binge eating - bad night!!

I binge at last night after a night of drinking. I joined weight watchers about 2 weeks ago and thought it was the answer to weight loss. I love the program and am happy I joined, but it's not a solution for my binge eating disorder. I lost 30 pounds a few years ago and was at a normal, healthy weight for my body. I maintained it for a few years and had no problems with my eating. I was eating normally and was happy! But it all changed about a year ago and now I feel out of control. I'm sick of starting over. I'm sick of telling myself it's OK and that I'll just start fresh the next day. I just want this weight loss journey to be over. It's all I think about. My clothes dont fit anymore and I refuse to buy new ones. I feel like that's me accepting this weight gain. I dont want different clothes, I want the clothes I already own. I'm just having such a bad day. I had such a fun night out last night! I just ruined it with my crazy eating.
Ugh, just needed to vent. Dont know what else to do.


  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    log it and continue to look forward, not what is behind you. With weight loss you will have successes, and set backs a long the way. Just make sure if you go one step backward, you are always two steps forward with effort you have already put in.
  • donnabullen
    donnabullen Posts: 47 Member
    Please don't beat yourself up about it, we all have bad days, we are human and we do have a blip from time to time. feel free to add me and in the meantime keep your chin up, think positive thoughts and stay strong. xx
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Here is what you follow the MFP program and accurately faithfully log every single morsel of food that passes your lips. If your hungry but have no calories left then its okay to just be hungry until tomorrow when you will have more calories.......pick lower calorie options then so you will not run out of calories. If you want a steak, have a steak but you be best not to eat the whole thing. Buy a kitchen scale, weigh and measure everything you eat (my biggest problem was underestimating portion sizes and calories) Some suggestions when you are hungry for a snack, airpopped popcorn (150 calories per 8 cups popped), apple (80 Calories), Can of Tuna (140 Calories), dont waste your calories on potatoes, rice, and bread. Don't put salad dressing on your salad, I do romaine lettuce with tomatoes and sometimes squeeze lemon on it (next to no calories in lettuce, tomatoes, or lemon), I always have steamed veggies like brocolli, zucinni, cauliflower (next to no calories in this stuff).

    Read the forums, take the good advice from the people that have lost lots of weight (not the ones that havn't lost anything or very little). If you gotta drink alcohol then chose stuff like vodka w/ sugar&calorie free juice, rum w/water or diet soda, light beer, etc. Make some friend on here and feed off of their good energy.

    You only have 11 lbs to lose, you can do this in less than 2 months. I have 90 lbs to lose and have given myself a year to do it (Less than 5 months in and I am already down 47 of 90 lbs........if I can do it you can too.

    By the way I don't want to hear anyone running their mouths about the no Bread, Rice, or my opinion they offer little nutritional value in comparasin to the number of calories they have.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    Unfortunately, Weight Watchers is not going to be a solution for you, and you will likely find yourself in the same position again in the future.

    Seek out a therapist and get yourself some proper treatment for your disorder. Binge eating is a symptom, not the root issue. Find a qualified ED specialist, and start doing the work necessary to address it.
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    And one more may have to work at being thin for the rest of your life but thats gonna be much better than giving up and becoming a fat, unhealthy, unhappy, unattractive overweight blob. Trust me you have the MFP tools to do this......its easy once you get rolling so Smile and go get some exercies :)
  • stonegirldancing42
    stonegirldancing42 Posts: 76 Member
    Agree - don't look behind. You caught yourself, you vented, now move forward.

  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Unfortunately, Weight Watchers is not going to be a solution for you, and you will likely find yourself in the same position again in the future.

    Seek out a therapist and get yourself some proper treatment for your disorder. Binge eating is a symptom, not the root issue. Find a qualified ED specialist, and start doing the work necessary to address it.

    Jim why does she need an ED Specialist..........she has a eating problem not an Erectile Dysfunction problem :S
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Unfortunately, Weight Watchers is not going to be a solution for you, and you will likely find yourself in the same position again in the future.

    Seek out a therapist and get yourself some proper treatment for your disorder. Binge eating is a symptom, not the root issue. Find a qualified ED specialist, and start doing the work necessary to address it.

