gained 2 pounds in 4 days!!

i weighed on sunday and i was 11st 12lb. i weighed today and my weight shot up to 12st!! fuuuck!! 12 stone is gross and overweight and i feel so disgusting. my BMI says im overweight and my BMI is 26! i had one bad overreating day on sunday. i only overate by 1000 calories and had 3000 cals in total that day. i made up for it this week. i went on a 12k run on monday and burnt over 900 calories and ate less than 2000 calories. i went to the gym on tuesday and did some resistance training including weights and i did some cardio. i didn't overeat on that day either. on wednesday i was ill but still went for a long hour and a half walk and yesterday i stayed at home but ate 1600-1700 cals. i've been drinking plenty of water so i dont understand how i can still be retaining water. my mum thinks its because im constipated but i've weighed before and after a poo and there hasnt been much difference. i dont know how i could have gained 2 pounds!! i feel fat and disgusting. im seriously considering taking laxatives. how could i have gained 2 pounds in 4 days. my period isnt due either.


  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Did you eat 14000 EXTRA calories?? Of course you didn't, so it's water retention. These things happen so relax and wait it out!
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    Normal daily fluctuations you can vary up to 5 pounds in a day. You need to accept this. The tone in your post and the mention of laxatives makes me think you have some issues that need to be addressed as this sort of attitude is not healthy. Also you mention in your profile about binging. Have you spoken to a health professional about these issues I would highly recommend you address this

    Good luck
  • docc30
    docc30 Posts: 33 Member
    I gained 2 lbs since yesterday. I know I didn't eat an extra 7000 calories yesterday, but I did lift heavy so my body is retaining water. I'm just going to stay off the scale for a few days and I'll be fine.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    No. No you didn't.

    Please don't post the same topic multiple times. It's against TOS.
  • crazychic1133
    Normal daily fluctuations you can vary up to 5 pounds in a day. You need to accept this. The tone in your post and the mention of laxatives makes me think you have some issues that need to be addressed as this sort of attitude is not healthy. Also you mention in your profile about binging. Have you spoken to a health professional about these issues I would highly recommend you address this

    Good luck

    As _Zardoz_ said, it might be good to talk to a health professional, like your GP. The stress of putting on two pounds and talking about laxatives, and the fact you mention In your profile that you lost weight quickly in the past and got obsessive about it worries me. I gained just under 2 pounds this week but I'm not stressing as I know that weight can fluctuate by as much as a few pounds a day, depending on things such as your period, ovulation, water retention, sodium, constipation, etc. Don't stress about it!
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    i feel fat and disgusting. im seriously considering taking laxatives.

    This sounds like you have a major problem with your body image. Taking laxatives for weight loss is extremely concerning and can become highly dangerous.

    I agree with those that said to stay away from the scale for a while. Eat healthily and make sure you're drinking enough water.
  • atkinsshake
    atkinsshake Posts: 21 Member
    Laxatives will make you lose vital nutrients and put you into an electrolyte imbalance. Contrary to popular belief taking laxatives does not cause your body to NOT absorb calories. There is a MINIMAL of non absorption and the weight loss you may see on the scale will soon change. Taking laxatives on a regular basis will cause a fluid shift into your interstitial tissues and you will see another weight gain. Dont do it. Good luck and please see someone about your obsession to be so upset over a 2 lb gain and your bad feelings about yourself. It isnt a crime, we all need help with this sometimes. Good luck and please keep coming back to the boards. Remember people are not here to judge, just to help if they can.
  • FisherGT
    FisherGT Posts: 55 Member
    Darlin. All that aside, it doesnt matter if your fat or thin or missing an arm, you deserve to love yourself and your body :) Its the only one you have and no one has a perfect one.

    Ps. Back when i was dealing with bulimia i found that taking laxatives caused me to retain water and weight, not the other way around.