What's on your "No" list?



  • Naley2322
    Naley2322 Posts: 181 Member
    refined junk products and breads / white sugar / peanut butter / trail mix
  • shuasmith
    To sum it all up...

    Don't change WHAT you eat, change HOW you eat.
  • teabee17587
    i only temporary ban things if that makes sense...
    cream,olives,most liquid calories, takeaways, some biscuits e.g oreos, none calorie given bakery goods, pork, beef, butter,spreads granola,musili,cereal clusters,smiley faces, full sugar jelly and kiwi.
    the kiwi is just because last time i had it i was ill....
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Only one item:

    1. No demonizing food.
  • teabee17587
    To sum it all up...

    Don't change WHAT you eat, change HOW you eat.
    It isn't all about change of life style and stuff that everyone is mentioning i actually think theses are FEAR FOODS that people are generally scared OR/AND won't let them selves have.
    it isn't always about not knowing the portion control because most people on here have already learnt that!
    for example if someone loves shortbread biscuits and ate them all the time when they were fat without a thought of calories and no self control this person might be to hurt from the experience and scared of what will happen if they eat them again, learned insight to there nutritional value and maybe just banning them for the meantime until they have got everything in place with themselves
  • Zekela
    Zekela Posts: 634 Member
    I have banned meat since I'm vegetarian. I've banned shellfish due to shellfish allergy. I've banned anything with peanut butter in it because peanut butter is gross (Yes!!! I said it, it should be banned and is a perfect waste of the use of peanuts!). I've also banned eating spoiling chocolate with mint because adding mint to chocolate degrades perfectly good chocolate. Finally, cinnamon buns I have banned because I over did that some time ago. Not a fan of watermelon either.
  • myrtille87
    myrtille87 Posts: 122 Member
    I've not banned anything - I've banned a place.

    I'm not going to eat in my car on the way home from work, as this is the one place I tend to mindlessly consume hundreds of empty calories. After a hard day, I'll call at the supermarket for things I need, spot some cream cakes, or douhgnuts, or cheese scones, or a bag of Haribo tangfastics, and when I put the rest of my shopping in the back of the car, they go on my passenger seat. By the time I get home, they're gone and I haven't even enjoyed them much, just stuffed my face.

    I'm not necessarily going to completely stop buying these things. But if I put them in the back with the rest of my shopping, get home and sit down with a cup of tea, I'll actually eat a reasonable portion.

    That's the plan, anyway. :)
  • lgriffithschall
    lgriffithschall Posts: 28 Member
    I haven't 'banned' anything, but I know now what foods are likely to make me fall off the bandwagon, so I tread carefully around them. Regular soda is first on that list (I was drinking my daily calorie limit just in soda prior to starting MFP)-- I now never drink it through the week, but allow myself one regular soda on the weekend as a treat. Pasta is another trigger food that I know I'm better off to avoid. I don't think swearing off any food completely is the answer: real life is always going to present situations that involve foods that are high in calories, but, for me, the major goal of this process is to learn how to handle those situations as exceptions and go right back to my healthy lifestyle.
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    Kale is on my no list. Gross.
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    Mayonnaise and pickles.....not because I feel they're inherently unhealthy...mostly because they make me puke.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Crack...and heroin
  • DBoone85
    DBoone85 Posts: 916 Member
    Processed white sugar. Because it will kill rats in a controlled environment, and sailors in the 1600's.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Crack...and heroin

    Great weightloss supplements, I hear?
  • Phoenix__Rising
    Phoenix__Rising Posts: 9,981 Member
    I try to rarely eat: potato/bread/cheese/rice/beans/pork/grains (my body is intolerant)

    Never these days: pasta/beef/milk ..
  • EvelynR1967
    EvelynR1967 Posts: 78 Member
    I haven't banned anything either. If I do indulge, I do it in moderation. I never eat fried foods or drink soda, just because I prefer not to, but I think you can indulge yourself sometimes if you have the will power to not go over board and not do it on a daily basis
  • skyytlz
    skyytlz Posts: 30 Member
    i have nothing on my no list persay, but as i have been kind of lazy with loggiing and not really losing weight(sad face. my fault) but havent been gaining... happy face.

    now that i am starting to log everything to the best of my ability i realise the one thing i cant have in moderation is cheese. i love it, but its worth so many damn cals that i just need to quit buying it. if i dont buy it i wont have it. haha.... but if i decide to have pizza or something on a cheat day i will keep the cheese on it, im not going to give it up if its a cheat meal, but i am damned sure i wont be buying anymore while im trying to lose a lot of weight.
  • JasmineJYJ
    Just started out today but for me it would have to be all fizzy drinks and junk food...Pizza,fries,chips and sadly Nutella (the love of my life! ) also tea except green tea and Mr.Noodle !
  • Chanchka
    Chanchka Posts: 359 Member
    Nothing! If it fits into my daily calories, I eat it. I've come to learn that super high-calorie foods are rarely worth it, and eating some fast food will just make me snack more later in the day and set me up to fail. But overall, I eat a very healthy diet 95% of the time, and the other 5% of the time I enjoy whatever it is that I'm craving (in moderation, of course)! I think that's why I've been successful this time- it's nice knowing that nothing is off-limits.

  • spinneyhex
    spinneyhex Posts: 54 Member
    Full sugar fizzy drinks are banned as are most refined carbs, though those little buggers sneak in and then I pay dearly with intestinal problems. I do believe that a little of what you fancy is good for you.