eat less still getting fatter and fatter?



  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    This starvation mode thing is a myth, I can't find any substantial evidence of eating less means you keep hold of your fat. Lets face it you can't break fundamental laws of physics, your body is its size due to the stored energy and amount of energy going into it.

    Check and count drink calories, butter or margarine added to toast ect. Count everything that goes in! 1lb of fat is 3500calories so if you can deficit that amount through eating less and exercising you WILL loose weight.

    Skipping meals is absolutely fine, I'm currently skipping breakfast so I effectively fast 14 hours a day and weight is coming off quick. As long as you meet your macros it all works. I'm eating ice cream and the odd chocolate too but keep my total calorie intake at my fat loss level.

    Oh by the way watch of for coffee shop latte's as some are 200 calories, again record EVERYTHING

    The OP was written two years ago. :grumble:

    Somebody discovered the 'search' function.

    Zombie thread! 1sgpx1.jpg
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    Eating "less" does not necessarily mean "not eating too much". You can cut your calories, to fewer than you were eating before, but if you are eating over maintenance, you'll still gain weight. Make sure you know your TDEE, and are eating below it.
  • Lost a great deal of weight almost reach my goal by 20 for no reason started gaining wait bloting everywhere used to workout 3 times a week at gym 1 to 2 hours I am desperate this has to stop
  • skittle316
    skittle316 Posts: 128 Member
    eating less and less is not always the answer... you need to be eating helathy nutritious food and having at least 5 to 6 SMALL meals in a day.

    Make sure you have some nutritious snacks with you at all times for those times when you are busy or travelling - like a packet of nuts etc...

    What i have found works best for me is to prepack all my food for the day and have it in a little coller box on my desk - and set myself times when I must eat...

    By eating smaller meals more often you will find that your food craving will start to deminish. Also make sure you have having less refined foods (low GI) you will feel fuller for longer and your blood sugar won't spike and then drop which is what causes all the "bad" food cravings - it's your body looking for it's next "fix".

    And EXERCISE - even if it's just a quick 30 min walk round the block, get your blood pumping :)

    You can add me if you like
    The 5 or 6 meals a day thing is myth. The reason you loose weight is because you're eating less meals. Intermittent fasting is better for weight loss and general health.