Advice on exercise completed / Calorie Intake

Hi - I am not sure if this is the best place to post this query so please advise if this should be posted elsewhere. I would like to loose 3 stone but this target may adapt based on inches lost as I realise I will also be gaining muscle. I have never managed a full week committed to this type of change so I am really pleased I have made 6 days so far.

This last week I have committed to sticking to a plan to loose this weight and so have continued with the exercise I complete on a weekly basis and added swimming and HIT to the mix along with monitoring my calorie intake. I have achieved the following this week and my swimming distance will increase as I get back into my training. I plan to continue with this schedule when I'm not travelling with work.

Monday - 500m swim/ Insanity session/ 90 mins drumming
Tuesday - 90 mins ballet/ 90 mins kung fu
Wednesday - 500 m swim/ Insanity session
Thursday - 45 mins aqua running/ 500m swim
Friday - 500m swim/ 120 mins kung fu
Saturday - 500m swim/ 45 mins yoga
Sunday - 500 m swim/ insanity session

I am mostly sticking to 1200 calories a day but have eaten a couple of hundred more some days I have felt like I have needed the extra fuel. I am also looking at the nutrition guidelines and keeping my vitamins, protein and carbs near on target although some days it can be hard.

My query is am I doing the right thing or am I being unrealistic/ unhealthy in working to 1200 calories a day based on the exercise I am completing. I am sleeping better and eating 3 regular meals a day which is a huge improvement for me but do feel a little more fatigued muscle wise. However I have gained 7lb this week when I had been loosing 1 to 2lb prior to this change the last couple of weeks.

All advice gratefully received, welcomed and appreciated xxx


  • IsaackGMOON
    IsaackGMOON Posts: 3,358 Member
    I'm not sure if I am correct, but you don't mention anything about eating back exercise calories?

    Burning calories through exercise and eating them back is advised really.. your body needs more energy on the days you go through more strenuous activity. Get a heart rate monitor to see how much you burn.
  • KarenBev1977
    KarenBev1977 Posts: 5 Member
    No - I tend not to as I wasn't sure if I should or not and if so how much should I eat back?