Bad Breath - getting worse, is it diet related??

I hope it not too bizarre, I am drinking more water and eating healthier & exercising about 30 mins 3 x times a week. I have been on it for just over 3 weeks now, and I seem to have developed a bad taste in my mouth?? Its horrible, but it is helping me with the water drinking - do you think the diet is causing it?? Its not my teeth, its my tongue :(


  • pilotgirl2007
    pilotgirl2007 Posts: 368 Member
    Are you eating food with a lot of fake sugar in them (you know the sugar free drinks etc) If I eat food with fake sugar in them it leaves an aftertaste for me. It might be the same problem
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    What kind of diet are you on? I've heard low carb diets cause bad breath, but really not an expert but you can google it...
  • grim1
    grim1 Posts: 10 Member
    Sometimes if you have a high intake of protein that happens.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    try flossing daily if you don't already!
  • wewereinfinite
    Yeah if you are on any sort of Atkins type diet (no or low carbs, high protein) it may cause you to develop bad breath.
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If you are doing a low carb/high protein diet you could be in ketosis and that will cause bad breath. Give google a shot to see what will help.
  • brwnsugababe
    I have never heard of diets causing bad breaths. I found this article. I hope it helps. Wow! no matter how old we get, you can always learn something new.

    Low-Carb Diets Can Cause Bad Breath
    By Denise Mann
    WebMD FeatureReviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MDLow-carb diets may be good for your waistline, but you might not be able to say the same for your breath.

    What Your Dental Health Says About You

    It's easy to ignore the effects of poor oral hygiene because they're hidden in your mouth. But gum disease may point to problems with diabetes and heart disease and loose teeth could be a sign of osteoporosis. Could it be that a healthy mouth means more than just a sparkling smile? And what could your dentist learn about you the next time you open wide?
    Read more about what your mouth says about you

    Additional Links:
    Bad Breath: a Sign of Something More Harmful?
    Diet and Healthy Teeth
    13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life
    Tooth Whitening: What Works and When to Say No
    © 2008 WebMD, LLC. All rights reserved.
    Low-carb lifestyle junkies are more likely to suffer from a seldom discussed side effect of such diets -- halitosis, aka bad breath. And since more than 25 million people say they have tried the Atkins diet (not to mention other low-carb eating plans), according to the National Marketing Institute, bad breath may be an epidemic!

    Bad breath in the low/no-carb sect is often caused by certain chemicals that are released in the breath as the body burns fat. They are called ketones, and entering into a fat-burning state of ketosis is the hallmark of the Atkins diet. So the good news is that if your breath stinks, you're probably doing a good job of sticking to that low-carb diet.

    "Carbohydrates aren't readily available, so you start to use other fats and proteins as your source of energy, and as a result you are going to get a breath problem," explains Kenneth Burrell, DDS, the senior director of the council on scientific affairs of the American Dental Association.

    Pass the Bread?
    This is not an oral hygiene problem, Burrell says, so "all the brushing, flossing, and scraping of the tongue that you can do is not possibly enough to overcome this."

    The bottom line is that you must "reconsider the diet and modify it so this doesn't happen," he says. Sure, "there may be some ways to mask it by using mouthwashes, but you can't overcome the fundamental problem other than by changing the diet -- or at least introducing some carbohydrates."

    "It's a difficult problem to solve because if one uses any sucking candy or lozenge, one has to be careful that it has no sugar in it" as sugar is a big no-no on many low-carb eating plans, says S. Lawrence Simon, DDS, a New York City periodontist. Even so-called "sugar-free" products are often loaded with carbs.

    "If you have a metabolic cause of bad breath, there is very little the dentist can do; you have to change your diet," he says.

    In fact, "the South Beach diet permits more carbs than the traditional Atkins diet, so there is bound to be less bad breath on South Beach because you are not going into a state of ketosis," he says.

    Masking the Problem While Dropping the Pounds
    "If I was dropping weight, I would buy more sugarless mints, not quit the diet," says Charles H. Perle, DMD, a general dentist in Jersey City, N.J., and a spokesman for the Academy of General Dentistry.

    Perle says that even though this is not an oral hygiene problem, certain things can help banish the bad breath or at least mask the odor.

    Drink more water.

    Chew sugarless gum.

    Suck on sugarless mints. In particular, those that contain Xylitol also kill bacteria and can prevent cavities.

    Or, he says, "drink water and swish it around in your mouth after you eat. It moistens the mouth and gets the food particles that may contribute to odor out.

    "Basically when you are on a low-carbohydrate diet, the key to success is breaking fat into ketones to create ketosis, and as ketones get into urine and saliva, it can cause horrible breath," Perle tells WebMD.

    Drinking plenty of water helps dilute the concentration of ketones. In addition, chewing fresh parsley can help.

    If your bad breath persists, see your doctor, as it can be a sign of a serious medical condition, such as diabetes.
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    Be careful! You could be going into ketosis! That means that you need either more calories or carbs, because your body is starting to digest proteins (muscle). That funky sort-of sweet breath is a symptom of it. This is very bad for your kidneys, in fact, many diabetics worry about just that. Atkin's will tell you it's a good thing, and it may help you lose (muscle) weight fast, but you are doing a number on your kidneys. Think about upping your food intake, and make sure you drink extra water to flush all of that crap out of your system! :sick:
  • gero4878
    gero4878 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh goodness, I am just following the cals on MFP - I am only checking cals as per my daily allowance. Should I be following something else aswell?

    My typical daily diet is:

    I have cereal & skim milk

    sandwich - turkey, salad etc
    activia yoghurt
    low cal snack - crisps

    EITHER - homemade veg soup
    or homemade veg curry
    or low cal meal such as ww & salad

    ww cookies
    highlights hot chocolate

    1.5lr water
  • amydcarlson
    amydcarlson Posts: 136 Member
    You can go to a pharmacy and get over the counter ketone test strips. (you pee on them and if they turn purple, there is protein in your urine) It's nothing that you can't take care with maybe a banana or granola bar after a workout, and definitely more water. That may not even be the problem, maybe it's just....bad breath. I just got a bit alarmed, because I know it's a symptom and I lived with a diabetic for years.
  • gero4878
    gero4878 Posts: 5 Member
    I have just read the posts - quite interesting - I have only lost 1lb ths week & was disappointed because I increased my exercise, but have prob decreased my food intake. I need to add some carbs then, I assume and hopefully this will help create energy for my muscles which ill, in turn burn my fat?! Hmm, pasta it is tomorrow then! Thanks
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    If that is a typical day my suggestion would be to up the protein intake.
  • gero4878
    gero4878 Posts: 5 Member
    I just amended diet as it was 1 of those evening meals not all 3 - i have making a lot of things up with veg thinking it healthier, soups, curries etc.

    So is it protein & carbs I must increase??

    Gosh I need to know what other weigt losers are eating!
  • brwnsugababe
    Just check diaries of your friends. This is a learning process, we learn as we go. Good luck!
  • geralyn61
    geralyn61 Posts: 6 Member
    Most of the time bad breath is caused by two things in the mouth severe tooth decay and/or periodontal disease. It is more than likely in your case coming from the stomach acids due to hunger. the only think you can really do is keep drinking. and floss!!!!