
Does anyone know any good cardio and weight training exercises when you don't have a gym or gym equipment at home? I know walking and riding a bicycle is cardio, but I need suggestions for in the house when it's snowing or raining. Anything will help.


  • maaalloryy
    Pick up some workout dvds. They're cheap, & usually not too long, but a great workout!

    Jillian Michaels & The Biggest Loser have some great ones out.
  • PickyEater11
    Netflix has some good workout videos. You can also youtube videos. Cleaning the house is also burning calories and dance. I have a Verizon Ally cellphone and i have downloaded workout applictaions too. ((friend me is you'd like))
  • pinstripepirate
    pinstripepirate Posts: 605 Member
    I agree with the workout dvds. If you have OnDemand you can get free videos in the exercise tv section (go to OnDemand, then sports and fitness, then exercise tv and you can choose workouts from various categories). If you don't have that, try the library or youtube!
  • stephaniekendrick
    stephaniekendrick Posts: 87 Member
    I would definitely go with Zumba DVD's for a fantastic cardio work out! You easily burn a good amount of calories and it's fun! If you have a Wii, they have a zumba workout for that that's under $40. Otherwise, you can buy the DVD set that is I think $60, but you can probably find them cheaper on Craigslist or ebay I would imagine.
  • jmc274
    jmc274 Posts: 1 Member
    You don't need any gym equipment to get a great workout at home.
    A chair to do tricep dips - work your way up to 3 sets of 15
    Pushups - work up to 3 sets of 12 on your knees and then add one seton your toes (marine style) up to 3 sets of 12 marine style
    Crunches - traditional 25 with knees to side for obliques (both sides) 25 each side and straight leg lifts 2 counts up 2 counts down
    Gallon water, milk or OJ. Grip handle, lock upper arm into body and bicep curls - 3 sets of 12 both sides.. when you can get a dumbbell up the weight or up the reps.
    and split lunges... one foot in front (knee behind toe) one in back on the toe when you dip both knees should make 90 degree angles... then switch front foot... 25 each side

    And cardio intervals - each 30 seconds - jumping jacks - running in place but with feet kicking rear end - running high knees in front - and frog jumps from sqautting position explode up and reach for the sky - repeat sequence 3 times

    And there you go a quick, indoor, no equipment , whole body workout!
    Have fun and good luck...
    Oh and just when you think you can't finish that last rep... know that if you don't try you won't know if you really could.