Hi, I'm the new guy

Just signed in to this site a few minutes ago. Just wanted to say hello. I guess I'll share a little bit about me:
31 y/o man
current weight: 240 pounds
goal weight: 185
current exercise: walk 2 miles in the morning 6 days/week
strength training (lift weights, sit ups, squats; plan on adding pull ups and push ups soon) 3/days week

My biggest struggles: eating healthy (can't lie, I love junk food) and staying consistent with my strength training

I'm willing to offer motivation/advice to anyone I can and also willing to listen to motivation/advice from others.

That said, I wish everyone here luck in their goals and hope to make some buddies here too. =]


  • d0mernade
    d0mernade Posts: 6 Member
    We have the same weakness. Junk food is the most beautiful thing in the world </3. I want more people to help keep me motivated and I'm absolutely willing to do the same for anyone else. Shoot me an add if you want to keep in touch and help out.
  • alijoanxo
    alijoanxo Posts: 480 Member
    Hey there! Welcome. I'm always up for spooning out some advice and encouraging words. I'm a sucker for Sour Patch Kids, so I know the struggle is real (: Feel free to add if you would like!
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me...I'm on daily
  • lisanangel
    lisanangel Posts: 148 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on daily
  • Zonny
    Zonny Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome! I'm even heavier than you are, although my goal is to just get to 200 again. My problem is portion control in general, but MFP is helping with that a lot, making me think before I eat.
  • patnguyen34
    patnguyen34 Posts: 32 Member
    Im in the same boat.

    38, was 240, now down to 230, but want to get down under 200 by the end of the year and eventually 180.

    That's great that you walk everyday.

    I hate running, but the elliptical machine works great for me because it's easy on my knees.

    but i need to add in some strength training in there too!

    let me know what's working well for you.