Prediabetic - My second day Low sugar, Low Carb. Help?

Hi all. I'm new to MFP, and how awesome and user friendly it is! Not to mention all the support and tools.

So, down to business.

I was diagnosed as being pre-diabetic by my family doctor 2 days ago, who suggested eating low-carb, low-sugar, and not overboard on the fats. The first goal of mine is to lose 10% of my body weight (18 lbs,) which she said could possibly reverse it! I am aware that I will always need to eat this way, which makes more sense than the average American diet to me anyway.
I am having a hard time figuring out the role of natural sugars (like fruit) in this. My goal is to keep under 50 carbs daily, just until I lose the 10%, then maybe I'll add some more occasionally. Should I just stay away from fruit for now?
And also, a 100 calorie Greek yogurt has 12 gr of carbs, I always eat one in the morning with my pills, but is it still a good choice or not so much?
And also, Here is a rundown of my totals from yesterday. Am I eating too much?
Sorry for all the questions, thanks for any feedback!

Totals 1,475 70 98 101 3,192 26
Your Daily Goal 1,200 45 40 165 2,300 45
Remaining -275 -25 -58 64 -892 19
Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sodium Sugar


  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,866 Member
    You might get more responses from the diabetes and pre-diabetes forums here. Do a search to find them.

    I've managed to reverse my T2 diagnosis by losing weight. I believe a lot of the standard wisdom is to test BG often and eat to meter and to avoid high glycemic index foods unless combined with fat and protein. There are some useful websites about managing diabetes through diet, but I don't have the URL's at hand.

    I don't really watch carbs carefully anymore, myself.
  • elizabethmerchant16
    elizabethmerchant16 Posts: 11 Member
    Thank you for responding! Great plan, but I can't seem to find the pre-diabetic/diabetic forum! I'll keep looking. :)
  • I too do low carb - I'm on a max of 30g per day - but I still include as many fruit and veg as possible and always have my 5 a day, just ones with a lower carb and sugar, higher fibre content. Strawberries are a good one to add to your day as you only need a few to get some form of vitamins from them without all the other stuff. Broccoli if you like it is a really good veg to go for and mixed salad leaves also work well. I find I've never gone over my carb allowance. I have cut out all wheat and potato products though so that helps keep everything else low.
    Good luck.
  • ainarsraciks
    ainarsraciks Posts: 166 Member
    I'm sure you can find a Greek yogurt with 5 or less grams of carbs per 100g.
    Fruits has a lot of sugar, sugar is carbs. So eating too much fruit can put you over your limits.
    Anything is ok really. As long as you menage to stay in your desired limits of carbs. You might as well get all 50g of carbs from piece of chocolate and be ok if that is all your carbs for a day. Carb sources does not matter, it's the amount. So you can ate fruits if you wants. I would suggest to have snacks high in fat instead tho. Like avocado or nuts. Or fruits low in carbs like an apple, strawberries, watermelon, nectarines, etc.
  • mmarquard75
    mmarquard75 Posts: 6 Member
    I was just diagnosed wth T2 earlier this month. I am using this website to count my carbs which she told me nees tobe between 45-65/meal. And I got a fitbit to help as well. My Dr. and others have told me that working out (walking) 30 minutes a day is a huge help as this makes your body convert the blood sugar into energy expelling it from us. YAY!! I've lost over 4 pounds since I started this and I was on weight watchers before without as much success.
    Fruit? I cut most of what I was eating (WW has limitless fruits) and replaced it with veggies. My Triglicerieds were super high and I hope this helps lower them.

    Best of luck!! Maybe we should stay in touch and encourage each other.
  • atkinsshake
    atkinsshake Posts: 21 Member
    6 oz chobani or Fage greek yogurt is only 7 gms
  • elizabethmerchant16
    elizabethmerchant16 Posts: 11 Member
    Great feedback! Thanks so much!
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    I'm Type II, well, not really, as I just moved back into pre-diabetic range!!

    Sugar is sugar. From non-diabetics you'll get a lot of "eat as much as you want!" But it's not true for you. Your body does NOT recognize a difference and that's that.

    A couple tricks that help, count NET carbs. Carbs minus fibre = net carb. Your body processes fibre different than sugar and it offsets it.
    If you do eat carbs, and I still do, mix them with a protein. A tablespoon of peanut butter will do the trick.
    Keep your carbs even. I'm at around 100/day. I do about 30/meal and the rest is left for snacks.
    Oddly enough, low fat stuff is higher in carbs than most full fat. Welcome to the wonderful world of trying to find full fat yogurt!
    EAT! This seemed counterintuitive to me, cause weight loss is the main goal, but what you're trying to avoid is highs and lows. Breakfast lunch and dinner is essential to me now.
    As far as the fruit thing goes, berries (and not cherries) are good because they're low glycemic.
    Lots of info here.

    And I've lost all my weight so far with an hour walk every day. I also recommend a fitbit if you have an issue staying motivated.
  • jenniferwcruz
    jenniferwcruz Posts: 2 Member
    Thank God! For me coming across this message board. The hardest part is finding out that you are pre-diabetic at a young age and need to go on a low carb diet. I am new to this also and willing to find a partner to help me and as I help them. If anyone is willing to help me loose weight and keep me on track as I will do the same.
  • jenniferwcruz
    jenniferwcruz Posts: 2 Member
    I have no problem in walking as I work nights and I am constantly on my feet 10 hours plus.
  • taylorizal
    taylorizal Posts: 25 Member
    I'm pre-diabetic as well. My mom was diabetic also. Our doctors told us the same thing. Stick to 3-4 servings of carbs a meal. One serving equals 15 grams of carbs (so, stick to 45-60 carbs a meal). The amount of sugar in something plays no role in your blood sugar. The only relationship is that more sugar in something tends to mean there will probably be more carbs, but that isn't always the case. Any snacks should be 1 serving of carbs or less. I suggest seeing a dietician who will be able to explain a diabetic diet the best. They should also have tons of handouts and papers that will help you with your diet.
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Sugars from fruits are something to keep in mind, but not be afraid of. Glycemic index of food (how much it will spike your blood sugar) combined with glycemic load (overall carb count) is what you need to watch more carefully. Both are based on a scale of 100 (1 being lowest and 100 being the worst).

    I'm in similar boat with you, but I'm not diagnosed pre-diabetic, just predisposed to it. Blueberries were great for their GI and GL numbers as are peaches, nectarines, and apples. There are a few more, but strawberries are higher for both GI and GL. Optimally, you would like the GI and GL indexes as low as possible, but fruit is hard. Staying below 50 on both is what you should strive for. I was surprised at how "high" vegetable numbers were as well so be aware of that too.

    I will try and keep my fruits to breakfast and mid morning snacks only so that I have a chance to burn away these carbs/sugars throughout the day. I cut out all refined sugars in anything except marinades (I will still cheat on those). Sugary drinks were never a problem for me, but those have always been something I watched for.

    I customized my diet (also 1200 cal) to get 1/3 of my calories from each group carb/fat/protein so that I'm balanced throughout the day and I definitely watch my sugars as well. Good luck!
  • eza2
    eza2 Posts: 2
    I was just diagnosed as a pre diabetic you may want to take a look a this website take a look at the transformation that's what I'm doing!
  • JoyeII
    JoyeII Posts: 240 Member
    I'm sure you can find a Greek yogurt with 5 or less grams of carbs per 100g.
    Fruits has a lot of sugar, sugar is carbs. So eating too much fruit can put you over your limits.
    Anything is ok really. As long as you menage to stay in your desired limits of carbs. You might as well get all 50g of carbs from piece of chocolate and be ok if that is all your carbs for a day. Carb sources does not matter, it's the amount. So you can ate fruits if you wants. I would suggest to have snacks high in fat instead tho. Like avocado or nuts. Or fruits low in carbs like an apple, strawberries, watermelon, nectarines, etc.

    Managing your blood glucose levels is about keeping things even throughout the day. No big spikes, no big drops. Eat when you're hungry and make sure, if you're eating some carbs that you get some fiber and protein with them at the same time so they're slower to absorb.

    The advice above about going ahead and having all 50 grams of your carbs at once by eating some chocolate is not good advice.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I've been a full blown type 1 diabetic since I was 12. I do eat healthy fats, "smart" carbs, etc. I can't recommend enough for you to look into the glycemic index and choosing foods from that list. There are some good recipes out there too that follow the low glycemic index.
  • AshleyCraig54
    AshleyCraig54 Posts: 16 Member
    Sugars from fruits are something to keep in mind, but not be afraid of. Glycemic index of food (how much it will spike your blood sugar) combined with glycemic load (overall carb count) is what you need to watch more carefully. Both are based on a scale of 100 (1 being lowest and 100 being the worst).

    I'm in similar boat with you, but I'm not diagnosed pre-diabetic, just predisposed to it. Blueberries were great for their GI and GL numbers as are peaches, nectarines, and apples. There are a few more, but strawberries are higher for both GI and GL. Optimally, you would like the GI and GL indexes as low as possible, but fruit is hard. Staying below 50 on both is what you should strive for. I was surprised at how "high" vegetable numbers were as well so be aware of that too.

    This is very true. I'm a Type 1 diabetic (so insulin-dependent for life) and what you have to discern is how particular foods affect YOU. There are good guidelines, such as the glycemic index, but most of us who monitor our blood sugar very closely will tell you that those guidelines can vary :) I agree that you should look to fruits like berries and apples and perhaps avoid things like watermelon, mango, bananas for the short term.

    Glycemic load is not exactly the overall carb count as the above poster stated. Glycemic load is the estimation of how much a food or a combination of foods will raise blood sugar, and is based on glycemic index and total number of carbs. It CAN be deceiving for diabetics, because often what happens with low GL foods or food combos is a delayed blood sugar spike. So measuring your blood sugar two hours after a meal might give you a great reading, but check again in another hour or two and it might be sky high.

    Fruit juices, however, can spike you fast. I'd try to avoid these unless you are drinking fresh fruit juice from a juicer.

    It's tricky business.

    I would suggest for the time being to avoid "white" starches - white bread, white rice, white pasta, etc. Eating more whole grain foods will help keep your blood sugars more stable. And when eating something that is high GI (which might spike you fast) pair it with a protein, like peanut butter as one other poster suggested. That will help to slow down the spike.

    As for dairy with carbs (such as yogurt, etc) what I would pay attention to is the label and the ingredients. For instance if a serving of blueberry yogurt has 33g of carbs and it lists 26g of sugar, then you know it will affect your blood sugar. If you are eating a serving of cottage cheese and it has 8g of carbs, it probably won't affect your blood sugar too much if at all.

    I would say the Greek yogurt you are eating is probably ok.

    Are you testing your blood sugar? This is VERY important and not stressed enough with Type 2s. If you are curious about how a meal or certain food will affect your sugar, you test before you eat, and then two hours after. Then you'll see how it affects your sugar. I do this for EVERY meal and snack I eat. But Type 1 is a different beast ;-)
    Do you know what your target ranges are? Do you know what your fasting sugar is in the morning? This is a very important number. Do you know what your A1C is?

    Also important to note is that exercise increases your body's ability to use insulin, so if you have a meal with a lot of carbs and you want to make sure you don't see a spike, do some exercise! I know for me, when I go for a run, I usually unplug my insulin pump altogether or I have a hypo (go too low).

    If you have any questions don't hesitate to PM me!
  • Justamom410
    Justamom410 Posts: 90 Member
    I'm Type II, well, not really, as I just moved back into pre-diabetic range!!

    Sugar is sugar. From non-diabetics you'll get a lot of "eat as much as you want!" But it's not true for you. Your body does NOT recognize a difference and that's that.

    A couple tricks that help, count NET carbs. Carbs minus fibre = net carb. Your body processes fibre different than sugar and it offsets it.
    If you do eat carbs, and I still do, mix them with a protein. A tablespoon of peanut butter will do the trick.
    Keep your carbs even. I'm at around 100/day. I do about 30/meal and the rest is left for snacks.
    Oddly enough, low fat stuff is higher in carbs than most full fat. Welcome to the wonderful world of trying to find full fat yogurt!
    EAT! This seemed counterintuitive to me, cause weight loss is the main goal, but what you're trying to avoid is highs and lows. Breakfast lunch and dinner is essential to me now.
    As far as the fruit thing goes, berries (and not cherries) are good because they're low glycemic.
    Lots of info here.

    And I've lost all my weight so far with an hour walk every day. I also recommend a fitbit if you have an issue staying motivated.

    This is what I was told by my nutrionist. If I eat an apple, I need to eat a protein with it. So I eat it with peanut butter. Any carb I have to try to offset with a protein.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    I honestly believe you have to find what foods affect you. Each person is different. Being a type 1, I know that I can eat a particular food and it doesn't affect my sugar, but another person it can. You'll find out thru trial and error what works and what doesn't. I'm sure weight loss and exercise will ward this all off for you. Good luck to you.
  • elizabethmerchant16
    elizabethmerchant16 Posts: 11 Member
    Wow, glycemic index is a whole new thing to me - I'm researching it now. Good to know!
    My A1c is 6.1. I thought I was anemic, as I was before, but I had started taking liquid iron, so supposedly I got my iron level up high enough. But what WAS found out from my blood results is that I'm pre-diabetic. My doctor's office called to let me know, and just suggested I control it with diet until my follow up appointment (3 months from now!) I've been having spells after I ate- nausea and slight vomiting, an uncomfortable headache at the base of my neck, blurry vision, etc. I had no idea it was from high blood sugar - and I mean these spells were going on for months! I just thought it was from low iron, and never connected all the dots.

    So I don't have a monitor, but my husband does (he's type 1.) So after I found out, we tested my sugar after I ate 1 chalupa and some mountain dew from taco bell ( i hardly ever eat that crap, but it was an experiment of sorts, and i quickly felt like hell! It was 249, my husband almost took me to the hospital. He actually gave me some insulin, which lowered it to 80, and I almost immediately felt better. I KNOW this isn't advisable, but my husband was worried.

    Since I've been controlling it with diet (3 days) it's been steadily around 80.

    Thanks for all the info! I'm checking it all out now :)