I cant do it help:(

Seriously guys i admire people who can do it i love food but am tired of always being the fat girl who never gets any attention i feel sorry for myself i dont have any confidence i dont know how to do it my only comfort is food :( plus everybody around me has a nice figure and they can eat what they like :/


  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    they can't eat what they like. they are more mindful of what they eat and how active they are than you know.

    start finding comfort in other things. feel sad? go for a walk. feeling let down? go for a walk.
  • zithura
    zithura Posts: 3
    Take it one day at a time. I have made it a habit of logging within 20 minutes of eating or exercising. Even when I go out with friends I break out the phone and log.

    Once my friends realized what I was doing and why, they have become more supportive. Yes the occasional jab here and there but for the most part it is out of fun and they are supportive.

    Just keep at it and you will succeed.
  • Sammy_545
    No you can do it. I feel the same way I try but give up after a few days. My family is no help they laugh at me. I lost 20kgs but picked it up also. My bros weddings coming up I'm the only fat girl left and I'm 21 but I look 51. I need support I can be there to motivate others but not myself. I'll help you if stay on track :)
  • fanceegirl75
    fanceegirl75 Posts: 620 Member
    If you are " tired of always being the fat girl who never gets any attention" then use that as your motivation. That's what brought me to MFP in 2011 when I first joined. I hated the way I looked and felt and finally decided to buckle down and do something about it. I'm back for round two because after an injury last year that forced me to stop working out I lost motivation. I've gained more than half of the weight I lost back. I know now MFP is a definite part of my lifestyle. You can do this. But you've got to want to!
  • Rlavigne93
    Rlavigne93 Posts: 119 Member
    I found what helped me was planning out my food for at least the day in advance. That way when I crave a snack, i can remind myself that if I just wait till later I can eat that OTHER thing that I planned for.
    As for the people that seem to magically stay thin with no effort, I just remind myself that metabolism catches up eventually. :)
  • Jetta_C
    Jetta_C Posts: 58
    Use these boards to help! Its is great to log in and just touch base with people who are struggling with the same challenges. You can pretty much find support any time of the day or night. That is the whole idea right - we can support each other :)

    You need to give yourself more credit - I'll bet you are stronger than you realize. For example, I bet you could commit to sticking to your eating plan for just one day, right? After all, you can do almost anything for one day. And if you can do that once, you can do it again.

    I'll be cheering for you :)
  • Luuvy
    Luuvy Posts: 602 Member
    Why can't you eat what you like? Exercise will help you to shed those unwanted pounds and still allow you to eat the foods that you love. I eat anything I want within moderation and I still lose weight.

    You can do it, one day, one choice at a time. If you really want it and put your mind to it nothing can stop you. It's mind over matter Good luck:flowerforyou:
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    You just have to try. There are many different ways of doing it, just keep trying until you find one way that works for you. If you exercise lots you can eat more. Take baby steps. If you can't reduce your calories to 500 less a day then try eating at 250 or swap 1 bad thing with 1 good thing and keep at it for a month and then swap something else.

    I understand the self confidence thing. I'm that girl who hates having her picture taken, I refuse to go to some social events because of the way I look. I won't take classes of any kind or go to any place where large groups of people gather because I'm so self conscious (and self loathing). I get it.

    But the way I see it is you have 2 options.
    1) you try
    2) you don't

    If you try you might make it or you might not but the only certainty is that if you DON'T try you'll definitely not get any better...

    You're the only one who can make this change so dig deep, find the strength and just give it a shot. Add friends on here, get accountability buddies and try to find someone to exercise with. Make it fun and it'll be more likely to stick.

    Feel free to add me if you like, I've got a LONG way to go but I'm actually in pretty good spirits these days :)
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    I like the advice, go for a walk, it always works for me, clears the cobwebs, takes your mind off everything, whilst making you happier and healthier.
  • Jimsmith109
    Jimsmith109 Posts: 38 Member
    You don't have to eat perfect to get it done but you will have to burn more calories than your use to .
    Take it day by day use your food journal exercise at least 4 days a week not just cardio you need weight training to preserve your muscle and get tone this will also stimulate your metabolism.
    I will be glad to help you if I can but as far as a proper diet is concerned you may want to get with some other ladies who have been there done that.
  • marioua22
    Aaww thank you so much its so good to find people that can seriously understand you :)
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    Finding things other than food to comfort yourself will be difficult but not impossible. It has taken you a long time to form those habits and it won't be easy to replace them, but YOU CAN DO IT. Don't make excuses! Be strong!

