This is what maintenance looks like



  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I know I haven't been in maintenance long, but I can't see that my weight would start suddenly fluctuating wildly at this point. As you can see, big fluctuations don't happen to everyone. And, yes...I did record every weight, even those that went up.

    To the OP- I'm glad you posted this because I really do want to get mentally prepared in case my weight does actually go up suddenly. It helps calm the fears to realize that for most people, graphs like yours are typical. Thank you. :flowerforyou:
    The funny thing is, for my first year of maintenance, I was one of those people. My weigh hardly fluctuated, ±1 lb in my weekly weigh in. I saw other people had larger swings and knew it was normal, but I did not. I know the reason for my large swings are due to my activity level. Back then, I was doing a short warm up on the elliptical followed by weight training 3 days a week. Now that I'm running regularly and doing longer distances; I have daily calorie burns ranging from 0 (rest day) to 1500 (weekly long run). I gain/lose a LOT of water/glycogen weight because of that. Preparing for my half marathon, I gained 5 lbs in one day as I filled up my glycogen stores the day before the race. And the day after, I promptly lost those 5 lbs.

    I noticed this exact same pattern as my running distances increased. The only reason why my weight graph looks more stable is because I track my 7 day rolling average weight to reduce most of the variance.

    Ah....this is the reason then. I do strength training M/W/F followed by 20-30 minutes of cardio on the machines. I guess since my energy expenditure is so close time after time, my body doesn't notice the difference as much. Good on you guys for working so hard. Me...I'm 48 and trying to learn to run, but my knees are taking 4-5 days to recover from 3-min. run/walk intervals. Doesn't bode well for doing long distances in the future. The stairs and elliptical will have to suffice, although I haven't quite given up on running yet.
    I am 53 and always had knee trouble. I in fact gave up on trying to run so I started walking a lot. I started playing a GPS based multi-player game ( to make my walks more interesting. To up my score I started running between some locations and very slowly built up. I also got fitted for some running shoes. Hey what do you know, all of a sudden my knees didn't hurt anymore. I worked up to 35 miles a week and entered my first race, a half marathon, still no knee pain. I now do 25 miles a week so it may be possible for you. You may want to modify the way your foot strikes the ground too. I saw on here where someone posted "imagine you're running on egg shells and trying not to break them.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    It is important for people to understand the your weight in maintenance isn't going to be static. I see so many posts on MFP of people who are "maintaining" and they freak the **** out because they're up 3 Lbs overnight due to natural weight fluctuations and they think they need to go back on a diet.

    This graph is important...and no, not everybody's is going to look the same...but nobody's body weight is static. I personally have natural weight fluctuations of a good 1-5 Lbs day to day...most of them are smaller, but I will have a bigger jump on the scale if I change something up on a workout or maybe eat a little heavier than normal on the previous day (excess waste, not fat), or have a higher sodium day than normal, etc.

    What people should be taking away from this is that their weight isn't going to be static...they shouldn't obsess about a singular number and freak out because they're not exactly XXX Lbs 24/7...that's just not the way it works.
  • cdl42
    cdl42 Posts: 41
    Thanks for sharing. Although we're all different, I find everyone's data helpful for perspective, so I'll share mine too.

    Here's my weekly weigh-in chart for the past year (about when I hit goal) and a close-up of the past 6 months (when maintenance started to become truly challenging.) My goal weight was to get under 140 (my "healthy" BMI threshold), and my maintenance seems to have settled around 130 +/- 5lbs. For perspective, I'm 5'4" / 41yo / female / SW 188.


    This looks like a drawing of New York City. Thanks for sharing a nice city pic with us.:laugh:
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    It is important for people to understand the your weight in maintenance isn't going to be static. I see so many posts on MFP of people who are "maintaining" and they freak the **** out because they're up 3 Lbs overnight due to natural weight fluctuations and they think they need to go back on a diet.

    This graph is important...and no, not everybody's is going to look the same...but nobody's body weight is static. I personally have natural weight fluctuations of a good 1-5 Lbs day to day...most of them are smaller, but I will have a bigger jump on the scale if I change something up on a workout or maybe eat a little heavier than normal on the previous day (excess waste, not fat), or have a higher sodium day than normal, etc.

    What people should be taking away from this is that their weight isn't going to be static...they shouldn't obsess about a singular number and freak out because they're not exactly XXX Lbs 24/7...that's just not the way it works.

    Agreed...I do flucuate just not big amounts...yet.

    I am sure if I change something major up I would..but I don't...

    Weight isn't static and the fact I am staying between my range makes me happy regardless of the ups and downs.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Great chart! I've always weighed myself every other week because of just that. Now that I'm at maintenance, I don't need to see those swings.
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    I don't think its possible to have the same exact weight everyday. it'll fluctuate a few lbs up or down depending on your salt and water intake, type of food eaten the previous day. If activity level and consumption level as are not too far off, number on the scale shouldn't be too far off either.

    it actually is...I can weigh the same for days on end and if I do flucuate it's maybe 1/4-1/2lb and that is typically after I lift weights...

    I don't think I have gone higher than 1lb in flucuations and that is pushing.

    I second this. Although I use a non-digital scale so don't notice the 1/4-1/2 fluxes.
  • ewartluft
    ewartluft Posts: 79 Member
    Just starting my maintenance...bump to find this again.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I don't think its possible to have the same exact weight everyday. it'll fluctuate a few lbs up or down depending on your salt and water intake, type of food eaten the previous day. If activity level and consumption level as are not too far off, number on the scale shouldn't be too far off either.

    it actually is...I can weigh the same for days on end and if I do flucuate it's maybe 1/4-1/2lb and that is typically after I lift weights...

    I don't think I have gone higher than 1lb in flucuations and that is pushing.

    Even during TOM? Giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirl, I want your scale. :wink:

    Oddly enough, I actually lose up to 4 or 5 pounds when TOM comes to visit. It goes back to normal after. Other than that I pretty well stay consistant to the ounce. I fluctuate during the day, but (for example)....when I weigh myself in the morning every day I'm 146.1 and after getting home from work around 6pm every day I'm 143.8.
  • Springfield1970
    Springfield1970 Posts: 1,945 Member
    Mine moves around about 2lbs.

    I've got to the point now when I know what it's going to be.

    My calories fluctuate between 1750 and 2500 depending on exercise, I usually gain water, glycogen and food weight if I do a few of those high workout days, particularly if I weight train, even more so a few days leading up to tom.

    A few days after tom I will have a total rest day on 1750 and after that I am usually hitting my lowest number of 126/7.

    It's interesting, and used to frek me out before I understood that weight is made up of lots of different elements apart from fat, and most of those elements you actually want to be high in weight. Just not the body fat bit.
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Aw now I'm gutted I don't bother recording my fluctuations in maintenance!!! :( I have been maintaining for 3 years and it has always varied within a 5lb though mostly 3lb range which has never bothered me. All manner of things affect my weight for various weigh ins from exercise, to undigested food, hormones, illness, TOM etc etc.

    I guess I stick with my average maintenance weight and don't bother changing it (as it's generally consistent) because then I'd be changing my HRM and Fitbit every 5 minutes.