What's your motivation?

What is your motivation to keep going each day? Is it a quote you live by? Your spouse? Your kids? Your dreams!


  • AliUnrau
    AliUnrau Posts: 405 Member
    my motivation is that my husband actually acknowledges me now and wants to be with me. Thats what keeps me going every day
  • Ump78
    Ump78 Posts: 342 Member
    Possibilities keep me going. I could possibly meet the girl of my dreams, and I wanna look my best if and when.
  • monicamorton
    monicamorton Posts: 9 Member
    Good question. I am interested in hearing what others say as well. The past week or two I have tried to let my thoughts motivate me. It has been working pretty well. First I've committed to pounding the water and chewing my food longer. Then I ask myself each time I go to eat if it's for pleasure or for nutrition. I usually eat because of negative emotions or for pleasure. I'm trying to change my mind set to eat for the nutrition my body needs. Does that make sense?

    I am also motivated by everyone on here. If all of you can have good days then I can do the same. Thank you for your strength and encouragement. It means a lot.

    I just turned 40, I'm single with two kids and I have gained a lot of weight over the past year. So I dropped out of the social scene because I have zero confidence. I'm motivated to get back in it, meet new people and have fun. Not to mention the motivation I get from seeing clothes hanging in my closet that I can't wear but I want to wear!
  • PunkyRachel
    PunkyRachel Posts: 1,959 Member
    i want a baby, but haven't been able due to fertility and health issues
  • Shiggysho
    Shiggysho Posts: 27 Member
    I will be graduating from nursing school in the spring. I want to look good for my photos for when I look back at them I do not want to be ashamed of my figure. I want to enjoy that day and be happy with my accomplishments and not be shy so people do not notice me. My figure holds me back and it's about time I got serious.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    My motivation?? I still want to be kicking *kitten* when I'm 80+.
  • bimmerjt9
    Looming health issues if my lifestyle doesn't change according to Dr and I want to be there for my kids.
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    Health issues too. My family has history or cancer, heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc, etc, etc, so is a question of being healthy. Besides I was just diagnosed with GERD.
  • Samantha9631
    Motivation to look better. And to be able to buy clothes at "regular stores"...can't wait for all the clothes....
  • bezerkus
    bezerkus Posts: 79 Member
    Sounds shallow, but to look better. When I feel like I look better everything else seems to jump off of that self confidence and the rest of my life seems to fall into place.
  • Sophie983
    Sophie983 Posts: 119 Member
    i want a baby, but haven't been able due to fertility and health issues

    I can relate. As soon as I lost about 30lbs I got pregnant! Naturally! With twins! My gynecologist was surprised, because my PCOS.
    Good luck to you!!!


    I want to get my pre-pregnancy body back, because I was healthy and my body was beautiful. I want to be healthy for my babies, I want to be the best role model for them.
    My partner is very supportive, but our relationship (and sex life) isn't much different (still great :D).
    I want to wear my old clothes again!

    I am working hard to get a butt as well! :) Flat butt isn't very attractive :)
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Because not dying is cool.

    Was a fatass, quite literally all of my adult life.
    Started walking, eating less, and dropped forty pounds.
    Starting lifting, made novice strength gains at best.
    Dropped 73 lbs in 18 months, hitting my goal weight in November 2013.
    Keeled over.
    Open heart surgery for a tumor
    Worked my *kitten* off, recovered 100% in eight months.
    Broke all my pre-op cardio and weight room PRs over a month ago.

    "Strong people are harder to kill than weak people, and more useful in general." --Mark Rippetoe, author of Starting Strength
  • bdenitto
    bdenitto Posts: 210 Member
    After 10 years of fertility treatment and being told we had no hope of having a child, I got pregnant. Watching my daughter is a daily reminder of how important it is to live a healthy life!
  • TXEXrunner
    TXEXrunner Posts: 178 Member
    Motivation comes from many places. First from the person staring back at me in the mirror. I'm my toughest critic and need to be content, if not happy, with what I see - inside and out. My workout routine and physical fitness motivations also stem from wanting to set a good example for my sons, friends and coworkers. And I know they are all watching!! Finally, I am motivated to take care of myself so that I can help others.