Vacation Weight: The Challenge

Before I left for my trip on Saturday morning, I weighed in on Thursday around 124-125.

Well, we came back on Wednesday and this morning (Friday) I weighed myself for the first time.

135-136. Ouch! I won't list what I ate/drank. ;-)

I am making this post because I do not want people to freak out when they are going on vacation or coming back from vacation. I see so many people panic because they might eat a little too much for a few days or can't even enjoy themselves when they're away. As you can see, my weight shot up quite a bit in less than a week so we shall see how long it takes to go back down. I'll keep you updated as time goes on. Just so you know I did 5:2 to lose the weight and 6:1 to maintain/allow for one fast/one pig out day per week. Hopefully I can update every 1-2 days.

Here I go! (No fasting for me today I need to ease back into that. Haha.)


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I was gone a week and gained 4 pounds. I lost 2 in no time, but it took me a month to lose the last 2, and I didn't go crazy either (didn't drink anything, did ok food wise but dessert every day did me in).

    Good luck losing that weight... it's tough to get back on track, let alone cutting again after vacations.
  • arussell134
    arussell134 Posts: 463 Member
    Hi! I just got back from a 2.5 week vacation. When I came back I'd put on .5 pound, but in a couple days I'd lost that and then another full pound! This is my first week back and I'm just getting back into logging my food and I've worked out every day this week.

    I did enjoy some treats while I was away and took some time away from logging. I just tried to overall make good choices and sneak in a couple workouts as I could. In the end, focusing on my long term goals and habits have helped me rebound. ;)
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I've put on as much as 7 lbs. while on vacation. For some reason, vacations where I have to fly are worse. I think the long flight makes you retain water and bloat. Usually going back on plan gets rid of the first couple of pounds within 3-4 days.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I gained a bunch over my 5 day vacation too! Not tracking what I ate either haha. Let's do this together!
  • radmack
    radmack Posts: 272 Member
    I put on 4 pounds on a fun weekend just last weekend. It is almost gone a week later. Most of it must have been bloat from my poor food and drinking choices.:drinker:
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    When you understand the math here, you quickly realize that it is mathematically pretty much impossible to put on 10 Lbs of actual fat weight...or even 5 Lbs...or even just a couple Lbs of actual fat weight during a week long vacation. Most of the weight people put on during vacation is water due to 1) airplane flights...yes...they cause considerable water reteantion; 2) eating more...eating more causes water retention; 3) generally eating out a lot and having more sodium than normal. Additionally, if you're eating to, lets say're going to have more inherent waste in your system than when you are in a deficit.

    As far as the math goes, I for example maintain on roughly 2700 - 3000 calories or lets take the low end. 10 Lbs of fat over the course of 7 days would require a calorie surplus of 35,000 calories over the course of a week. That means I would have to eat 5,000 calories over my maintenance level of calories every single day...meaning I would have to consume in the neighborhood of 7,700 - 8,000 calories per day, every day...that would be a pretty tall order...and really, if you're actually doing that then you're really not grasping the concept of living an overall healthier lifestyle.
  • __freckles__
    __freckles__ Posts: 1,238 Member
    When you understand the math here, you quickly realize that it is mathematically pretty much impossible to put on 10 Lbs of actual fat weight...or even 5 Lbs...or even just a couple Lbs of actual fat weight during a week long vacation. Most of the weight people put on during vacation is water due to 1) airplane flights...yes...they cause considerable water reteantion; 2) eating more...eating more causes water retention; 3) generally eating out a lot and having more sodium than normal. Additionally, if you're eating to, lets say're going to have more inherent waste in your system than when you are in a deficit.

    As far as the math goes, I for example maintain on roughly 2700 - 3000 calories or lets take the low end. 10 Lbs of fat over the course of 7 days would require a calorie surplus of 35,000 calories over the course of a week. That means I would have to eat 5,000 calories over my maintenance level of calories every single day...meaning I would have to consume in the neighborhood of 7,700 - 8,000 calories per day, every day...that would be a pretty tall order...and really, if you're actually doing that then you're really not grasping the concept of living an overall healthier lifestyle.

    Nope. You make too much sense. You are not allowed in here.
  • suzeew
    suzeew Posts: 8
    LOVE vacation food! I never regret the fun or the things I ate/drank! I usually try to keep breakfasts and lunches healthier and let myself enjoy the dinner and some fun snacks. I also try to sneak in a workout or two at the beginning of the vacation when I'm in a good mood. Before the fasting diet, I always felt like i had such a hard time getting back on track after vacation. With the fasting diet, the plan is so obvious and simple and I just do it and the pounds inevitably come off within a couple weeks.
  • 9bars
    9bars Posts: 40 Member
    Think I win .....18lbs in 12 days :huh: who knew that was physically possible, I did enjoy myself, but 18lb !!! :laugh:

    I was back to it Monday and 5lb gone so far, I was only 3.5lb from goal and its now 16.5lb, no regrets though it will come back off quickly.
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    When you understand the math here, you quickly realize that it is mathematically pretty much impossible to put on 10 Lbs of actual fat weight...or even 5 Lbs...or even just a couple Lbs of actual fat weight during a week long vacation. Most of the weight people put on during vacation is water due to 1) airplane flights...yes...they cause considerable water reteantion; 2) eating more...eating more causes water retention; 3) generally eating out a lot and having more sodium than normal. Additionally, if you're eating to, lets say're going to have more inherent waste in your system than when you are in a deficit.

    As far as the math goes, I for example maintain on roughly 2700 - 3000 calories or lets take the low end. 10 Lbs of fat over the course of 7 days would require a calorie surplus of 35,000 calories over the course of a week. That means I would have to eat 5,000 calories over my maintenance level of calories every single day...meaning I would have to consume in the neighborhood of 7,700 - 8,000 calories per day, every day...that would be a pretty tall order...and really, if you're actually doing that then you're really not grasping the concept of living an overall healthier lifestyle.

    Um, you know I get this already right? No need to explain things to me like I'm an idiot. I hope your explanation is directed toward others.

    The point of this post was to demonstrate that people should not freak out over temporary weight gains on vacation that mostly are not real. I've been through this before (June, I miss you Jamaica) and I'll do it again and again. This post is for those who constantly post, worrying about eating a few extra calories for a few days. (As evident by the posts regularly on this forum.) Sad when people want to enjoy themselves but can't because they are worrying about every little calorie.

    Anyway, no flights for me but a lot of driving. And I already eat salt like a boss. ;)
  • einzweidrei
    einzweidrei Posts: 381 Member
    Holy water weight, batman. Lost about seven pounds in two days. No real exercise (the normal for me) just walking.
  • irenehb
    irenehb Posts: 236 Member
    I probably gained 10 pounds (maybe more) from my vacation last week. And yes, I know most of it was water retention from the airplane flights, sodium increase (we ate most meals out) and the substantial increase in calories. Though, I don't really mind even if it was real weight gain since I was underweight (due to illness) when I left last Monday week. Weighed 49.4 kilos last Monday and arrived home Saturday (didn't weigh but I felt bloated), weighed myself this am (Monday here in Australia) and weigh 51.8 kilos. I know I ate ALOT and even drank pear cider every night (a rarity for me, I have gone months/years between drinking alcohol, just have no interest in it).

    As soon as I came home back into my usual eating habits and happy memories from a carefree holiday, all is good :smile: