my stomach... please help/advise!

i have lost a total of 30 lbs... ive gone from a size 16 to a size 10. i can't tell a difference in my stomach though... my stomach is huge for my height/weight (5'4, 155 lbs). i know im not skinny, so i don't expect it to be flat, but it's almost like all of my weight literally goes to my stomach :frown: i look at people on here with my same weight/height & i can't get over the difference! i really hate it & don't know what to do.... it's like i have a beer gut/pregnant belly (and i'm not preggers/never have been & i RARELY drink-- like 1 or 2 drinks every few months). i guess i could be "apple shaped," but i've read that those women tend to have large breasts as well, & that's def not me! haha. i know you can't target weight loss to a specific part of the body, so i've been feeling like this is a no-win battle :angry: any suggestions?


1) maybe part of the problem is constipation... i try to eat lots of fiber, but i guess i need to drink more water? maybe look into taking align (mom's suggestion)?

2) should i do crunches now, to try to help the problem, or wait until i get to my goal weight (want to lose another 25-30)? i work out 4 days a week (sometimes 5, but i haven't done 5 since the very beginning of this whole thing). i do lots of cardio (500-600 calories worth) & weights as well. BUT i do not do any ab exercises. ive heard/read that if you do them while you still have a lot of body fat, then your stomach will get bigger? myth or not?

i'd appreciate the help (ps- im 23 if it matters)


  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    You don't need to wait until you lose all the weight before doing ab exercises. Do them now!
  • drosenbauer
    Off the top of my head, some possibilities ...

    Do abdominal exercises! They're not going to help you lose the fat you've got, but they will help you strengthen your core, which will help you hold in your guts a bit better. I recommend the pilates abs sequence for core strength that focuses on abs. Make sure you pay attention to the instructions about holding your abs in and pressing your belly button to your spine, etc. I really recommend getting some sort of video instruction.

    There are various glandular diseases that can impact your body shape. One, in particular (Cushing's syndrome) can manifest itself with core weight gain and a round face (the "moon face"). My friend's mom has Cushing's and her body is definitely very "apple shaped". If this is a persistent problem, you may want to mention it to your doctor.
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    ive heard/read that if you do them while you still have a lot of body fat, then your stomach will get bigger? myth or not?

    Yeah, that kinda sounds like a load of phooey if you ask me. Strength training/toning is important for your whole body, abs included. Even if you can't see the results when there is excess weight around the middle, I'd say you should still do ab work, because it will help pull everything in, and when you do shed the weight, you will have something to show off :)
  • bathori
    bathori Posts: 33
    If you want a tailored waist you do not want to do direct ab-work. If you train your obliques with direct eccentric ab work, and they will get wider become a straight line. Women who want a soft look should avoid direct ab eccentric work and stick to larger core movements and isometric holds. This is the result of direct ab work - (wide, not hour glass)

    How much water do you drink? At 5'4 and 155lbs, unless you are heavily muscled, you probably have a lot of fat left to lose. Everyone has that one spot where the fat just won't budge - for you it may be you stomach and might be the last to do.

    Crunches will not decrease fat on your stomach, but eating in a deficit will :)
  • purple_power61
    purple_power61 Posts: 59 Member
    I have the same problem and my middle is the last to shrink..... very frustrating
  • mommyskis
    mommyskis Posts: 277 Member
    If you are suffering from constipation/bloating, etc., I suggest a probiotic from a health food store. It's helped me so much. I'm not in bikini shape, but my stomach is better from it. I tried the cheapo probiotic from the drug store and it made things worse, so I really reccomend you pay a little more and get a good one from the health food store.

    And everyone else is right, just have to decreas overall body fat. I've heard you have to eat pretty clean to achieve a flat belly.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    DO you do any HIIT (high Intensity Interval training)? If not, you could incorporate it into your routine. Google Tabata's. Or just HIIT. Its supposed to be very good for belly fat, or fat round the heart. Its very good for endurance too. I defintely noticed that i lost that high belly fat doing tabata's.

    Also, you must DEFINITELY work your core. It will give you better posture and ability it suck in!! No way to stomach muscles make you fatter! That's crazy! Muscles take up less room than fat!

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • InMyOwnWorld
    InMyOwnWorld Posts: 8 Member
    Cardio is your best friend. Ab exercises wont take any weight off the area, it will only tone or strengthen the muscles that are underneath the fat. Most of my weight is in my tummy too...cardio and circut training will eventually burn the fat away
  • sarahbear119
    sarahbear119 Posts: 80 Member
    Hip size has a lot to do with a stomach too. Just try ab workout.
  • mc1217
    mc1217 Posts: 108 Member
    thanks everyone-- i guess i need to start the strength training for my core (i know it wont cut the fat, but it's a start to toning i guess… after all, i lift weights to tone my arms & they're not getting bulky under the fat).

    i sometimes do HIT- i've heard it's good for losing belly fat as well.

    i will also invest in a pro-biotic (my mom keeps telling me to do this as well).