    Jim why does she need an ED Specialist..........she has a eating problem not an Erectile Dysfunction problem :S

    Kidding aside Jim, I do agree with you about Weight Watchers not being a solution for her. Seeing an ED Specialist may be premature though, she may be able to get the motivation and education she needs from this site. I've done some drinking and maybe other things that have given me the munchies and went a little overboard with the food that night that we regret the next day.
  • Bessy47
    Bessy47 Posts: 4
    Thanks for your tough support! lol, seriously it was nice to read! Sometimes tough love is good! Like I said, I'm sick of starting over and having a pity-party for myself. If I want to lose the weight and be happy, I need to just stick to my weight loss plan and do it! If I do, I'll be happy and able to focus on things that are so much more important.
  • lmojoallen
    lmojoallen Posts: 17 Member
    the night time binge is an ongoing struggle and drinking definitely lowers the resistance. I just finished logging my mini binge from last night fortunately because I was good all day and worked out and it was a "controlled" binge w/ no booze involved I was only a small amount over on the day.

    As painful as it is try to log it all it helps your own accountability and honesty with yourself. It kills me that it is so hard to stop this habit but I have gotten it to happen less often and to be a much smaller quantity of less fat bomb foods by consistently forcing myself to log it when it happens and noting what things can trigger it.

    Behavioral patterns are tough to change and mental discipline can be exhausting I read an article that each time we face a temptation - eating, spending money, smoking for people trying to quit it takes an amount of mental effort and you become tired as the day wears on which is why the evening can be tough. But I do think it's also true that mental discipline is as Jillian Michaels says a muscle you need to develop. Don't five up, don't beat yourself up but DO be honest with yourself, log everything to the best of your memory and pay attention over time to learn from your mistakes and plan for the inevitable slips.
  • Jim_Barteck
    Jim_Barteck Posts: 274 Member
    Kidding aside Jim, I do agree with you about Weight Watchers not being a solution for her. Seeing an ED Specialist may be premature though, she may be able to get the motivation and education she needs from this site. I've done some drinking and maybe other things that have given me the munchies and went a little overboard with the food that night that we regret the next day.

    If this were a "one-off" kind of thing after a night of drinking, I would completely agree with you. However, she said in her post that she has binge-eating disorder, so evidently this is a recurring issue for her. I would also add that the somewhat manic nature of the remainder of the post is very indicative of the "out of control" feelings she is describing, and that calls for professional help well beyond the scope of anything which can be done for her on MFP.
  • Dennis4766
    Dennis4766 Posts: 470 Member
    There is a binge group on here. You could join group, we can offer some tips.

