LGBT, Pagan, Gamers, Geeks?



  • bunbunzee44
    bunbunzee44 Posts: 592 Member
    Yei for video games \o/ Also love scifi .. :) I cosplay and watch anime too (not so much anymore though). Feel free to add me if you like the same stuff :)
  • Kaitou
    Kaitou Posts: 50 Member
    Great to see some other nerdy/geeky people on here :)

    I'm a panromantic asexual, and I really like anime, sci-fi and fantasy novels, and video games. I love art and it just amazes me. I'm a moral nihilist but art tends to create feelings of awe in my despite that. I think creating things is a very spiritual act.

    Unfortunately, I have to confess that the only kind of tea I've ever had comes from a teabag )':

    Anyway, if anyone wants to add me or message me, feel free.
  • dfwearthmama
    Pagan and nerdy :) Im new here but would love to make some like minded friends. I love sci fi, crafting geeky toys for my kiddos, cooking, firefly, farscape, cons and really alot of things lol. feel free to add me :) and Best of Luck to all!

  • I_need_moar_musclez
    I_need_moar_musclez Posts: 499 Member
    I'm one of those boring heteroes and I'm not pagan.....but I love video games, metal, sci-fi/horror/swords and sorcery stuff! :)

    And zombies!
  • KariBethCook
    KariBethCook Posts: 16 Member
    Hey there! I'm always looking for new friends too! I'm not LGBT but I do support them. Love video games, movies, books, and so much music! A little about me, I'm a chef. I have a dog. I am engaged. Bout to turn 25. Southern girl born and bred, living in the frigid North now.

    Feel free to add me if you're looking for friends! :D
  • ASH2038602
    ASH2038602 Posts: 215 Member
    I am straight, but both of my best friends are gay so I spend a lot of time at Pride, Rainbow Fest, gay bars etc. I am constantly walking a fine line between atheism and agnosticism. Not a gamer... I lose, and then I throw things lol. Absolutely LOVE to read! Always accepting friend requests :-)
  • Theotherkels
    Not LGBT, but definitely a geek and a gamer, bookworm and nerd, I make geeky things from clay and spend too much time fangirling out over my favorite things. Tea is a must, both loose-leafed and bagged. Always looking for like-minded friends on here!
  • VaxSA
    VaxSA Posts: 90 Member
    Pick meeeeeee!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Hi! Straight (single forever tho) ally, player of RPG video games but no live roleplaying (in public anyway), fan of Buffy/Battlestar/Dr Who (in love with Peter Capaldi), devourer of any fantasy/sci-fi book but non-reader of comics, strong atheist and really really serious coffee drinker. Although I enjoy mint tea at night.

    Back here after dropping 25 lb then gaining 30...whee...I could definitely use some friends to help me stick around!
  • larrodarro
    larrodarro Posts: 2,512 Member
    Straight guy here, but I figure who you poke is none of my business.

    All religion is Zeus to me. I just don't understand it. But living in the south, and having a very public job in a small town, I get asked all the time what church I go to. I always use a Homer Simpson quote to keep from telling the truth. {My wife is an elected official, and we have to worry about what folks think} I tell them I would love to go to church, but I'm afraid if I picked the wrong one, God would be getting a little more pissed every week.

    I can't dink tea due to a kidney problem I acquired about 30 years ago. I didn't have health insurance, so I just learned how to live with it. Tea was the first thing I had to give up. But soda and alcohol were not far behind.

    Not into games or role play. Also do not own a cell phone, but Doctor Who is the only drama I watch on TV. I guess that is kind of geeky.

    The whole upstairs of my house is a library, so yes, I like to read. But when I was writing a series of novels set in 1718, I didn't read anything written after 1725. That was about four years. I write historical/business/adventure stories. I think I'm the only one writing in that genre.

    I love music, and spent most of my life as a Dead Head. For years all I listened to was jam bands or blues-men, but these days I listen to more roots music, or Jimmy Buffet type stuff.

    I am also a camera nut. I do a lot of wildlife photography, but what has caught on with folks is the pictures of my supper that I post every night. I post them here,, and two other places on the web.

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Straight, nerdy, non-religious, love video games and reading, enjoy music occasionally.
  • vegkitten
    vegkitten Posts: 106 Member
    Bisexual and into arts, mostly photography and graphic design. I play some video games but don't have a lot of time with three little ones and a full time job. I mostly just play Animal Crossing. :P
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
  • BlueButterfly94
    BlueButterfly94 Posts: 303 Member
    Hello there! I would be considered pansexual, though it's more like panromantic and almost homosexual (only sexually interested in one man, the rest it's like... male genitals? Ew). I draw and write a lot. :D Though I definitely have my days where it's like, "Wow, that's total crap." I play an odd assortment of video games, or I used to. (Halo 3 isn't working anymore for some reason? And Dungeon Siege II won't install.) And I watch way too many television shows to list. :p
  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    So, you're intolerant against those that are intolerant? Sounds legit.

    oh did she say she didn't want other people to talk to her? beacuse I didn't read that. There is nothing wrong with looking for people who have common lifestyles who you will click better with.

    Bob Dylan said don't hate nothing at all except hatred.

    I am most definitely a geeky, reading, tea drinking (loose leaf or bagged doesn't matter), music listening, technophile. I am married with a child but I firmly believe that love is in short supply in this world, love whomever you want.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Just looking for some more friends to support and be supported by and I would love to meet some people I can relate to. So anyone LGBT, Pagan, or loves things like video gaming, roleplaying and art/music? Books? Loose-leaf tea? Geeky folks?

    LGBT - straight and married, but am a Gestational Surrogate for a fantastic gay couple and am currently carrying their second child - I carried their first too - does this count? lol
    Pagan - No, atheist all the way - though I like some of the thought processes of Pagan beliefs.
    Video Games - My husband and 2 boys LOVE gaming, though I prefer Tower Defense Games
    Roleplaying - We get dressed up our local Comic Con....though my belly is too big this year to attend :(
    Art/Music - Unfortunately I am not gifted in any of the arts.
    Books - YES PLEASE!!! Currently reading (and highlighting for my husband so he can go through all the key points later) Richard Dawkins The God Delusion. But usually prefer historical fantastic and some Sci-Fi
    Loose Leaf Tea - I haven't acquired a taste for tea, but my husband is IN LOVE with all things tea.
    Geeky - I wouldn't classify myself as such, I'm more of the type that can usually fit into most groups - though I stay far away from woe is me; the world revolves around only me; I don't have opinions of my own; my religion is the ONLY religion; you MUST believe what I believe; I hate EVERYONE who doesn't hate what I hate,......oh wait, I've just cut myself off from most of the people from the planet.....oh well, the ones that are left are fantastic!!!!!!!

    Just wanted to post how awesome I think it is that you're a surrogate! What a wonderful gift you have given and will be giving again to this family! :happy:
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    LGBT? No, but am an ally and supporter of my LGBT brothers and sisters.

    Pagan? No, Episcopalian. If ya'll know anything about us, we love everyone, and respect the dignity of every human being. Whomever you are, you're good with us.

    Video games? Love them! Just, I'm stuck in the 80's and early 90's. I play the **** outta anything vintage I can find.

    Roleplay? Yeah, but probably not the kind you're referring to. :tongue:

    Art/music? Absolutely! I adore and support the arts of all kinds. I have been taking classical ballet for three years, absolutely ADORE just about any kind of art, and music.

    Books? Love. The darker and twisted the better. House of Leaves has to be my favorite.

    Loose-leaf tea? No. Not a tea drinker.

    Geeky? Don't know that I'd call myself geeky, but I can relate to people from all walks of life.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    World of Warcraft has had me sucked in since before Wrath..ICC was my first raid

    I sing karaoke in a gay bar and used to compete in swing with my favorite 'mo

    I love to read..and I'm probably a geek too!!

  • TyphonRex
    TyphonRex Posts: 79 Member
    Hetero, Ex-Christian Humanist, PnP RPGer Geerk, checking in.

    Huge fantasy geek. HUGE.

    And one of these days I'll get to serious work on my fantasy setting and books! One day!
  • blanknote
    Queer, definitely into arts/music/books. I do enjoy playing video games but don't do that too often, not sure would anyone call me geeky.