Does Herbalife work??



  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Yes and yes. All herba life does is replace meals with protein shakes. You can do that yourself for way cheaper.

    yeah, but dont.

    food FTW.

    I didnt say it was a good idea lol. Just answered her question.

    Smoothies, not shakes are the way to go.

    what do we consider wendys frosties?
    i dont usually "drink them", so is it ice cream?
    but i do always dip my fries in it's a dip, right?



    I consider them delicious.
  • JoanaMHill
    JoanaMHill Posts: 265 Member

    What would happen if someone was both a Wellness Coach and a Beachbody Coach? Would reality as we know it cease to exist?
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Reported the person trying to push their BS stuff to make a sale. Which is 100% against the rules of My Fitness Pal. But if you are to the point of selling this junk then I am not shocked that the person also can't read the rules when they sign up.
  • TutuMom41
    TutuMom41 Posts: 278 Member
    As a Herbalife distributor I am often asked the question ‘Does Herbalife Work?’ Or another variation on that is the question ‘Tell me how Herbalife works to improve health.’

    Both are great questions and my response is always the same. ‘I’m glad you asked! Let me tell you!’
    Does Herbalife Work

    Herbalife products have been working for tens of millions of people from all around the world for more than 30 years.

    When you understand how the Herbalife products work inside your body it is no surprise that Herbalife has become the number 1 weight loss and nutrition company in the world.

    Now I could go into the MILLIONS of testimonials that Herbalife have ON FILE but I know that you want the science… the biological explanation that answers your ‘Does Herbalife Work’ question, so I am just going to give you my standard presentation to that question.
    How Herbalife Works To Improve Health

    The human body is made up of MILLIONS of tiny micro cells. And if you were to look at the cells under a microscope you would find that they are made up of 6 main ingredients.

    1) Water – 61.8% approx
    2) Proteins – 16.6% approx
    3) Oils/Fats – 14.9% approx
    4) Vitamins
    5) Minerals
    6) Carbohydrates/Sugars/Glucose

    This is what the cells need for survival.

    If the cells are to regenerate as an exact replica of the cells you have now, they would need the exact same foods that made them in the first place to be consumed. Unfortunately due to our lifestyle, diets and habits, we are continuously regenerating inferior copy’s of our cells.

    But by if you were to improve the nutritional intake in your daily diet, it is possible to regenerate healthier cells than the cells you currently have that make up your body.

    Herbalife works because the Herbalife products are the highest quality nutrition you could feed your cells on a daily basis, with the least amount of calories. Therefor you are able to reduce excess fat simply because your body is burning more calories than it is consuming, while at the same time seeing major improvements in the health of your hair, skin, nails and muscles.

    At a cellular level you start to look and feel better and slow down aging because you are now reproducing better quality cells than the ones being replaced.

    Yes Herbalife does work.

    Get started on your health today with herbalife.

    Ah, the only time I ever use the report button.

    So long spammer. This site is full of people losing weight the right way, you won't peddle your wares here. Find suckers on your Facebook list.

    Herbalife sucks.

    I reported it hrs ago yet this thread is still going
  • CMN0201
    CMN0201 Posts: 1
    FAD!!! You need to live on real food not shakes

    Real food can be in shakes. You can do both. Let's be real. Weight loss and exercise is an individual experience with the commonality of consistently giving your body what it needs= results.

    When I first started my weight loss journey (starting at 280lbs) I did the 30 days to fit challenge from Arbonne ($250 for the month). Similar concept to herbalife in the 2 shakes a day and one healthy meal deal. It produced a calorie deficit and I was working out 4x a week. I lost 15lbs my first month and then after that first month I just purchased the shake individually and had it as a meal replacement for one meal, and made two healthy meals a day (high in protein, complex carbs, and small portion of healthy fat). I continued this process and lost lose 7-10 lbs a month for the next 4 months and added jogging to my routine when I lost enough that jogging wasn't as uncomfortable for me. I continued to lose 7-10 per month. PATIENCE IS KEY!

    After 5 and 1/2 months, I reached a plateau, which I was expecting. I stopped jogging since I had lost 51 lbs at that point and started doing CrossFit to demand more of my body and metabolism. At the same time, I started herbalife to give my body change. I lost 11 lbs the first month and was ecstatic because i had only been able to lost 7lbs max in the months before. After doing this for another 2 months I noticed that i was losing less weight but my clothes kept feeling bigger and i was getting stronger. I was building muscle which means i was technically "gaining". But let me be clear- I will take gaining muscle ANY DAY over gaining fat.

    All of this is a journey over a year (total of 70lbs lost) and i have kept it off. I gained a bit of weight (~10lbs) when i was studying for comprehensive exams for my doctoral program because i stopped working out as often, and my stress level was high. But I have been back at working out and running and back on herbalife as well.

