What's your favorite vegetable?



  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Broccoli! I like to roast it in the oven -- wash and drain it, then put it in a baking pan drizzled with a little olive oil, and sprinkle in some fresh pressed garlic and a tiny bit of salt and pepper. Roast it until the tops just start to brown. MMMMMMMM... I have to buy some broccoli today. :)
  • skinnyminnie
    skinnyminnie Posts: 95 Member
    I should probably have added that that's tossed in pan like a stirfry. :) Not raw.
  • Sweet potato - I just pop em in the microwave for a few minutes then peel off the skin and eat. YUM!
    Carrots - I eat them raw every day.
    Peas - I toss them around in a skillet with little oil and cook for a few minutes. Season, add a few pieces of finely sliced ginger and finally top it off with fresh lemon juice.
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    Butternut Squash, all the way!

    I typically just roast it and eat it as-is, no salt or butter or anything. But I understand that that's not what most people are looking for :laugh: .

    An idea for eating them: they make an amazing replacement for fries. The site HungryGirl has a great recipe for making them, and it couldn't be easier: http://www.hungry-girl.com/newsletters/raw/512

    My other favorites: asparagus, spinach, cucumbers.
  • Hilarious and weird: my favorite vegetable in the whole wide world is ARTICHOKES! The fresh ones, not those sad little babies pickled in a jar (look like something stolen out of a lab, poor things!!).. Steamed, grilled, fried, broiled, stuffed and baked, and yes---in soup!!! I guess its an Italian thing!!
  • myukniewicz
    myukniewicz Posts: 906 Member
    I ♥ C0RN
    corn on the cob on the grill
    corn on the cob wrapped in foil with butter and herbs and baked in the oven
    frozen corn
    fresh corn
    steamable corn
    cream corn
    corn salsa
    corn chowder
    corn, corn, corn
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Hard to pick just ONE veggie.

    I love green beans with almonds and a little olive oil.

    I also love lima beans with low cal butter spray.

    I also like brussel sprouts with low cal buttery spray.

    I actually like my veggies more plain than with spices and sauces, which probably makes them better for me. However, I'm sure there are tastier ways to cook them with spices! New ideas are always appreciated!

  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Believe it or not.. brussels sprouts.. LOVE them roasted! Anyone who isn't a fan has probably only experienced them boiled which is absolutely HORRIBLE!

    Roasted asparagus and roasted acorn squash would be second and third. Also love raw carrots and celery straight up!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Believe it or not.. brussels sprouts.. LOVE them roasted! Anyone who isn't a fan has probably only experienced them boiled which is absolutely HORRIBLE!

    Also love raw carrots and celery..

    I like to put them in with the other veggies when I make a roast. That's the only way I like 'em. :)
  • Tkhk0514
    Tkhk0514 Posts: 100 Member
    omg! What a hard question. My first thought was green beans, whole with a little lemon and some slivered almonds. But then when I read all the responses...I saw asparagus and beets. I love them too but those are veggies I guess we just dont eat often.

    Can't think of a veggie that I really dont like.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    What a great topic. Thanks for all the great ideas.
    I love sauteed mushrooms, I add them too almost all my dishes! I also enjoy red peppers, either raw or roasted. Yum.
  • atampa
    atampa Posts: 57 Member
    Steam Broccoli then sautéed with garlic powder olive oil and a little bread crumbs.
  • At the moment, leeks!!
    Roasted in the oven with salt & pepper. DELICIOUS.
  • umduh1
    umduh1 Posts: 11
    WOW...lots of great ideas here! I forgot I love Brussel Sprouts. Buying some tomorrow when I shop! Thanks, everyone!!!
  • flyinmomof3
    flyinmomof3 Posts: 44 Member
    i love them all so much! But the one that makes me go mmm... everytime I eat it is zucchini. I usually thow it in my stir frys, but also saute them with carrots, onion, yellow squash, garlic, and anything else that I have for a side dish. Sometimes I just simmer them down like mashed potatoes, then I mash them up and eat them, sometimes with a dash of salt and some pepper. Back in the day I would have added butter too...

    I also love a really good tomatoe...I make tomatoe sandwiches out of the big ones. I think it's a country bumpkin thing...
  • foreverfl
    foreverfl Posts: 12 Member
    Steamed Brocolli...yummy!!
  • YvonneBerdkan
    YvonneBerdkan Posts: 58 Member
    Mine is a tie between Turnips and Broccoli.
    I eat turnips in stews, and broccoli in stir frys.
  • anovasjo
    anovasjo Posts: 382 Member
    kale, asparagus, collard greens, peas, spinach, broccoli...

    pretty much anything green. Sauteed with lemon and olive oil. :glasses:
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