Good weight for 5'9"

Hi- I've been reading about a good weight for 5'9" (me)-- the charts go from about 130-165. I have very thin wrists, so I suppose I am NOT "big boned"- what weight looks good on my height?


  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    My experience has been to look at BF% above anything else when trying to determine an "ideal" weight.

    I suggest using something like Google images to see what different body fat percentages look like. Pick one at which you think you'd be comfortable. Just for the sake of this post, let's say that's 20%.

    If you have a good estimate of your current lean body mass, then you can simply work backward to determine what your ideal weight would then be. Again, for the sake of this post, let's say your lean body mass is 115 lbs.

    "Ideal" weight = Lean body mass / (1 - desired body fat %)

    "Ideal" weight = 115 / (1 - 0.2)

    "Ideal" weight = .115 / 0.8

    "Ideal" weight = 143.75

    Simply substitute your actual numbers, and you'll have a completely individualized "ideal" body weight starting number - which, of course, will be subject to change if and when your goals do.
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    That question is impossible to answer. In my experience the best thing to do is to get to the upper end of the "healthy range" then assess how you look. If you are comfortable, work on maintenance. If you feel like you want to lose more, lose another 10 lbs and reevaluate. Repeat that process until you get to the lower end of the range and if you are still unhappy with your physique it's likely at that point an issue of being under-muscled vs. being overweight (yes even for females). You may find that you need to lose 20 lbs, gain 5 (in lean tissue) then lose another 10. The best thing you can do is take it 10 lbs at a time and constantly reevaluate. Do you have an end "goal physique" in mind?
  • leftoutright
    leftoutright Posts: 1 Member
    I am also about 5'9" (frame med to large). My goal is to reach 155 (about the middle of the range) then re-evaluate when i get there. But if I'm happy with my body when I get to 168 I would have no problem stopping there. Hope this helps.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    <<<<<<<< 5'8 156 lbs I still have some problem areas but am pretty happy with it. *
    It depends on your goals.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    When is tell people 120-130, they all flip out and say that would be anorexic. I don't know. I know that's what I weighed in high school. I was the same height and not anorexic then, but I'm a little older now.

    I'm going to wait until I'm 140-150 and re-evaluate.

    It's just too hard to know until I can see myself at that weight and know how I feel.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    We can't really answer that. I think I look fine at 160lbs and 5'9" but others my height look good at 130. I also have thin wrists but wide hips and shoulders.
  • hellomandarkk
    hellomandarkk Posts: 15 Member
    I am 5'9" and I currently weigh 127.8lbs as of this morning. Of course it fluctuates around 127-129. But I lift everyday and have muscle building so I am sure that weight will go up soon.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    That question is impossible to answer. In my experience the best thing to do is to get to the upper end of the "healthy range" then assess how you look. If you are comfortable, work on maintenance. If you feel like you want to lose more, lose another 10 lbs and reevaluate. Repeat that process until you get to the lower end of the range and if you are still unhappy with your physique it's likely at that point an issue of being under-muscled vs. being overweight (yes even for females). You may find that you need to lose 20 lbs, gain 5 (in lean tissue) then lose another 10. The best thing you can do is take it 10 lbs at a time and constantly reevaluate. Do you have an end "goal physique" in mind?

    This. Go for healthy range, then reevaluate. That's exactly what I'm doing. I'm also 5'9" and have never been in a healthy weight range. My first goal is 170, then I'll see from there how much more I feel I have to go before I get to where I want to be. Most of the girls I've seen who are 5'9" end up happy somewhere in the 150's or 160's.
  • bogo_baby
    bogo_baby Posts: 82 Member
    I'm 5'9" and my goal is to touch 139 for a day (so that I can say I lost over 100 pounds), then to maintain between 140-155. I know that I looked pretty good at 170 (about a year ago), but I lost track of myself and am back up to the 190s.

    I would like to see and maintain under 155 for personal reasons beyond what will "look good." It's just a personal number to beat.

