
  • ajones2600
    ajones2600 Posts: 8 Member
    I really love this page everyone is always so supportive and helpful. Any minimum requirements for exercise? Like should I go fir an hour 3 times a week or for a half hour? Etc?
  • Hi there, when I started moving my body, I was 230lbs and 5' 0" and I was limited by a bad knee. I found Fitness Blender on YouTube. You can also search FitnessBlender.com for beginner workouts. I found that I could modify the "Easy Cardio Workout" and it gave me a starting point of moving. I also started walking every morning outside. Recently, I started using the Leslie Sansone DVDs and I went from slogging through 1 mile outside to ENJOYING walking 5 miles inside (3 in the morning and 2 before bed). I'm surprised at my new found mobility and strength! I've been able to build up to a better level of activity and flexibility by starting out small. Best to you!
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    Hi there, when I started moving my body, I was 230lbs and 5' 0" and I was limited by a bad knee. I found Fitness Blender on YouTube. You can also search FitnessBlender.com for beginner workouts. I found that I could modify the "Easy Cardio Workout" and it gave me a starting point of moving. I also started walking every morning outside. Recently, I started using the Leslie Sansone DVDs and I went from slogging through 1 mile outside to ENJOYING walking 5 miles inside (3 in the morning and 2 before bed). I'm surprised at my new found mobility and strength! I've been able to build up to a better level of activity and flexibility by starting out small. Best to you!

    WTG Michelle! I LOVE walking with Leslie too! I usually do the 2 mile and once or twice a week the 4 mile. Glad you have found what works for you. That really is key isn't it? I too much prefer walking indoors to out, only because I live where there are too many weather extremes. Right now it is extremely hot and humid and soon it will be extremely cold and humid LOL. Keep up the great work! Dyanna