New Work out routine + How long will it take?

Lose too much weight in a short amount of time = excess skin. Not what I want.
I'd like to lose a good amount of weight. I want to lose about 20-26 pounds and then slowly lose more.
I weigh 166lbs and have lost about 33 pounds. I've certainly come a long way. I lost that in about a year. *Is that a lot, average or less than average to lose in a year?

I want to start this in about a week or two (complete the 30 Day Shred First)
Anyways, I made this schedule up. *How does it sound?

Monday- 4.5- 6 miles (power and brisk walking)
Tuesday- Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level 3 (I've been using this and it's helped)
Wednesday- 4.5-6 miles (power walking and brisk walking)
Thursday- Palates (30 minutes) Playing soccer outside for about 25 minutes
Friday- Yoga (35 minutes a day) and Dumbbell exercises
Saturday- 4.5-6 miles (power walking and brisk walking)
Sunday- Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred Level 3

At first I wanted to walk 4.5 Miles and do the 30 Day Shred level 3 each day but I'm afraid it may be too much. I don't want any extra skin obviously. *How long do you think it'd take me to read my goal weight of approx. 140lbs? I'm 5'4" and I'm 18 years old.
I currently eat around 1300 calories a day.
I will also add a 10 minute exercise for each day. Any tips?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Your rate of weight loss has been very good so far. I'd say the average rate of weight loss for a woman is 0.5 - 1 lb per week. You lost 33 lbs in a year which comes out to about 0.64 lbs of weight loss per week so that's basically perfect.

    I don't see any heavy weight lifting in your routine. It seems to be mostly cardio with a little bit of endurance weight lifting. I'd strongly recommend a heavy lifting routine while you're losing weight for muscle retention. Calorie restriction coupled with cardio in the absence of weight lifting usually yields muscle loss which is not ideal.

    As far as how long it will take to lose the remaining 20-26 pounds, I'd say anywhere from 6 to 9 months if you're losing at a good rate.
  • OceanLove3
    OceanLove3 Posts: 12 Member
    Your rate of weight loss has been very good so far. I'd say the average rate of weight loss for a woman is 0.5 - 1 lb per week. You lost 33 lbs in a year which comes out to about 0.64 lbs of weight loss per week so that's basically perfect.

    I don't see any heavy weight lifting in your routine. It seems to be mostly cardio with a little bit of endurance weight lifting. I'd strongly recommend a heavy lifting routine while you're losing weight for muscle retention. Calorie restriction coupled with cardio in the absence of weight lifting usually yields muscle loss which is not ideal.

    As far as how long it will take to lose the remaining 20-26 pounds, I'd say anywhere from 6 to 9 months if you're losing at a good rate.

    Thank you for your feedback. Very informative!