Depression Isn't quite the right word here but I need help P

Hey everyone- it's hard to explain all the background on here, but I wrong about it in my blog today. I am going through a really though life change right now and I feel..... Idk foggy? I guess for lack of a better word. I have zero energy whatsoever- my excercising other than what I do at work then sabotage by overeating is basically non existent. I am trying to stay positive and get back on track but I am so tired I can't sleep and that leads to no energy it's a vicious cycle. I just need some love. Some support some encouragement. I know everything well be ok but I am just sad...that is the right word very sad about what I am going through. I know how to eat right I know how to excercise and I want to but I am just so numb right now.


  • xarrium
    xarrium Posts: 432 Member
    I know how you feel--hang in there! If you need, take a day (but only *one* day) off so you can rest and re-focus, then get back on the horse! Big changes (even ones for the better) can make you feel really low because they're stressful, but like you said, it'll be okay, just stick with it! And, of course, we're all here if you need support or some kind words!
  • xlacijeanx
    xlacijeanx Posts: 232 Member
    I myself suffer from severe depression from a lot of issues from my past. You made the first step by joining MFP and posting for some support. That right there tells me you're in the right frame of mind to make this positive changes in your life. I suffer from a medical condition that hinders my ability to work out all the time and I fell literally in a "foggy hole" and life just happened.. and suddenly I realized I am not happy and am going to do this for me because no matter what, this will make me happy in the end and the exercise is already de-stressing me.. and it's only been 4 days. I sent you a friend request! Best of luck, you deserve this! :)
  • JillianElizabeth73
    It's normal to feel down or depressed once in a while. Everyone goes through it! Obviously no 2 situations are ever exactly the same, but you're not alone! As hard as it is to get yourself up and moving when you feel this way, it's almost guaranteed to make you feel 10 times better. When I feel like that, getting myself to the gym is the hardest part, but I just think of how good I'll feel during and after my workout and that almost always gets me there! Try to make exercise an essential part of your life, no excuses! Don't let a few days of feeling sad get in the way of your success, it'll just set you back. Remember the reasons you logged on here in the first place! My advice: get moving, even if it's just a walk with a friend or cleaning up the house, every little bit of activity counts.
    P.S. Cheer up butter cup. :wink:
  • codyhare
    Im going through a little of that...Im trying this thing my friend is doing...he's eating 5 or 6 smaller meals and he says he's never hungry because he makes sure he its healthy food. This is my first day of his diet plan and I actually didnt feel really hungry at all. Maybe that will give you a little more energy in turn you will feel better
  • feenixgate
    I have been there and still fighting depression. It is a difficult battle since many people don't fully understand what you are going through unless they have been there. Something that has been helping me is sticky notes. I write one simple thing on a sticky note and place it next to my computer (where I am the most - maybe in your case the frig.). Everytime I accomplish a sticky, I remove it and give myself a small reward (a dollar in a piggy bank ,etc.) The only way this works if you start of really small. For example, sleep an extra 10 min. After you accomplish that, you could write sleep an extra 20 min., etc. Remember, this didn't happen overnight and will not go away overnight... but it will get better if you honestly work hard for it. My favorite quote is from Confucious - "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." You can do this.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I understand exactly what you mean by feeling "foggy". It's like you are looking at everything through a cloud, you have very little short term memory, things irritate you so much quicker than they normally would, you question everything you say and wheather or not you are making the correct decisions... I am there right now... you need to take time to yourself and meditate. Meditating brings you back to center and allows you to reconnect with your inner self so you know what you need to do and when you need to do it. It allows you a few breif minutes to yourself. You won't feel a huge difference the first time you do it but if you keep it up you will feel better:)
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    I suffer from Depression also and I can so relate to you But on Monday I was told by my Dr. That I now have Diabetes and that because of a past bill they would no longer see me and I asked well if I borrow the money to pay my bill will you still me and I was told I had to pay my bill and write a letter to the Dr stating why I didn't pay my bill and then it would be up to them if they seen me or not well it made me very depressed again because after borrowing the money to pay the bill then told me the Dr refuses to see me still unsure of why because now I finally have Insurance again, well a very dear friend on mine told me about this site My Fitness Pal and I thought well it won't hurt and I want to live and be healthy again so here I am and I have found some very awesome friends here and have so much support, You Can Do This !!! I am online alot so if you ever want to talk just send me a message I still have my days and nights mixed up lol but I do what I can when I can and that is all that expected out of you !!!! I wish you all the best in your Journey sending you a friend request :-)
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    sending you big hugs :smile:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I have been there and still fighting depression. It is a difficult battle since many people don't fully understand what you are going through unless they have been there. Something that has been helping me is sticky notes. I write one simple thing on a sticky note and place it next to my computer (where I am the most - maybe in your case the frig.). Everytime I accomplish a sticky, I remove it and give myself a small reward (a dollar in a piggy bank ,etc.) The only way this works if you start of really small. For example, sleep an extra 10 min. After you accomplish that, you could write sleep an extra 20 min., etc. Remember, this didn't happen overnight and will not go away overnight... but it will get better if you honestly work hard for it. My favorite quote is from Confucious - "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." You can do this.
    Wow thanks I love this idea!!! :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Awe thanks a million! I am here for you. I know how those doctor offices are one time I took my son in there screaming- his ears were infected and they refused to see him because I didnt have 80.00 right then and there It's ridicules I will be praying for you and we will defiantly talk! Thanks :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    Awe thanks a million! I am here for you. I know how those doctor offices are one time I took my son in there screaming- his ears were infected and they refused to see him because I didnt have 80.00 right then and there It's ridicules I will be praying for you and we will defiantly talk! Thanks :smile: :flowerforyou:
    This is for spunky spit fire
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    I understand exactly what you mean by feeling "foggy". It's like you are looking at everything through a cloud, you have very little short term memory, things irritate you so much quicker than they normally would, you question everything you say and wheather or not you are making the correct decisions... I am there right now... you need to take time to yourself and meditate. Meditating brings you back to center and allows you to reconnect with your inner self so you know what you need to do and when you need to do it. It allows you a few breif minutes to yourself. You won't feel a huge difference the first time you do it but if you keep it up you will feel better:)
    Thanks I will try this you really hit the nail on the head!! thanks again!!!:smile::flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • KimbersNewLife
    KimbersNewLife Posts: 645 Member
    sending you big hugs :smile:
    Thanks A million!! I am here for you too hugs back girl friend we are in this together!!!! In it to win it!! LOL
  • spunky_spit_fire
    spunky_spit_fire Posts: 103 Member
    Thank You :smile:
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member
    Hello All, Today (3/18/11) I feel very tired maybe even a little depressed. I seem to have no energy at all and I have a headache on top of it all. Right now I just want to go crawl back in the bed :-(... * I am going to go outside and sit in the sunshine for a bit to see if that helps. Any other suggestions?