    All in all, I learned to listen to my body. I have learned that my body adjusts very well to intense working out and loves to build muscle. Which I love. But when i slip up, my body packs fat. Therefore, I need to keep a balance. I tried to do it all natural and it took me HOURS of meal prep to stay in the zone my nutritionist created for me (45% carbs, 35% protein, 20% fat daily intake). It was also EXPENSIVE to go food shopping for all organic items, make all the food and snacks. Easily spent $80-100 per week.

    I have found a happy balance by having a shake at least 1-2x per day and its less stress to cook so much food. When I visit my family at home, they use Beachbody vegan shakes. Guess what? I use that and I workout there and I have THE SAME results. The difference is not that grand. You just have to be in tune with what your body needs, don't over do it on packing tons of things in your shakes and STAY ACTIVE!!

    Figure out what works for YOU. If you are willing to do the research and manage your time and finances well, be honest with yourself about what you are willing to do to reach your goals.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    I don't get it. Not much nutrition here. Mostly soy protein and sugar.

    Eat three multivitamin gummies and then have something else instead.

    ...or east some cheaper store brand bran flakes and get your vitamins and fiber.
  • coachh4
    coachh4 Posts: 8
    None of them its true. It depends on who you are, how you work,if ure motivated dedicated and serious. You dont need to buy the whole thing from Herbalife if you dont want to spend all ur money. Im a distributor for Herbalife and ive seen many good results in front of me. People said we dont get paid,dont get profits and all but its all false. I know people who never gain their weight back. If some of you has instagram, follow this amzing men who've been with Herbalife for years,youll see the REAL results.

    Everyone has their own opinions, just respect them.
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    . If some of you has instagram, follow this amzing men who've been with Herbalife for years,youll see the REAL results.

    I can haz instagram?!

    Define real results? Permanent?
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    And another report on another coach who is breaking the rules by pushing this junk. I wish MFP would get stricter on this and just delete all of them.
  • crystalblair2355
    crystalblair2355 Posts: 63 Member
    Your bank account will lose weight w/ herbalife faster than you will.... :wink:

    yes YES YES IT WILL!! lol
  • monicaP413
    monicaP413 Posts: 165
    First, I have to say, your caloric intake is probably 80-90% of your weight loss. Exercise just defines your muscles and takes off a few more calories. I was an Herbalife salesperson for a while and all it did was deplete my finances. I will never use it again! It's a pyramid scheme. You can get all your nutrients from eating good food. If you want to spend a little extra money to get healthy, try going paleo. =)
  • gweatherall1104
    gweatherall1104 Posts: 7 Member
    It's a scam, just eat less and you'll lose weight.
  • crystalblair2355
    crystalblair2355 Posts: 63 Member
    Yes it does. I have been on Hebalife for 2 months and I have lost weight and have gained leaned muscle. My body has completely transformed but its like any other diet. Consistency and dedication. No its not expensive either. I pay 100$ for the shake 2 times a day, vitamins, cellulose, tea, and cell activator. Comes out to less than 2$ per meal including the tea and the rest.

    WHAT cracks me up is how people can post their 9 month pregnant belly as their BEFORE and then post a regular after pic,,,,,of course your fat etc in the before YOUR PREGNANT lol
  • coachh4
    coachh4 Posts: 8
    @mojohowitz yes permanant heres the instagram theprolover if u dont have instagram his name is Chadoy Leon
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    Herbalife only works by creating a calorie deficit. There are no magical weight loss ingredients. You can achieve the same results by eating less food (even if you don't exercise).

  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Like I am going to trust a Herbalife "coach" who is "accepting new clients". Nice advertising!
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    It's dangerous, aside from being expensive, high-sugar, a MLM scam, etc.

    Here's a page with info about them:

    Pay attention especially to the "journal articles" section, where it talks about liver damage (hepatotoxicity),
    and under "recent information" where there's a link labeled "Significant Lead Levels Found in Herbalife Products".
  • pennis33
    pennis33 Posts: 8 Member
    I love the protein mixed with the meal replacment powder. My coach gave me numerous recipes that I blend with ice. I have lost 20#s in the last 2 1/2 months. That is with decreasing my calorie intake and increasing my exercise. I find the shakes to be filling and an easy way for me to stay on track. I am not a cook and hate planning meals so this alternative works for me. I could see doing this long term. As far as cost..Amazon! You can order your products online and it is a fraction of the cost. I am actually saving money on the cost of food. Such as Lean Cuisine and such.
  • well i started using it one week ago and my parents too, i'm using it to loose weight, i think is working because i put my old jeans and they fit now. My parents are using it to lower they're sugar since they have diabetes for them pretty much is working!:smile:
  • Wetcoaster
    Wetcoaster Posts: 1,788 Member
    well i started using it one week ago and my parents too, i'm using it to loose weight, i think is working because i put my old jeans and they fit now. My parents are using it to lower they're sugar since they have diabetes for them pretty much is working!:smile:

    Bunch of awesome 1st posts