high protein diet needed

I really need a good high protein diet. I need too get off carbs my tummy is my biggest problem. Please help! :smile:


  • sirabbadon
    sirabbadon Posts: 27 Member
    Carbs aren't evil. They don't make your tummy fat. Eating too much (of anything) does. As for a good high protein diet... Just eat more protein and less carbs? Are you looking for a pre-built meal plan? Google has thousands of suggestions.
  • AmethystIce
    AmethystIce Posts: 13 Member
    Its true that carbs aren't evil lol but it's also true that a low or no carb diet is fast and effective. The problem for most is that if you start eating carbs again you may gain back all the weight back just as fast as you lost it. What you need to keep in mind is that if you do decide to go back to eating carbs again you must focus on portion size and keep it healthy.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Eat more protein sources and reduce carb-heavy portions? But carbs are fantastic. Drink lots of water to help reduce water weight and eat the carbs. But also eat the protein because it's very important in fat loss and helping with body compositional goals.
  • Take a look at my diary im eating a lot of protein everyday between 200-300g of protein im eating 50 percent protein 30 percent carbs and 20 percent fat give or take a bit everyday the weight is just falling off me and able to maintain all my muscle as well
  • Thanks guys! Will take it into consideration. But I am looking to go the no carb route as that's one of my problems pastas and buns lol! But will slowly cut it out not all at once :) everything in moderation
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    Good carbs are good bad carbs are bad O_o wait what?

    For high protein remember the old 'rule' and here come haters and trolls

    1g protein to 1lbs body weight so if you weight 120lbs thats 120g of protein you need in your diet. Increase that number if you want more muscle mass but don't decrease if you want to get lean.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    The first few weeks I went carb free - well not really - I cut out all obvious carbs - wheat (so no biscuits, bread, cake, pasta), potatoes but I ate vegetables without worrying and protein and dairy and fats ...that worked well for me. Week 1 I didn't calorie count and lost 5lb (most of it water I'm sure), week 2 I started MFP and converted to the calorie counting but tried to remain carb free

    Then I introduced them slowly eg I ate 50g porridge or a slice of toast for breakfast

    Now I eat carbs whenever I feel like it but within my calorie defecit but I don't crave them like I used to so I'm not as worried - I probably eat bread once or twice a week now and it seems enough
  • RodHudson1229
    RodHudson1229 Posts: 65 Member
    Not to troll but I have always believed that rule to be 1g protein per pound of LEAN body mass. If you weigh 300lbs and your 40% fat I would not say eat 300grams of protein coupled with the rest of your daily needs.
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    @Rod I've heard both arguments but I usually go with the one you presented plus 20gs or so. Will proceed to add more protein later though.

    @OP It would help if we knew the macros youre trying to hit
  • takethatTM
    takethatTM Posts: 29 Member
    I really like South Beach. On Phase I you basically just get your carbs from veggies, and then after two weeks you start mixing fruit, whole grains, sweet potatoes, etc. back in. So it breaks the sugar/wheat habit and then slowly rebuilds your carbs.
  • I use herbalife shakes and protein products. I've lost 48 pounds since March and still going.
  • N0VV
    N0VV Posts: 18 Member
    I'm just starting Paleo for these reasons!
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Thanks guys! Will take it into consideration. But I am looking to go the no carb route as that's one of my problems pastas and buns lol! But will slowly cut it out not all at once :) everything in moderation

    Uh.... yeah good luck hating your life lol.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Not to troll but I have always believed that rule to be 1g protein per pound of LEAN body mass. If you weigh 300lbs and your 40% fat I would not say eat 300grams of protein coupled with the rest of your daily needs.

    It can be either. It really depends on your body. Like you mention, if you're 40% body fat then you do not need 300 grams of protein!

    Generally 0.8 to 1.5g of protein per lb are recommended, which I would say is ideal for anyone who is either close to their goal or not significantly overweight. If overweight or obese, then 1-2g of protein per lean body mass is much better.

    But really, it's all trial and error. I've found that for me, about 0.9g per total weight for me is the lowest I can go right now with good results, but I am no longer hovering above the overweight body fat percentage line. Once I reach my desired body fat levels, I'll most likely stick to my protein intake which will be closer to 1g per total lb.
  • montanasnowflake
    montanasnowflake Posts: 9 Member
    Eat like a diabetic.....high protein, low carb diet. I have to because I'm diabetic. :-)
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    I really need a good high protein diet. I need too get off carbs my tummy is my biggest problem. Please help! :smile:

    If your tummy is your biggest problem then you should count your blessings. Most people's biggest problems are their lack of knowledge, lack of motivation and a lack of will power.

    as far as a "good" high protein diet goes, hard to beat chicken for price / performance.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Chicken, beef, fish, pork. I'm all about meat!