    Search - Binge Eating Support Group
  • Wonder why, when we are driving our cars, that our windshield is so large compared to our rearview mirror? It is because we are to focus on what is ahead of us and only occassionally look in our rearview mirror, to those things that are behind us. Dennis, you are looking too long and too deep into your rearview mirror and missing the joy that is waiting ahead of you! Today is a new day and a new start. I don't remember who said something like this: "Failure is only failure when you refuse to stop trying."
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    You should definitely try a therapist if you can find/afford one. You could also check out workbooks for binge eating, emotional eating, addiction issues, etc. They help you use cognitive-behavioral therapy techniques to work through these issues. You can find them at bookstores or through online booksellers. They will be more helpful if you go to a therapist or a support group, but sometimes that isn't possible. I've used a couple of the workbooks to help with my binge eating, which is currently under control. I also found that limiting (within reason) carbs and sugar helps.
  • Bessy47
    Bessy47 Posts: 4
    Thank you everyone!! I was hoping to get some replies but did not think I would get so many, so quickly! :) It just sucks so much sitting here at work feeling like this.
    I really didn't think I ate that much, there's not much missing from my fridge. I've cleaned out all of my "bad" food and only have healthy options. But it's the calories that add up no matter what the food is. I know I ate a wheat tortilla (but only 1 because I know how many were in there, but probably with cheese - but not much is missing from the bag), some spaghetti squash (again, probably with cheese) and dark chocolate covered almonds. I know they are what got me! I probably ate at least 15-20. Nothing else is missing from my fridge. I'm really hoping I'm just feeling so bloated because of the salt. I had Asian food for dinner, but healthy choices!! I made some veggie soup as a filler the other day. It's just chicken broth, cabbage, carrots and celery. I ate that before I went to dinner so I wouldn't overeat at dinner. Very salty though! I chose healthier options while drinking, too. Vodka and club soda, light beer. I just couldn't believe it when I stepped on the scale this morning!! I gained 5 pounds from yesterday!!! How on earth is that possible?!! I even walked a lot yesterday, did a Jillian Michaels workout video and rode my bike out to dinner and the bars.
    Thank God it's Friday. I'm so happy to have the weekend to "recover".
    Thanks again everyone for all of your support, advice and kind words!!
  • DerekVTX
    DerekVTX Posts: 287 Member
    Thank you everyone!! I was hoping to get some replies but did not think I would get so many, so quickly! :) It just sucks so much sitting here at work feeling like this.
    I really didn't think I ate that much, there's not much missing from my fridge. I've cleaned out all of my "bad" food and only have healthy options. But it's the calories that add up no matter what the food is. I know I ate a wheat tortilla (but only 1 because I know how many were in there, but probably with cheese - but not much is missing from the bag), some spaghetti squash (again, probably with cheese) and dark chocolate covered almonds. I know they are what got me! I probably ate at least 15-20. Nothing else is missing from my fridge. I'm really hoping I'm just feeling so bloated because of the salt. I had Asian food for dinner, but healthy choices!! I made some veggie soup as a filler the other day. It's just chicken broth, cabbage, carrots and celery. I ate that before I went to dinner so I wouldn't overeat at dinner. Very salty though! I chose healthier options while drinking, too. Vodka and club soda, light beer. I just couldn't believe it when I stepped on the scale this morning!! I gained 5 pounds from yesterday!!! How on earth is that possible?!! I even walked a lot yesterday, did a Jillian Michaels workout video and rode my bike out to dinner and the bars.
    Thank God it's Friday. I'm so happy to have the weekend to "recover".
    Thanks again everyone for all of your support, advice and kind words!!

    No disrespect meant, but if you got so wasted that you can't even remember what you ate you have some other serious problems that you better deal with too. You can't drink like that if you want to get healthy, when I mentioned previously about making the right choices when picking your alchol if drinking is necessary i was thinking 5 or 6 smart chioce drinks max in a night of drinking. You gotta log your booze too and take this **** serious.......cause it is serious.
  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    Yeah....I think you mean binge drinking not eating.
  • Bessy47
    Bessy47 Posts: 4
    I actually just started seeing a counselor. I've only had one session but I have another scheduled for next week. I don't have a problem with drinking, I can control myself. It's just last night I tried a few different stronger drinks that I've never had before. I usually just stick to light beer or a vodka-cranberry. It was the last one that put me over the edge. I had 4 drinks, but again, they were strong! They didn't seem strong but they caught up with me!
    But when I do drink, I usually turn to food. I know a lot of people do, but for me it's an escape from thinking about what I'm eating. Since I'm trying to lose weight, I always eat very healthy. I like healthy food so it's easy for me, but I like to eat and that's where I run into trouble and why I'm having trouble losing weight. I dont want to have to plan my meals and worry about what I'm going to eat. I just want to wake up and eat what I want. But right now I can't until I lose some weight. Alcohol is empty calories so I should be avoiding it while trying to lose weight anyways. It's just hard when I'm out with friends :/ I like to have a drink if I'm out socializing with friends.
  • jbse26
    jbse26 Posts: 39 Member
    Unfortunately, Weight Watchers is not going to be a solution for you, and you will likely find yourself in the same position again in the future.

    Seek out a therapist and get yourself some proper treatment for your disorder. Binge eating is a symptom, not the root issue. Find a qualified ED specialist, and start doing the work necessary to address it.

    This. Definitely this, if you really mean "binge eating". I am male and i do binge eat but have gotten it under a lot of control through proper help via my doctor.. If you mean, like some use the term on here, that you occasionally splurge on a tub of ice cream (One woman wrote on here she had binge eaten on 4 nectarines!????) then just get a grip and log. Good luck , its a slow process recovering but it can be done!:flowerforyou: