Topamax-losing weight rapidly...



  • I was prescribed 100 mg of Topamax for migraine relief and remained on the drug for 3 years. Did I lose weight? Yes - probably too much. Did it limit my migraines? Absolutely. But the side effects of the drug were simply unbearable. I was a crazed, crying maniac the first 2 months while my body was trying to adjust. My memory was shot. I was terrified when I moved out of state and was interviewing for new jobs - I could barely remember previous jobs, people's names....I talked in circles and I find it a miracle that I was offered a job! The tingling sensations never went away. I knew I needed to get off of the drug but was terrified of the headaches coming back and subsequent weight gain.

    I've been off of Topamax since November and have gained 18 pounds. Fast. My memory has vastly improved and I feel my quality of life has certainly improved - however the weight gain is frustrating, depressing, and a real kick in the junk. I'm the most fit I've been in my life (recently placed 1st out of the females in a 5k last week...and dropped 3 minutes off of my time from last year), and have a great diet. I am just constantly thinking about food and have zero self-control. When I want a small chocolate treat after dinner I end up demolishing a pint of frozen yogurt, or literally shove cookies in my mouth until I feel even worse. I've stopped buying anything remotely bad for me since I know I was eat everything in one sitting. I'm temped to go back on Topamax for the weight loss, but cannot handle the dopey/crazy/can't-remember-anything feelings.
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    Weight loss is very common. I had no appetitie for the first month of Topomax, although it didn't equate to weight loss.

    Be careful as it has a lot of nasty side effects. I became really itchy everytime I took a shower. We installed water filters, changed shampoos and soaps, nothing happened. It wasn't until I stopped taking it and the itchiness went away that I realized it was from the drug.

    I also have near-bald spots because of the drug. Everytime I showered and my scalp would itch, a bunch of hair would fall out too. I've been off T for about 2 years now and still trying to get my hair back.

    It did work great for the migraines though.
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Topamax drove me insane. I took it for migraines. I was a totally different person. I'd lash out, do things I normally wouldn't do.I was extremely aggressive. Yes, I lost weight on it, but I got off of it after 4 months. I'd rather have the pain of the migraine than deal with that. I was a monster.

    ETA: I was always tired too. This drug is no joke. I got a rash. I was always itchy. It was nuts.
  • Adw7677
    Adw7677 Posts: 201 Member
    And as a previous poster said, be very aware of memory loss. It's not your typical, "I don't remember what I did yesterday." It's a more horrifying, "Why am I in this car? Do I live around here? What am I doing here?"
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    And as a previous poster said, be very aware of memory loss. It's not your typical, "I don't remember what I did yesterday." It's a more horrifying, "Why am I in this car? Do I live around here? What am I doing here?"

    My god, I had this happen to me! It was terrible. I thought I was sleep walking. I didn't think to attribute it to the drug.
  • AUGirl79
    AUGirl79 Posts: 13 Member
    I think Topamax is is common for bi-polar treatment.
  • lilpickle683
    lilpickle683 Posts: 6 Member
    i've been on topamax (now generic topiramate) for seven years for migraines. for the first 3 years I was on 50mg twice a day. the first year I was on it, I lost 30lbs - mostly because I didn't have an appetite and anything carbonated tasted horrible so soda and beer were out. The pins and needles feeling went away after a couple months. After those three years I dropped down to 50mg once a day (at night) because of the memory issues. I was having a hard time with an increased work load at work (which is NOT like me), forgetting people's names, things like that. now i'm on 25mg in the morning and 50mg at night; I'm getting married in June and the stress caused my migraines to get worse. so far so good on the side effects - although I wish the weight would come off quicker with the increased dose! :P
  • Revey13
    Revey13 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been taking Topamax for migraines for 3 months. I maybe lost 2 pounds but then, depending on what day I weigh myself it is back. I did experience extreme drowsiness for the first month and a half (so per doctor's order I took the pills at bedtime). That was very difficult but like most medications, even that side-effect was not permanent. After I adjusted the fatigue went away and whatever diminished appetitie I may have had is gone and I don't believe I have lingering side effects and whatever I did have did not effect the quality of my life in such a negative way that it was worth "flushing" the medication and giving up. Although my migraines are not gone, they are greatly reduced and - truthfully I don't care about rapid weightloss as my weight is fine - I am happy with topomax (at least until I get a kidney stone - then I will re-post). Anyway, rapid weightloss - I guess it depends on the person. I was not in it for the weightloss and did not have any... But I am here to sugges that since, like other posters here taking topomax for other reasons did not experience any weight lose then perhaps it also functions as a placebo for those wanting to loose weight? I found the accountablility of a food diary the best method for real and permanent weight loose (and you can do that without altering your brain chemistry).
  • Hi Becca- Same thing happened to me. I am down 7 lbs in 4 days! (hence the user name)
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    Are you having any other side effects?

