i am literally about to claw my eyes out i am so bored



  • corawright
    okk do it we no you can
  • potionsandpoisons
  • corawright
    I know right
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    You can definitely get a job while still in high school.. I had 2, one for after school and a different one for weekends. As far as things to do, volunteer work always looks really good on your resume or for colleges. You can volunteer at an animal shelter or old folks home. Reading, drawing, painting .. crafty stuff is always a good use of time if you don't wanna leave the house or see people.
    Im bad with time management and procrastinate a lot so two jobs lol thats funny id most likely have a breakdown

    You're 18. It's time to LEARN time management. Practice being an adult, it only gets harder from here.
  • corawright
    hey that was not funny
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I know right

    Instead of hitting "reply" hit "quote" so we can see to whom you're speaking.
  • corawright
    I hit reply
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Hit quote instead
  • corawright
    I was talking to sky
  • corawright
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Because it quotes the text of the person you're intending your replies for.
  • potionsandpoisons
    Did I say you cant get a job in Highschool? No, it is possible. In fact this summer-early august I was looking for a job and went to two interviews but they never called me back and the first one was a scam, so I was thinking about it. because I wanted to be able to buy my own stuff and help out with the internet bill. I know myself better than anyone and if I think I cant handle it right now, I won't do it. I need to get good grades this year since it is my final year, and I am working on my time management. I cannot drive and I am also working on getting my license. Right now though, at this moment, I have nothing to do which is causing me to be bored. :/ I have a bunch to do, it's just that none of it has started yet and most likely wont kick into full blast until next week smh. Ill have school, tutoring, and driving lessons and babysit my autistic brother when he comes home at 2 so like ????????? how am I supposed to balance that with a job if I am bad at time management.

    Whew, nevermind. Im just gonna listen to a song. I've figured out that I am just going walking tomorrow and checking out a church across the street so ill have something to do
  • corawright
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Did I say you cant get a job in Highschool? No, it is possible. In fact this summer-early august I was looking for a job and went to two interviews but they never called me back and the first one was a scam, so I was thinking about it. because I wanted to be able to buy my own stuff and help out with the internet bill. I know myself better than anyone and if I think I cant handle it right now, I won't do it. I need to get good grades this year since it is my final year, and I am working on my time management. I cannot drive and I am also working on getting my license. Right now though, at this moment, I have nothing to do which is causing me to be bored. :/ I have a bunch to do, it's just that none of it has started yet and most likely wont kick into full blast until next week smh. Ill have school, tutoring, and driving lessons and babysit my autistic brother when he comes home at 2 so like ????????? how am I supposed to balance that with a job if I am bad at time management.

    Whew, nevermind. Im just gonna listen to a song. I've figured out that I am just going walking tomorrow and checking out a church across the street so ill have something to do

    I believe someone suggested learning how to manage your time better, since this is a critical skill for adults. I'd also recommend that. :flowerforyou:
  • SaintGiff
    SaintGiff Posts: 3,679 Member
    You're doing 18 wrong

  • potionsandpoisons
    Did I say you cant get a job in Highschool? No, it is possible. In fact this summer-early august I was looking for a job and went to two interviews but they never called me back and the first one was a scam, so I was thinking about it. because I wanted to be able to buy my own stuff and help out with the internet bill. I know myself better than anyone and if I think I cant handle it right now, I won't do it. I need to get good grades this year since it is my final year, and I am working on my time management. I cannot drive and I am also working on getting my license. Right now though, at this moment, I have nothing to do which is causing me to be bored. :/ I have a bunch to do, it's just that none of it has started yet and most likely wont kick into full blast until next week smh. Ill have school, tutoring, and driving lessons and babysit my autistic brother when he comes home at 2 so like ????????? how am I supposed to balance that with a job if I am bad at time management.

    Whew, nevermind. Im just gonna listen to a song. I've figured out that I am just going walking tomorrow and checking out a church across the street so ill have something to do

    I believe someone suggested learning how to manage your time better, since this is a critical skill for adults. I'd also recommend that. :flowerforyou:
    im workin on it believe me, I know that I have to do more adult like things but there are many things no one knows about me or my family so I would rather them just tell me some funny little things i can do here and there when i have nothing to do, because since im 18 ill have nothing to do from time to time, happens to everyone
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Did I say you cant get a job in Highschool? No, it is possible. In fact this summer-early august I was looking for a job and went to two interviews but they never called me back and the first one was a scam, so I was thinking about it. because I wanted to be able to buy my own stuff and help out with the internet bill. I know myself better than anyone and if I think I cant handle it right now, I won't do it. I need to get good grades this year since it is my final year, and I am working on my time management. I cannot drive and I am also working on getting my license. Right now though, at this moment, I have nothing to do which is causing me to be bored. :/ I have a bunch to do, it's just that none of it has started yet and most likely wont kick into full blast until next week smh. Ill have school, tutoring, and driving lessons and babysit my autistic brother when he comes home at 2 so like ????????? how am I supposed to balance that with a job if I am bad at time management.

    Whew, nevermind. Im just gonna listen to a song. I've figured out that I am just going walking tomorrow and checking out a church across the street so ill have something to do

    I believe someone suggested learning how to manage your time better, since this is a critical skill for adults. I'd also recommend that. :flowerforyou:
    im workin on it believe me, I know that I have to do more adult like things but there are many things no one knows about me or my family so I would rather them just tell me some funny little things i can do here and there when i have nothing to do, because since im 18 ill have nothing to do from time to time, happens to everyone

    Trust me, in a few years you will cherish those times that you have nothing to do.
  • corawright
    Did I say you cant get a job in Highschool? No, it is possible. In fact this summer-early august I was looking for a job and went to two interviews but they never called me back and the first one was a scam, so I was thinking about it. because I wanted to be able to buy my own stuff and help out with the internet bill. I know myself better than anyone and if I think I cant handle it right now, I won't do it. I need to get good grades this year since it is my final year, and I am working on my time management. I cannot drive and I am also working on getting my license. Right now though, at this moment, I have nothing to do which is causing me to be bored. :/ I have a bunch to do, it's just that none of it has started yet and most likely wont kick into full blast until next week smh. Ill have school, tutoring, and driving lessons and babysit my autistic brother when he comes home at 2 so like ????????? how am I supposed to balance that with a job if I am bad at time management.

    Whew, nevermind. Im just gonna listen to a song. I've figured out that I am just going walking tomorrow and checking out a church across the street so ill have something to do

    I believe someone suggested learning how to manage your time better, since this is a critical skill for adults. I'd also recommend that. :flowerforyou:
    im workin on it believe me, I know that I have to do more adult like things but there are many things no one knows about me or my family so I would rather them just tell me some funny little things i can do here and there when i have nothing to do, because since im 18 ill have nothing to do from time to time, happens to everyone