Keepin it open, your food diary that is.



  • DancingDreamer
    personally while i try not to judge anyone i actually judge CLOSED diary people more. i REALLY wonder what they have to hide. i've got nothing to hide, if i have a crap food day, i have a crap food day. thats just how it goes :/ and i've even gotten more than one very sweet message from people who have found my food diary helpful to them. i love having it all out in the open :)
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    agree 100%!!! even if you see people have messed up! it's commendable just to keep logging when you have a bad eating day!! I used to give up and not log at all if i cheated one time, and I learned it's better to accept the mistake,learn from it, and keep pushing forward. seeing how many calories everything is really helps open your eyes to how you got the way you are!! and i love seeing what other people eat, mostly for ideas for myself, but also to keep me and them accountable!! feel free to keep a check on mine! and i love constructive critism!
  • shadysyrup313
    shadysyrup313 Posts: 15 Member
    I don't eat anything interesting. Still keeping mine closed.
  • missgreen74_2003
    missgreen74_2003 Posts: 52 Member
    I keep mine open, and i love it! It makes me more accountable for what i eat. If i go for an oreo i think "Do i want everyone to know i ate that?" So I don't eat it, which is awesome! I love looking at other ppls because i'm clueless... I didn't become fat by growing up in a house that had healthy eating habits lol so its always nice to see what other ppl eat on a typical day. It's a wonderful tool and I intend to take advantage of it :D But I hold no bad feelings for those who don't, I just think, "awe man i wanted to see their diary lol."
    Anyone can add me :D and comment on my food diary anytime. Thats what I love about this site, the interaction and feedback from others is incouraging and very helpful! I would be lost with out it!
  • Warmbloodwear
    Warmbloodwear Posts: 387 Member
    Ok You swayed me too!!!
  • Amb1976
    Amb1976 Posts: 241 Member
    mines open!
  • Kristy1214
    Mine's open, and like you, I have learned about other also makes me feel normal, I don't eat anything special and i still manage to keep things in check, most of the time, I want other people to know they can eat "real food" and still stay within their goals... I love it, but it's up to you, open or not, i'll still be your friend!!
  • Sheltie4
    Sheltie4 Posts: 65 Member
    I think it is really easy to keep eating the same things over and over again so to be able to look at other diaries makes you aware of lots of other goodies to eat!

    I like to look at the diaries when people have posted that they have had a good/bad week. Mine is open, but when I keep entering wine I wonder if it should be!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    ok, ok, you convinced me. I'll make mine open!
  • unckat09
    I concur! We should start a food diary revolution! :drinker:
  • Dlenakakis
    Dlenakakis Posts: 11 Member
    How do you make it public?? :ohwell:
  • time2move
    time2move Posts: 78 Member
    I just changed mine to friends only last night. And funny, now I couldn't tell you why :) Guess I'll change it back to open. I don't care if you see that I had a chocolate cupcake for an afternoon snack. And really, if someone judges you by what's in there... they aren't a "friend" anyway. I like seeing when someone on my friends list is under their calories and typically look at it to see what I could do differently.
  • live2smyle
    live2smyle Posts: 592 Member
    I am new to MFP. My food diary is open but I am so afraid of people saying your not eating enough! I am trying as hard as I can to get over that "starve" yourself to loose weight mentality. I am adding more and more calories each day :) I worry people will judge that...

    I can honestly say so far I have liked other people's diary's being open. Never in judgement do I look but its nice to see what everyone is eating, the choices they are making. Lets be honest I didnt get this fat eating right :/

    Please feel free to add me if your looking for more supportive people :) Were all in the same boat!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    SW 222
    GW 145
    CW 213
    MG1 199 by 02/01/11
    MG2 174 Treat myself to a few new clothes
    MG3 149 Buy all new undergarmets at Vicky's Secret

    Final Goal 145 Maintain for 6 months Buy a whole new wadrobe!
  • Sheltie4
    Sheltie4 Posts: 65 Member
    I don't think anyone would make judgements like that - usually people only seem to comment on these if someone asks for help - not losing or something.

    I would never comment unfavourably on someone's food choices - I have enough worrying about my own!
  • seemichellerun
    I've kept mine open since day one. I've had a lot of positive comments from people stating that I've given them good ideas on how to get more protein in their diet and such.
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Mines open and I eat some rubbish sometimes.. If i am that worried about it I shouldnt of had it, simple. I love reading other peoples.
  • jennygurumi
    Mine is open. It is very repetitive and also embarrassing at times. :p
  • mommamo5
    Mine is open to friends but seeing as how I only have about 3-4 friends (lol) I guess I better open it up to all if I want any pointers. I'm new to MFP but I also like to surf the diaries to get ideas.
  • veggiegirl314
    I keep my food diary open, too! It makes me think twice about eating something unhealthy, because I know it will be out there for my friends to see!
  • fitness63
    fitness63 Posts: 42 Member
    Wow I never thought of that as I have never looked. Now I will open mine and look for new foods. I have always been honest and I will probably think twice before grabbing the handful of M&Ms off my co-workers desk tomorrow. :blushing: