low carb diet and having LOW appetite



  • Hi,
    Just finishing my first week on low carb- I'm aiming for 50 carbs a day or less and am looking to lose about 10 pounds total. I'm small- 5 feet and 113 lbs. now, but want to return to ideal weight of 103 give or take a pound. When your small there isn't much room for extra weight. I'm a real carb addict and have been surprised by how easy its been to stop all bread and flour products, anything processed, sugary or starchy veggies, rice, grains, etc... However, it is hard for me to keep up my appetite. I'm not a great fan of red meat, so I have had one plain burger this week. Otherwise focusing on veggies, some fruit in small amounts, eggs, cheese, tuna, chicken breast, low carb yogurt. It's been really appetite suppressing which is good. However I'm struggling to make 1000 cals a day- which at my size is a reasonable weight loss target. Anyone know if this changes/improves? I'm also drinking 65-80 oz of water a day, and exercising moderately- running on treadmill 30 minutes about 3 times a week and strength training with weights.
  • jms1739
    jms1739 Posts: 80 Member
    I am on the lo carb as well, but I limit it to no more then 25g in a 4 hour period. So I am getting more then just a certain amount a day. When I first started, I dropped fast, but have slowed with the weight loss. I find it very easy to keep track of what I am eating and I make sure I get my calorie goal.

    Do some research there are healthy recipes out there that are low carb and are balanced. I do have a free meal on the weekends. I also supplement with Protein shakes, it helps get more calories and more protein with out the fat and carbs. They do have low carb ones out there, again more research. I had a hard time at first getting everything in, but found ways to work my meals so that they were balanced and healthy, kept me full and gave me the calories I needed.

    What I do is more of a cycling where I will eat close to my carb limits per meal some days and on others I go low. It works for me. I feel everyone is different in what they can do or want to do.
  • minus60
    minus60 Posts: 2 Member
  • Yep. I am commenting on this old thing. :D This has happened to me more than once. This is usually a horrible time for me so I try to make an effort NOT to accidentally hit ketosis. The times that this happened to me it was so that not only was I not hungry, the idea of food was down right repulsive. So how in the world do I get back to eating when I can't even stand the sight of food? Well, the way I did this was with a liquid carb source. No soda mind you, but things like tomato juice, carrot juice, coconut water, maybe some sort of hot or iced tea with a little honey stirred in. Sipping on something like that a few times a day was enough get me right again. If I slip on keeping track of my carbs and dip too low this is always my red flag. I try to get out of ketosis before the dragon breath hits.

    It honestly kind of scares me when the appetite disappears like this. It feels like I am stuck hanging with my feet on a window sill and my hands clinging to a tree and I can't get the nerve to go this way or that. When it first hits I feel terribly anxious and restless. If you don't want to go into ketosis try to jot down your carbs in a list each time you eat. You will eventually have a list that you will have memorized from looking at it so often. This make sit easier to just do it mentally if you don't want to always be doing the math for serving sizes, writing it down or entering it online somewhere. Sometimes I just scribble it down on the white board I have stuck to my fridge. each meal or snack. Or I just decide in advance how I want to distribute the days carb intake. I like to eat the most at dinner so my sleep doesn't suffer. So if I were taking 100 g carbs a day I would do 20 g for breakfast and lunch, 10 g for snacks and 50 g for dinner. I don't stick to totally low carb, I tend to do carb cycling more because it feels better to me than just going completely low carb. Hope this helps someone! Have a great day!