    Here are some ideas:
    A manicure/pedicure
    Visiting a friend you haven't seen in a while
    a new magazine
    new lotion/perfume/etc
    a new hair cut/color/treatment
    taking a walk somewhere beautiful
    taking a walk with a friend
    going to see a movie
    a new piece of clothing (maybe workout gear?)
    buy a new album on itunes
    a massage
    drop in on a yoga or exercise class you've been wanting to try
    binge watch something on netflix
    do something crafty
    try a new *healthy* food or recipe
    go hiking
    go berry picking with a friend
    go bowling or to the arcade

    AND realize that when you take care of yourself, whether it's through healthy food choices, exercise, or just abstaining from something unhealthy- that is self-love. You should take a moment be proud of yourself and feel good about making a choice that serves you well!
  • billr9mm
    billr9mm Posts: 72 Member
    Try to stay focused on activity. Keep moving, find ways to just keep moving. If you have a dog, take him or her for walks throughout the day and / or evening. Maybe volunteer at the local dog shelter to take their dogs for walks. I do this often and it fills the entire afternoon with movement that I’m not even thinking about. If you don’t have a dog, consider adopting one if you can financially do it. He / she will keep you busy and your mind off food for hours. Don’t preoccupy yourself with the “others” around you “having nice figures” it simply does not apply to you. Don’t waist that energy, instead use it move forward with your own goal. Another idea for volunteering would be at your local hospital. You will be on your feet the entire time and again, and will likely be moving the entire time. Boredom is a major culprit (my apologies if you already have a lot of movement and activity – these are only suggestions) . Good Luck!!
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    You just have to try. There are many different ways of doing it, just keep trying until you find one way that works for you. If you exercise lots you can eat more. Take baby steps. If you can't reduce your calories to 500 less a day then try eating at 250 or swap 1 bad thing with 1 good thing and keep at it for a month and then swap something else.

    I understand the self confidence thing. I'm that girl who hates having her picture taken, I refuse to go to some social events because of the way I look. I won't take classes of any kind or go to any place where large groups of people gather because I'm so self conscious (and self loathing). I get it.

    But the way I see it is you have 2 options.
    1) you try
    2) you don't

    If you try you might make it or you might not but the only certainty is that if you DON'T try you'll definitely not get any better...

    You're the only one who can make this change so dig deep, find the strength and just give it a shot. Add friends on here, get accountability buddies and try to find someone to exercise with. Make it fun and it'll be more likely to stick.

    Feel free to add me if you like, I've got a LONG way to go but I'm actually in pretty good spirits these days :)

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    All of what these people said.

    Most importantly, IMHO, is that you start tracking consistently and accurately for a week or two to determine a baseline...well, not just *a* baseline, but *your* baseline...and from there, you can make adjustments and set a reasonable calorie goal. Work at meeting that for a period of time (say, 4-6 weeks) and reevaluate your progress.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    NO ONE can eat whatever they want. When you really get to know people, you can find out "how" they do it. My waif-thin college roommate? She had digestive issues and never enjoyed food because she was often in pain. My thin coworker? I've found that she doesn't eat breakfast or lunch and only goes one meal a day. Countless of my healthy friends/coworkers are on weight watchers, myfitnesspal, sparkpeople, etc.

    If food is your only comfort, welp, you have to find 1. a new comfort 2. why you feel like you need to be comforted. When I'm stressed after work, I do all sorts of things, but eating is not one of them (other than my regular dinner). A long walk or short jog can give you fresh air, sunshine, and perspective. Sometimes I do my nails when i'm stressed or read a book.

    Try not to change too many things all at once. Good luck!
  • eomuno215in541
    eomuno215in541 Posts: 201 Member
    If I can do this ANYONE can. Weight loss is simple subtraction: consume less than you use. And I suck at math. Use the diary every day, be honest. MFP has a decent database, but google as needed. Exercise to earn more calories to eat. Then eat only half of what you earned. Unless you do a lot of strength training in a day, then eat more, cuz your healing muscles need food. THAT'S when you start to tweak the numbers and learn more about what your body needs. Eat what you want, anything, just WITHIN daily goal. For a 25yo woman, I think average is 1800 calories, so to lose I'd GUESS eat 1500-1600. Ask your doctor or a nutritionist. Do exercises you enjoy. So you'll keep doing them. Make it part of your day's routine, don't interrupt your routine for it. If I ate dinner then hit the gym, I'd never hit the gym. I go on my way home from work, easy peasy, I pedal and lift and sweat for an hour, and THEN I eat, and then I recline the rest of the night. I'm sure that will change, and I am getting more active, but it works for now. Sorry this was so long. It's just, really, if I can do this, YOU can, and you deserve happiness and satisfaction in your life. And I'm needy, so I'll give you all the attention you want :)
  • ScoobyM34
    I think you look pretty beautiful. Anyways, you CAN do it and still eat stuff you want to, you just have to limit yourself per day and exercise. And I'll feel the same exact way you do about my life (not having any self confidence and always being the chubby and undesirable one) and just saying screw it I'm just going to eat a whole pizza because it tastes damn good. Start slow and work your way up and you'll get there eventually. It's not a right off the bat thing.

    Feel free to add me I'm on here everyday and try to help as much as I can.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    You need to change your mind-set. Get a new perspective. As long as you THINK you can't, you won't. Get your mind in the game.
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    You need to change your mind-set. Get a new perspective. As long as you THINK you can't, you won't. Get your mind in the game.
