Running and lifting heavy



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I lift 3 days a week.

    I schedule cardio/conditioning for post-lifting. I take rest days AS rest days. The magic happens whilst you are recovering anyway, so a full on session followed by full rest day leaves you ready to be all you can be next time. I schedule my most challenging session for the day preceding my 2 full rest days together (Sun + Mon).

    I'm going to be 40 in a month. I value being able to be as properly recovered as possible in time for the next session in order to fully maximise the benefit I can derive from it. It's not very sexy, but I've found it works.

    Most of these issues are individual though: you try it one way. You don't react well to it. You try it another way. You react better to it. Thus you channel your programming down that avenue. Another person might have fared better with the first approach. Cookie cutter only works when you're a beginner, then you need to adapt to your specific needs.

    We're the same age, and I used to do a similar program. Lift 3 days, run those same 3 days after lifting. Take rest days 100% off. I'm cutting, and it got to be too much for me. Probably because it was 3 days whole body lifts - All Pro's Beginner Program.

    I've shifted to a 4-day split, Wendler's 5/3/1 and kept to running 3 days a week, adding in low effort cardio for 30-45 min on non-running days during the week:

    M: squat + run
    T: bench + x-train
    W: run
    R: deadlift + x-train
    F: ohp + run

    This was working well for me at < 6mi per run. But, now I'm up to 6mi per run and need to alter my running schedule to many short runs and one or two long runs instead.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    I lift 3 days a week.

    I schedule cardio/conditioning for post-lifting. I take rest days AS rest days. The magic happens whilst you are recovering anyway, so a full on session followed by full rest day leaves you ready to be all you can be next time. I schedule my most challenging session for the day preceding my 2 full rest days together (Sun + Mon).

    I'm going to be 40 in a month. I value being able to be as properly recovered as possible in time for the next session in order to fully maximise the benefit I can derive from it. It's not very sexy, but I've found it works.

    Most of these issues are individual though: you try it one way. You don't react well to it. You try it another way. You react better to it. Thus you channel your programming down that avenue. Another person might have fared better with the first approach. Cookie cutter only works when you're a beginner, then you need to adapt to your specific needs.

    We're the same age, and I used to do a similar program. Lift 3 days, run those same 3 days after lifting. Take rest days 100% off. I'm cutting, and it got to be too much for me. Probably because it was 3 days whole body lifts - All Pro's Beginner Program.

    I've shifted to a 4-day split, Wendler's 5/3/1 and kept to running 3 days a week, adding in low effort cardio for 30-45 min on non-running days during the week:

    M: squat + run
    T: bench + x-train
    W: run
    R: deadlift + x-train
    F: ohp + run

    This was working well for me at < 6mi per run. But, now I'm up to 6mi per run and need to alter my running schedule to many short runs and one or two long runs instead.

    Yeah, AP is dual factor, so for those last 2 weeks of each cycle you're deliberately "overreaching" if not nudging overtraining. If you tamper with your recovery (or don't tare your conditioning to the cycle) then I guess you could start asking your body difficult questions. Throw in geezer-level age(!) and you may go from flirting with overtraining to doing the real thing in a few short hops.

    My new/current programme is nothing like AP. Total reps per exercise is 9 (3x3). Total number of exercises is 3. Then my sprintwork/conditioning - The lifting is very stripped back and minimal.
  • rachface1234
    rachface1234 Posts: 227 Member
    tagging because this is definitely something I want to have more info about, beginner at SL 5X5 and have recently cut down on running a lot, trying to understand where my balance will lie (with a little zumba and horse riding thrown in there too).
  • Inner_Goddess
    Inner_Goddess Posts: 1,146 Member
    In for the knowledge as I'm trying to figure out a good combination of running yet wanting to work on toning the midsection and have been told that weights need to be added.
  • dreaming13000
    dreaming13000 Posts: 68 Member
    During biking season I try to do this routine 2 days a week:

    Stronglifts and squats 3 times a week was just too much.

    Thanks for this link!

    I just found a modified SL 5x5, madcow, that I will look into some more.

    In this short amount of time I have really grown to enjoy the heavy lifting, but maybe I will modify the progressive loading.

    It's more like madcow is a modified version of Bill Starr's work (that Rip modified to become Starting Strength which Mehdi modified to become SL 5x5.)

    Anything with Bill Starr's fingerprints on it is gold.

    Thank you! Another lead for the google searches :)

    This post has been a wealth of knowledge! Keep it coming folks!

    Here is what I am going to try for a couple of weeks:

    Every other day Modified SL 5x5, really only upping my load once a week (aka madcow)

    For now I will stick to my runs in the early mornings of lift days, but putting an emphasis on refueling with carbs and protein during the day, basically upping my calories to maintenance on training days.

    for off days, I will either take a full non active recovery or do some minor shorter core work routines,
  • amanda_gent
    amanda_gent Posts: 174 Member
    Great info on this thread - thanks all!
    I lift 2x week and spin on my non-lifting days as recovery and it seems to work for me very well.
  • Skye_NS
    Skye_NS Posts: 214 Member
    Great info. Thanks!
  • hatethegame
    hatethegame Posts: 267 Member