Back and stomach fat just won't get smaller :(

So, I started my weight loss journey in June 2013.. I have lost 73 pounds.. I have 50-60 more pounds to lose before I hit my weight loss goal. Even though I have lost 73 pounds, my back and stomach fat has not gotten smaller. I am eating healthy.. I drink only water.. I am exercising (Insanity, Tae Bo, Pilates, Zumba) six out of 7 days of the week.
I feel like it won't go down when I lose all the weight... I know my stomach will take a lot of work because of having an emergency c-section.
Tips?! Advice?!? Encouragement?!


  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member

    Let’s assume you go out and buy two rolls of paper towels, each with 112 paper towels on it. You put one aside, and keep it for future reference (your “before” picture). The other one represents you (I’ll call your paper towel “Ed”).The core represents the lean Ed. The towels represent the fat that is covering the lean Ed.

    For sake of argument, let’s say that Ed wants to lose 28 pounds of fat, so (112/28) each sheet represents a quarter-pound of fat lost.

    Let’s also assume that Ed loses his fat equally during each day of the program.

    Each day during the first week, you tear a sheet off of Ed, representing the fat he has lost for the day. Next, you put Ed next to the full roll (“Big Ed”) for comparison.

    No noticeable difference! Even at the end of the week!

    “This can’t be working for me! This program sucks! ” But, you continue to follow your fat loss program. At the end of weeks two and three, you continue to compare Ed to Big Ed, and still notice very little difference.

    But Ed is determined! He continues to work hard!

    Three more weeks go by, the sheets peeling off day after day, before Ed gets up the courage to stand next to Big Ed again.

    Now there’s a big difference!

    By the end of the program (112 days), Ed is down to his lean dream, or somewhere near it. Big Ed is still – well, big.

    The lesson to be learned is that fat, like paper towels, comes off in sheets. When you are heavy, you are big around. And when you are big around, that fat is spread over a MUCH larger area – just like that outside towel sheet. The closer you get to the lean you, the more each lost pound of fat shows, because it is spread over a smaller area.

    While the outside sheet may only cover one layer of the roll, the inside sheet may go around 4 times. That last sheet looks like it gives you four times the results of the first sheet, but in reality, the results are the same – your perception is just different! And you’ll never see the inside, if you aren’t patient while the outside is coming off!
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    Are you relying on memory or do you have before and after photos?

    Without the actual photos, it's really hard to tell the difference over time.
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    Great analogy! I hate my back fat too :sad:
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    First great job so far!! I think that is worth mentioning.

    usmcmp gave a great analogy on how fat goes around. It is also important to notice that your body has places it likes to take fat from more. For me it is my upper body, so my first 40 lbs or so left me quite slim up top, but hardly touched my lower half. Now that I have gotten (a bit) leaner, it is having to take from it's non preferred source (mah butt, lower back and thighs.).

    The moral of the story is, it will (and probably has to a certain extent) happen, just keep on trucking.
  • rifadiva
    rifadiva Posts: 27
    Wow!! I love that analogy... Maybe I was hoping to see all the fat to get smaller little by little till I get to my ultimate goal. It's just hard to see other parts of your body getting smaller and smaller and other parts are not..
    Thank you!! I needed to read that
  • Yakelmeyer
    Yakelmeyer Posts: 49 Member

    Let’s assume you go out and buy two rolls of paper towels, each with 112 paper towels on it. You put one aside, and keep it for future reference (your “before” picture). The other one represents you (I’ll call your paper towel “Ed”).The core represents the lean Ed. The towels represent the fat that is covering the lean Ed.

    For sake of argument, let’s say that Ed wants to lose 28 pounds of fat, so (112/28) each sheet represents a quarter-pound of fat lost.

    Let’s also assume that Ed loses his fat equally during each day of the program.

    Each day during the first week, you tear a sheet off of Ed, representing the fat he has lost for the day. Next, you put Ed next to the full roll (“Big Ed”) for comparison.

    No noticeable difference! Even at the end of the week!

    “This can’t be working for me! This program sucks! ” But, you continue to follow your fat loss program. At the end of weeks two and three, you continue to compare Ed to Big Ed, and still notice very little difference.

    But Ed is determined! He continues to work hard!

    Three more weeks go by, the sheets peeling off day after day, before Ed gets up the courage to stand next to Big Ed again.

    Now there’s a big difference!

    By the end of the program (112 days), Ed is down to his lean dream, or somewhere near it. Big Ed is still – well, big.

    The lesson to be learned is that fat, like paper towels, comes off in sheets. When you are heavy, you are big around. And when you are big around, that fat is spread over a MUCH larger area – just like that outside towel sheet. The closer you get to the lean you, the more each lost pound of fat shows, because it is spread over a smaller area.

    While the outside sheet may only cover one layer of the roll, the inside sheet may go around 4 times. That last sheet looks like it gives you four times the results of the first sheet, but in reality, the results are the same – your perception is just different! And you’ll never see the inside, if you aren’t patient while the outside is coming off!

    ^^ Damn if that isn't the best analogy I've heard in a very long time. Thank you.
  • ColourfulFiasco1
    ColourfulFiasco1 Posts: 37 Member
    It sounds like almost all of your exercise is coming from cardio right now. While that's definitely going to help the weight come off, I would suggest throwing in some more strength and flexibility work as well. This won't speed up your weight loss by too much, but that combined with a really healthy amount of protein will help you to be sure that you are losing fat, not lean mass, when you see weightless on the scale.
  • rifadiva
    rifadiva Posts: 27
    Are you relying on memory or do you have before and after photos?

    Without the actual photos, it's really hard to tell the difference over time.

    I have pictures I have taken
  • rifadiva
    rifadiva Posts: 27
    It sounds like almost all of your exercise is coming from cardio right now. While that's definitely going to help the weight come off, I would suggest throwing in some more strength and flexibility work as well. This won't speed up your weight loss by too much, but that combined with a really healthy amount of protein will help you to be sure that you are losing fat, not lean mass, when you see weightless on the scale.

    Actually insanity is cardio && strength.. Pilates is strength as well (use your own body weight to build muscle).. So, I am actually doing strength and cardio.. I even take 30 minutes out of my day to do some yoga..
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Are you relying on memory or do you have before and after photos?

    Without the actual photos, it's really hard to tell the difference over time.

    I have pictures I have taken

    I feel for you but I have come to tell you it does go away.

    At 165 (first goal weight) I had this spot on my back that was fat...on one side and it just didn't seem to want to go away...I felt I was destined for it to be there...then I changed my goal weight to 155...guess's gone...I didn't even bother looking to be frank as I felt it was just there...a friend commented on I had told her it bothered me...and low and behold...yup it's gone...

    So be patient it will come off...
  • becky4m
    becky4m Posts: 61 Member
    It was the last to go for me. Keep going your doing great.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It sounds like almost all of your exercise is coming from cardio right now. While that's definitely going to help the weight come off, I would suggest throwing in some more strength and flexibility work as well. This won't speed up your weight loss by too much, but that combined with a really healthy amount of protein will help you to be sure that you are losing fat, not lean mass, when you see weightless on the scale.

    Actually insanity is cardio && strength.. Pilates is strength as well (use your own body weight to build muscle).. So, I am actually doing strength and cardio.. I even take 30 minutes out of my day to do some yoga..

    sorry but Pilates isn't going to build can build some strength from it...but it will plateau quickly esp since you are losing weight.

    Doing body weight exercises is great but eventually you have to add in more resistence...

    If you aren't opposed to weight lifting (and not 5lb dumbells) check it does wonders.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    It sounds like almost all of your exercise is coming from cardio right now. While that's definitely going to help the weight come off, I would suggest throwing in some more strength and flexibility work as well. This won't speed up your weight loss by too much, but that combined with a really healthy amount of protein will help you to be sure that you are losing fat, not lean mass, when you see weightless on the scale.

    Actually insanity is cardio && strength.. Pilates is strength as well (use your own body weight to build muscle).. So, I am actually doing strength and cardio.. I even take 30 minutes out of my day to do some yoga..

    Those are not strength programs lol
  • rifadiva
    rifadiva Posts: 27
    Randomtai, I have to disagree with you because I have gained muscle from both programs!!!
    Plus, I had advice from a professional trainer and he states you can use those programs until your body is used to it and then go on to something else..

    If you don't have any advice tips or encouragement, I appreciate that you do not respond to my post.. Thank you
  • rifadiva
    rifadiva Posts: 27
    It sounds like almost all of your exercise is coming from cardio right now. While that's definitely going to help the weight come off, I would suggest throwing in some more strength and flexibility work as well. This won't speed up your weight loss by too much, but that combined with a really healthy amount of protein will help you to be sure that you are losing fat, not lean mass, when you see weightless on the scale.

    Actually insanity is cardio && strength.. Pilates is strength as well (use your own body weight to build muscle).. So, I am actually doing strength and cardio.. I even take 30 minutes out of my day to do some yoga..

    sorry but Pilates isn't going to build can build some strength from it...but it will plateau quickly esp since you are losing weight.

    Doing body weight exercises is great but eventually you have to add in more resistence...

    If you aren't opposed to weight lifting (and not 5lb dumbells) check it does wonders.

    I have resistance bands that I used to use from Gold's Gym.. I did it for 2 months and I saw no difference so, I took it as I need focus on burning the fat off with cardio
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    I have to disagree with you because I have gained muscle from both programs!!!
    Plus, I had advice from a professional trainer and he states you can use those programs until your body is used to it and then go on to something else..

    If you don't have any advice tips or encouragement, I appreciate that you do not respond to my post.. Thank you

    And scene.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    Certified Pilates instructor here. Pilates is not a progressive resistance program, especially if you're just doing Mat work, so it's not going to result in muscle growth. If you are doing Reformer or Chair work, AND your instructor has designed a program that focuses on increasing resistance over time, you may get a very small amount of muscle gain, BUT that's in terms of ounces, not pounds, of muscle. (There are a small number of Pilates exercises that can be performed in that way, and the machines only allow for a small amount of increased resistance).
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I started out at 188 and it took till I was under 130 to get rid of the awful back fat. I thought it would never ever go. I love my back now and look at it all the time with a hand held mirror and large mirror. It's like a miracle to see a smooth back with no rolls drooping down each side.
  • rifadiva
    rifadiva Posts: 27
    Certified Pilates instructor here. Pilates is not a progressive resistance program, especially if you're just doing Mat work, so it's not going to result in muscle growth. If you are doing Reformer or Chair work, AND your instructor has designed a program that focuses on increasing resistance over time, you may get a very small amount of muscle gain, BUT that's in terms of ounces, not pounds, of muscle. (There are a small number of Pilates exercises that can be performed in that way, and the machines only allow for a small amount of increased resistance).

    My instructor has me doing some pilates movements with resistance bands and dumb bells.. So my question now: "Is Pilates even worth to do then?" I would hate that I am spending money on something that won't help me out at all..
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Randomtai, I have to disagree with you because I have gained muscle from both programs!!!
    Plus, I had advice from a professional trainer and he states you can use those programs until your body is used to it and then go on to something else..

    If you don't have any advice tips or encouragement, I appreciate that you do not respond to my post.. Thank you

    Well, I was going to give you some good advice, but you certainly changed my mind with this attitude.