    Topamax does commonly cause weight loss, but it is also not prescribed for bipolar disorder. It can be, but is off label. Are you sure that is what you are taking? If you don't mind my asking, are you type 1 or 2 bipolar? A mood stabilizer like lithium or valproate in combo with an antidepressant if necessary is usually standard of care. It worries me you taking topiramate (which is a seizure drug) and already having a reaction to it. Are you seeing a psychiatrist or is your primary care provider giving you that?

    Sorry for all the questions, but I would keep an eye out for any other reactions as well as your bipolar symptoms and make sure to tell your doc. Since topiramate is off label, it has not been extensively studied in bipolar disorder.

    I took this at a high dose for over 5 years as a bipolar treatment. It is often used as an antipsychotic at high doses (hence the nick name dopamax) I have been off of it since 2012 and the migraines have returned. Did you know they also use it to treat migraines? I'm starting back now going up to 100 mg daily. I took 200-500 as an antipsychotic drug. I was BP type 2 btw.
    I also want to say that I came off the bipolar meds and only take anxiety and depression meds now after losing weight, that was my main reason for being so depressed. (I also dropped weight quickly taking it before)
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    I also had wicked side effects...trailing lights when I drove after dark, the door frame would appear to be moving from side to side when I would first wake. As far as the memory loss, yeah I had that too, along with the increased difficulty concentrating. They said it would get better after I stopped but I can't really say that it did.
  • kateandkevin
    kateandkevin Posts: 13 Member
    I take Topamax twice daily for chronic migraines. I've been on it for about three years now. Once of the many side affects for me was weight lost. I'd say I lost about 10% of my body weight within the first 3 months of using it. Unfortunately, I gained the weight back within a year or so.
  • I am a psych nurse. Almost all mood stabilizers, with the exception of Lithium, are anti-seizure meds. Depakote, Neurontin, Lamictal all anti seizures meds. Topamax is not a first line mood stabilizer but not an uncommon one either
  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    I take the extended release topomax (Trokendi) and it does help with my migraines. My neurologist is lowering my dose from 50 to 25 and is added a new medication in today. At this point we are just trying to find a situation where the side effects and migraines are tolerable. It definitely is helping and switching from 100 mg of topomax to 50 mg of trokendi xr really helped decrease the side effects as well. Unfortunately, the migraines started coming again too, not as frequently as before, 1-2 a week is better than 3-4 times a week but still awful.
    Honestly, I have been able to start running again. I haven't felt this good in a long time. So, even though I have a lot of the same side effects many of you are complaining about I am able to have a life and for that I am so happy.
  • I have had great success with topamax. I titrated up starting at 25 mg per day, going up 25 per week to 100mg per day. I found this helped mitigate the side effects. Yes,I had brain fog and tingling I the hands, but I found that it faded after a few weeks on the medication. I lost 40 pounds in 6 months. I think this is a highly individual medication that works depending in your situation. This medication has been used to treat alcoholics, and part of my problem with sticking to a program is the temptation of beer and wine. Something about this medication allows me to say no to tempting foods as well as alcohol which of course can sabotage your day!

    Sometimes after that long day,you just say, dang it, I'm having a glass of wine, then before you know it, your husband says, how about a slice of cheese? And you say, why not? I was never able to take off more than 10 pounds before getting stuck in my lifestyle again before topamax. I have found I can go weeks at a time now really sticking with a healthy program, and since the side effects were minimal, FOR ME, it 's been totally worth it. I have 30 more pounds to lose.