Be someone's good day TODAY

Okay, now here recently I've heard from more than one person that they just want to give up. When I ask them why it's because they don't have support or motivation from their peers. Being on MFP is a great way to get motivation, it's a great way to watch what you eat, it's a great way to share your success with others.

That being said.... REACH OUT. I don't care if you know the person or not. I don't care if the person has 2 friends or 3423487238947234 friends. Reach out to someone and give them words of encouragement. Nothing is better than stepping out of your box and giving someone a virtual high five.

Losing weight is an amazing feeling. Most of us on here had gotten to the biggest we'd ever been and decided it was time for a change. There are people who are starting today that have no faith in themselves whatsoever. These people need our help. I need your help and I've been on this journey for years. Don't ever discriminate or leave someone out.

It's our duty and privilege to make someone's day just a tad bit better than it was before.

BE the change you want to SEE in the world. That starts with you. Now get your tush in gear, it's time to change a life today.



  • _runnerbean_
    _runnerbean_ Posts: 640 Member
    Congratulations on your weight loss so far Whitney. I love your positive attitude and kind nature xx
    -am off to find someone else to encourage now :)
  • Congratulations on your weight loss so far Whitney. I love your positive attitude and kind nature xx
    -am off to find someone else to encourage now :)

    You're wonderful!!!
  • yellowsnowdrop
    yellowsnowdrop Posts: 154 Member
    An Inspiration Whitney and RunnerBean, GREAT losses both of you. I'll find someone to motivate and encourage right now.
  • An Inspiration Whitney and RunnerBean, GREAT losses both of you. I'll find someone to motivate and encourage right now.

    It tickles me to death to see the spread of joy!!! So great!!
  • 2kellymike
    2kellymike Posts: 75 Member
    Thank you for your kind and motivating post! Good job, everybody!:flowerforyou:
  • Thank you for your kind and motivating post! Good job, everybody!:flowerforyou:

    Of course! Making a difference can always touch more than one person!
  • nmonty21
    nmonty21 Posts: 17 Member
    I agree with this 100%
    Positive people, please add me!
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    Positive attitude and genuine motivational comments are contagious. So too can argumentative and/or negative comments be. There should be no room for negative vibes with all the positive vibes flowing. So continue to spread positive words.
  • Positive attitude and genuine motivational comments are contagious. So too can argumentative and/or negative comments be. There should be no room for negative vibes with all the positive vibes flowing. So continue to spread positive words.

  • We need more Whitney's :smile: