First step in a long journey

I'm Jason. This seems like a great place to chat with like-minded people who will help keep me motivated and accountable. Feel free to friend me. Good luck to us all!


  • mamato2beauties
    mamato2beauties Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Jason! I'm Jami. I'm looking forward to this lifestyle change. This isn't my first time trying to do this. I had success about ten years ago, but here I am... two kids later. Looking for change! :)
  • Hi Jami, great to meet you. Look forward to chatting with you over this process. I too have had prior success but then fell off (and under) the wagon; so it's back to square one for me.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi Jason! You can do this! Add me if you are looking for friends!
  • Hi my name is Laura!
  • Hi Jason, you're definitely in the right place. Such a warm group of people here who are always willing to help. I just re-started and know beyond a doubt that MFP is going to make a huge difference for me.
    Good got this!! :smile: Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Hey Jason I'm Marlan. :-)
  • Hi My name is Diana....a bit nervous about my new life style...but also excited..i suffer from Sciatica which makes it hard to exercise...but i plan to kick this in the bud...
  • mrsclaw
    mrsclaw Posts: 1
    Hi everyone. My name is Cyndy. I recently just started back here to track my food and exercise. I've been overweight my whole life and found I was not receiving the support I needed from my doctor, so I went to a naturopath and she got me motivated. I have hypothyroidism which has caused it to be a bit of a challenge to lose weight. I seem to gain just by looking at food :) Today is day three of a very low carb/high protein lifestyle change...NO SUGAR! I never thought I could do it. Feel free to friend me if you're looking for support as well. Good luck everyone!