Anyone do cheat days?



  • chelseascounter
    chelseascounter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I used to but not anymore. They drove me crazy. Now I just fit whatever I want to eat in my cals. Once a or twice a week I do go over my cals by a ton.
  • RET68
    RET68 Posts: 88
    Every other week, I go out for fried catfish, grits with cheese and greens soaked in bacon grease. I then eat movie popcorn and sno caps with dh. I sort of feel like I'm in shock afterwards, but the mental crap, of "I can't ever have it again", messes with me worse than the calories. OP probably knows that as much as fifty percent of the population carries general inflammation from foods like gluten, dairy, soy, corn, etc, and is choosing to give her body a rest. I applaud her. :flowerforyou: If you're someone who can eat inflammatory foods and be good with it, you should appreciate it, and not cast stones. If you however, always have inflamed muscles, sinusitis, reflux, gas, constipation, or brain fog: try going off or reducing gluten and dairy. Restricting dairy to once a week can do fabulous things for about half of us. :smile:
  • liftnlove_
    liftnlove_ Posts: 112 Member
    I do. I find it hilarious how people get all bent out of shape because you call it a "cheat day"... Ooohhh like it matters?!?! Call it a "refeed" day if it makes you feel better. Bunch of semantic tightwads... Lots of people do well with an occasional cheat day, lots of people do well with working small treats into their everyday lives. Do what works for you.
  • TLwineguzzler
    TLwineguzzler Posts: 289 Member
    I have a cheat evening once a week, either a Friday or a Saturday, when I have a takeout curry or kebab and a bottle of red, but I behave myself and eat good in the day :smile:
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I do cheat meals (cheat weekends when I'm camping), so long as I can stay under maintenance calories. I'm eating at about a 500 calorie deficit right now, so when I eat to my TDEE that usually gives me more than enough room to eat whatever it is I've decided is worth the splurge -- then I just don't weigh in for a few days to avoid seeing the water weight.

    Tonight is actually my cheat meal; SO has been craving fried chicken all week, so we're going to grab Mary Brown's for dinner. I'll actually still be within my weight loss calories (since I got a chance to plan for it), but I'm going to be eating like three times the healthy amount of sodium haha
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    I never plan for one! But they happen. When friends want to cook, I eat what they make. That's a cheat meal to me.
  • gfarretiytr
    I do i find them really helpful
  • T1DCarnivoreRunner
    T1DCarnivoreRunner Posts: 11,502 Member
    I think a cheat day means something different to everyone. Some eat "unhealthy" foods, sometimes even keeping a calorie deficit. Others eat at a maintenance calorie level rather than a deficit. Personally, I don't really consider either of those to be "cheat days." My idea of a cheat day is to eat whatever I want and as much as I want.

    I started at 201 lbs., and have had to lose very slowly because of health issues that I experienced when losing more quickly (it's complicated, and I won't try to explain here). So I ended up taking a break from trying to lose weight for about 6 weeks. When I started up again, at the beginning of June, I told myself that I would let myself have a cheat day at 185 lbs. (which was about 7-8 lbs. away). I had hoped to eat 2 lbs. of spaghetti, 2 cakes, a pan of brownies, 2 pizzas, and 2 packages of Oreos. The cheat day was on Aug. 3. Turns out my eyes were bigger than my stomach, and I didn't get to eat that much but ended up with 8k calories anyway.

    I will do another cheat day when I reach 175 lbs., and will forego the spaghetti in favor of pizzas. When I make these milestones, it is after a long time of careful dieting (2 months in the first case), so I do not feel bad pigging out. In the nearly 3 weeks since my cheat day, I've surprisingly lost all all of what I gained cheating and then some (5 lbs., which is a fast loss for me).

    My cheat days are infrequent, but extreme. Some have frequent mild cheat days. Neither is necessarily wrong, so just keep doing it if it works. The point of a cheat day is to keep yourself happy mentally, right? If you need to have a small cheat every week to do that, and you are still losing weight... then by all means, keep doing it.
  • bfergusonii
    bfergusonii Posts: 208 Member
    I don't plan for them and don't really feel the need to plan them.

    Unfortunately??, they seem to occasionally happen. Usually it's when traveling for business and you end up with clients and suddenly beers are being ordered, then comes the nachos, etc. etc.

    I always go back and log them but it's usually more calories than I should have eaten.

    I always feel physically terrible for the rest of the night and part of tomorrow, vow to never do that again because I feel like crap, then, several months later...
  • He1loKitty
    He1loKitty Posts: 212 Member
    I don't schedule cheat days because real life provides enough opportunities to indulge. Birthdays, celebrations, days when I get home too late from work and grab whatever is easiest, etc. I have to make sure that I eat healthy the rest of the time to accommodate for the expected and unexpected deviations. I do enjoy the times I cheat though.
  • mads_o86
    mads_o86 Posts: 43 Member
    About every 4 weeks I'll have a scheduled weekend where I don't work out and I eat whatever I like and as much as I like. I do this so my body can recover from a lot of excercise and get all the calories it needs to recover.

    It's not cheating in any way, it's taking care of the body in a good way. I'll gain about a pound on one of those weekends, but if that keeps me fit enough to lose 4-8 pounds in the next four weeks that's fine.