
Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
Good morning everyone.

This is day 2 of my journey. Day 1 was for the most part a success. Went over on the calorie counter just a little but all in all I feel good about my 1st day.

Today I will bring the Gazelle back in the house and get started on the exercise part of my journey. Plus I get the chase my 2-year old granddaughter around all weekend. (Haven't had her for 5 weeks so we'll have a great time this weekend.) I'm still not sure how to count the calories burned yet but I'll figure it out.

I wish each and everyone of you a wonderful day today and meeting your personal goal(s) for today.

Have a great Saturday!!!!!


  • sierraskooter
    This is a great website to use for activities that aren't listed in MFP's activity calculator:

    Its what I use.

    Good Luck!!
  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Thank you so much for the information. You have a great day.
  • sierraskooter
    You too!! And have fun with that little girl!

    One day I will be able to go out and run around with my four boys! That is my goal, to be able to play with my kids and not get winded every 5 minutes from being almost 300 lbs!!

    One day at a time! That is what I tell myself everyday!