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Detox - Forever Living Clean 9 question...



  • I did the master cleanse (10 days)..... OMG! It was very hard. I felt weak, got sick, and end up having to go to the hospital. I would consult with a doctor before anything if you haven't already. I now consult with my doctor before starting a diet. I learned a valuable lesson the hard way. be safe. : )
  • lfhug
    lfhug Posts: 1
    Hi there

    How,did you get on with the detox?

  • I have a cousin who is a rep. He plasters it all over my facebook. There was a video of it showing 2 glasses of water, to which 30 mils of iodine was added to each glass. The competitor brand showed it cleaned a little of the iodine. and the Forever Living stuff cleared it all. I asked if it was safe as you need iodine for your metabolism. You then get linked to other youtube videos, which turns out to be a sales pitch. I asked if there was any scientific proof, which i was just linked to the Forever Living website.
    It is also stated that you should give up coffee, alcohol and fried food, etc a few days before you start the 9 day programme. When i asked why that would be necessary, as you have already started detoxing, i was shown another sales video. When i asked for scientific proof, i got jumped on by someone in New Zealand telling me that it would be pointless running a scientific test, and got a bit mad for questioning it.
    I would imagine it doesn`t work, as watching another youtube video which statres you could lose 4-9 kg, then said it was all in the mind, which i would guess you could lose on such an extreme diet without it.
  • Hello,

    I am currently on my second detox. I did this detox before Christmas and lost 2kg, two inches off my waist and three inches off my bust. During the detox, it was hell on earth; I mainly think this was timing, rather than the detox itself (do not do it during the time of the month, or when you have three essays and a dissertation proposal due the following week).

    This is not a crash diet. The posts are correct in that due to the massive caloric defect you will lost weight. However, if your body is receiving accurate vitamins and nutrition (provided by the aloe, bee pollen and gardenia), it will not go into starvation mode and the weight will not go back on unless you allow yourself to overindulge. I, admittedly, went a bit crazy over the festive period whilst at home where there was a permanently stocked snack cupboard and dessert treats, things which I do not allow myself at university. I am now into day 6 of the detox and can feel the overindulgence fading away. My skin is clear, I have already lost half an inch on my waist, my hair is shiny and I have an abundance of energy. I have not felt hungry and have realised how much my eating habits had become based on emotion rather than need, as well as how far 600 calories can be stretched when eating clean. I have still managed to stick to my training regime (I play water polo, do muy thai, run, swim, gym and am in training for ToughMudder), despite the low calories and have not suffered any negative effects. Following the programme, I will go back onto eating 200 calories below my AMR (actual metabolic rate) in order to continue with my aim of building lean muscle to aid my sport.

    This detox is to aid people who are searching for a 'cleaner' lifestyle and method of eating. I use this detox to kick-start a programme of clean eating. It motivates me as I can immediately see and feel the difference within myself; which then further motivates me to continue on a programme of 'clean eating' (I recommend looking into Ashy Bines, the Gracious Pantry, the Pure Package and Clean and Lean by James Duigan).

    I am a sporty girl and do not focus on 'weight loss' as I am aware food is fuel and I need accurate nutrition to fuel my workouts. If you are aiming to get lean and feel cleaner, this is the detox for you!

    I hope this helps somewhat x
  • The clean 9 is the best kick start to weight loss and it's not a fad and the weight wont just jump back on the reason is because these products are all natural and give your body 100% nutrition! Other diets you take in less calories but also less nutrients meaning your starving your body which is why you feel hungry! Your body then starts eating into essential fats and muscle causing impurities in your body! Once you stop your diet these impurities are still there and so tje weight goes back on! With the clean 9 you take in less calories bit 100% of the nutrients your body needs every day therefore you wont feel hungry as your body is being fuelled with what it needs! All impurities are drawn out of your body so at the end of the 9 days you then eat properly and your weight will be fine but drinking the gel will help to keep the weight off by keeping your intestines working properly and the villi inside them
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    The clean 9 is the best kick start to weight loss and it's not a fad and the weight wont just jump back on the reason is because these products are all natural and give your body 100% nutrition! Other diets you take in less calories but also less nutrients meaning your starving your body which is why you feel hungry! Your body then starts eating into essential fats and muscle causing impurities in your body! Once you stop your diet these impurities are still there and so tje weight goes back on! With the clean 9 you take in less calories bit 100% of the nutrients your body needs every day therefore you wont feel hungry as your body is being fuelled with what it needs! All impurities are drawn out of your body so at the end of the 9 days you then eat properly and your weight will be fine but drinking the gel will help to keep the weight off by keeping your intestines working properly and the villi inside them

    Strong first post...

    Please, tell me. How is it these so called "detoxes" and "cleanses" help you draw out more impurities? Your body already does this naturally, and can't process any more than it's supposed to in one day... right? The only thing that is significantly impacted by these is your wallet, and your toilet.... :tongue:
  • I have done this "detox".

    Here is my opinion.....

    I used this as a kick start to getting my weigh and lifestyle back under control. I used this a tool to guide me back on the bath of a healthy mentality. I lost 9lbs doing this and 3" off my waist. This was obviously due to the calorie deficit but one thing I will say is that I was never feeling hungry/sick/ weak/dizzy and I passed wind far less than I used to and it wasn't as fragrant as previous lol.

    What I really gained was a focus and I really started to be aware of what I was eating. The 600 calorie evening meal for example gave me a visual representation of how much food I could eat to hit that number of good wholesome food compared to foods I was eating. This had a real impact on me and I have cut out alot of junk and really made an effort in planning meal times.

    Also - once I went back to eating "normally" I did not gain weight, I in fact maintained my weight post "detox" and as this motivated me to join the gym I then lost further weight and shaped up with leaner muscle. Was Clean 9 scientifically a benefit to me - who knows. Placebo or science all I know is that it got my lifestyle back onto a good path and I haven't felt this good in years.
  • kittee83
    kittee83 Posts: 38 Member
    I am currently doing the Clean 9 Detox. Am on Day 4.
    I am letting my MFP friends know of the effects of the Detox every day, which have been tough at times, but extremely worth it.

    The protein shake that you have to take, once the first two days, and then twice for the next 7 days, has all the vitamins, minerals, and amino acids you need to keep your body going.
    The bee pollen tablet is to help with energy, but it is optional to take. I choose to take half a tab a day or none, instead of the stated 4-6 tabs a day.
    The Aloe Vera gel is very tough to drink with water the first 2 days, but on Day 3, it wasn't so bad. And the Garcinia tablets are ok too.

    I had my first bit of food on Day 3. The enjoyment I got out of my steak, hummous, steamed veg was absolutely amazing. And, being used to weighing all my foods, I knew that I was exactly getting my 600 calorie meal, and knew the size of my meal.

    I have already lost 78lbs, and this is a once-off for me, but I am glad I paid for this product. It has everything I need to continue my weight loss. I have to cut out sugar and caffeine, which I do not miss to be honest, and they do have a hold on my life (teas, coffees, sugar on cereal). This will help me. :)
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    That sounds like a complete waste of time and money...
  • anaconda469
    anaconda469 Posts: 3,472 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm starting the Forever Living Clean 9 Day Detox on Monday and wanted to know if anyone has ever completed the detox plan before or one similar.
    It looks really hard but i'm hoping it will kick start my weight loss as well helping me to feel more energised.

    Have you even done a detox and if so how did you get on?



    ^bump. No post with results of this 'detox'. How did it go?