    I think most people at 5'9" look pretty good and healthy anywhere in that range :)
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    That question is impossible to answer. In my experience the best thing to do is to get to the upper end of the "healthy range" then assess how you look. If you are comfortable, work on maintenance. If you feel like you want to lose more, lose another 10 lbs and reevaluate. Repeat that process until you get to the lower end of the range and if you are still unhappy with your physique it's likely at that point an issue of being under-muscled vs. being overweight (yes even for females). You may find that you need to lose 20 lbs, gain 5 (in lean tissue) then lose another 10. The best thing you can do is take it 10 lbs at a time and constantly reevaluate. Do you have an end "goal physique" in mind?

    This! We all carry weight differently. You may be too thin at 165 or you may be just right at 150. Make your judgment when you get there - but, make your judgment honestly. It's so easy for us to think we still look fat when in fact we don't.
  • hollywrigh
    i am 5'10 med range is 135 to 165 with 150 being the middle of the road. I am now at 165 and though I look good, I am ready to go 5-10 more lbs just for my peace of mind. It's all in how YOU feel!!
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    I'm 5'9" as well. When I first joined MFP I got down from 202 to 153. I worked out like a beast and ran 3 miles 2xs a week. I looked very thin and lean. You could see my collar bone lol. So the goal since my injury last year forced me to stop working out for awhile and I've since gained more than half the weight lost back is to get to 160. Once there I will decide whether or not to lose more or maintain at that weight. BF has asked I please don't lose my curves lol. I too have small wrist. I intially wanted to get to 145. But I have no desire to look incredibly thin. More fit and tone with nice curves.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    When I calculated based on frame size last night it said for a large framed female the actual high-end weight is 186. My goal is 170 so significantly below that high-end but if I have a good BF % before I hit that marker I'm all good with it. I have forever to go regardless of that last 16 pounds! LOL

    ETA: I don't remember the calculator site I used. 15 different sites will give you 15 different answers too. haha
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I agree that it's something you'll have to find out for yourself. Keep looking in the mirror, taking photos, and trying on new clothes. I moved my goal by 5 pound increments several times. I'm actually lighter than I ever thought I'd be (126 at 5'9"), but that's because I've lost a lot of muscle as I've aged. That's the current project.
  • MissSarahAllison315
    MissSarahAllison315 Posts: 263 Member
    I'm 5'9" and my goal is 145, but that's simply a personal goal. I think I look fine right now at 155, but for my own peace of mind, I'd like to lose 10 more. It's all about what you're comfortable with...not what a number in a book tells you! :)
  • whateverfloats
    I have thin wrists too (small frame) and I look and feel best from 128-140lbs. I only got under 125 once due to illness and it was not a good look on me. I gave a fairly big range because it really depends on your fat to muscle ratio. If I'm building muscle I feel fine at 140lbs. If I'm just running a lot or getting no exercise, 130lbs is better.

    These things are really personal though.
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    I am hovering around 168 on maintenance which is the top of the range but I feel its about right for me - maybe half a stone at most less.... you can already see a well defined collarbone :laugh: I am big boned though - have to wear a mans watch strap even with the weight loss. I may lose some more if (IF!) some of my loose skin tightens up but I am not actively planning on losing much more really

    Its different for everyone - just see how you feel about it when you get there :)
  • acooling1
    I am 5'9 with small wrists and weigh 138 at the moment at one point before i started building muscle it was 127. I would like to lose fat now not weight.

    Everybody is different I think people should concentrate on losing fat instead of weight as the scales can say heavier than you look/are because of muscle weight.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Haha, just on the small wrist thing, I have small enough wrists too, yet quite a broad build and pronounced bone structure, so don't just go on your wrist size maybe, unless its typical of the rest of your body :)

    Can't help with an ideal weight unfortunately, as the best one I found is the one I found myself, ie my goal weight is 175, as I was that at my lightest and was happy and slim enough. At the same time I know I still had a stubborn few pounds even at 175, so when I reach that I shall re-assess. Also, I have set myself a body fat % goal, one I try not even to acknowledge yet, but know will become more of a factor and goal the closer I get to my target weight.

    Anyway, all in all, I would strike out for a point you are happy with, and then look to re-assess once you reach that point. At least that way as long as you can trust yourself to judge you're happy with a body weight level, you can find the level that makes you happy with what you see, as opposed to just setting an arbitrary number, even if an arbitrary number can sometimes have benefits as a rough point to make out for initially :)