People dying

RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
In the last two years alone I have had like three relatives die. And it was all before they were even 55. They all lived very unhealthy lives. Losing weight should be more about being healthy and not dying before you can even retire.


  • I have a great uncle... he used to drink sodas all the time and he is still alive...hes 80 something, but yeah eating healthy is important
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    agree, it's sad that our life expectancy is going down because of obesity and i'm sure it will keep going down when there are middle school kids that are 250 lbs..The government warns about cigarettes, alcohol and drugs but the biggest killer is junk food and there is no regulating it.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    Could you imagine the rage if the government started regulating sugar?
  • Yeah and it would be ridiculous.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I think the government shouldn't be "mommy and daddy". People live unhealthy lives and die young, it's tragic but that doesn't give the government the right (or anyone the right to justify this action) to push laws and restrictions on the people. Is it fair to me to restrict sugar because someone can't put the fork down? I do not think so, plus if someone is happy because they had a donut that is their right... If they die young, that was also their right.

    Ironically most of my family lives into their 80's, they ate red meat, they ate high starch foods, they didn't work out every day or run anywhere. Most of my family is obese, or at least overweight. I have had no family member get cancer, and most of them smoked like chimneys (and still are.) It's funny how that works. My significant other's family dies very young, most of them are at an ok weight, yet it seems their life is just shorter.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    agree, it's sad that our life expectancy is going down because of obesity and i'm sure it will keep going down when there are middle school kids that are 250 lbs..The government warns about cigarettes, alcohol and drugs but the biggest killer is junk food and there is no regulating it.

    Where did you get the idea that life expectancy was going down? It certainly is not. Look it up.
  • love8383
    love8383 Posts: 169
    life expectancy isn't going up, people are having heart attacks at 30 years old...i didn't mean the government should regulate what we eat i meant what is in the food itself. chemicals and an excess of everything bad for us.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    life expectancy isn't going up, people are having heart attacks at 30 years old...i didn't mean the government should regulate what we eat i meant what is in the food itself. chemicals and an excess of everything bad for us.
    Open the door to let them regulate what's bad for you and see how far they'll go ;) I can make good choices without "big brother govt" shaking their finger and saying TSK TSK. We already have food regulations, let's not open doors to locations we really shouldn't want to go into.
  • 00Allie00
    00Allie00 Posts: 243 Member
    life expectancy isn't going up, people are having heart attacks at 30 years old...i didn't mean the government should regulate what we eat i meant what is in the food itself. chemicals and an excess of everything bad for us.

    Life expectancy in the US, Canada and Australia have steadily been going up over the years. People are very quick to cast blame on anything other than themselves and take some responsibility for making choices with how much and what they eat sometimes.

    I gained weight because I ate too much and didn't move enough. When I balanced those things, I lost weight. Chemicals aren't causing obesity, excess is.

    As far as the sources, WebMd is a corporation that sells and dispenses drugs, not a valid information source.

    "Allegations have been made that WebMD biases readers towards using drugs sold by their pharmaceutical sponsors in cases in which the drug is unnecessary."
  • FatFreeFrolicking
    FatFreeFrolicking Posts: 4,252 Member
    I think the government shouldn't be "mommy and daddy". People live unhealthy lives and die young, it's tragic but that doesn't give the government the right (or anyone the right to justify this action) to push laws and restrictions on the people. Is it fair to me to restrict sugar because someone can't put the fork down? I do not think so, plus if someone is happy because they had a donut that is their right... If they die young, that was also their right.

    Ironically most of my family lives into their 80's, they ate red meat, they ate high starch foods, they didn't work out every day or run anywhere. Most of my family is obese, or at least overweight. I have had no family member get cancer, and most of them smoked like chimneys (and still are.) It's funny how that works. My significant other's family dies very young, most of them are at an ok weight, yet it seems their life is just shorter.

    Yeah, it's so funny how the people who do everything in their power to reduce their risk of getting cancer, having a heart attack, etc., are the ones who end up dying from it… :grumble:
  • Bageeeta
    Bageeeta Posts: 1,259 Member
    You always her the stories of people smoking, drinking, eating unhealthy, etc.. their whole lives and live long lives with no problems, but I am not gonna roll the dice on my life and hope that I am one of the few that are lucky enough to not have issues that so many others have from unhealthy living. I feel I owe it to my kids and myself to live the healthiest life I can!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    You always her the stories of people smoking, drinking, eating unhealthy, etc.. their whole lives and live long lives with no problems, but I am not gonna roll the dice on my life and hope that I am one of the few that are lucky enough to not have issues that so many others have from unhealthy living. I feel I owe it to my kids and myself to live the healthiest life I can!
    Exactly my thinking. I might die early too but I want to at least do what I can.
  • SerenaFisher
    SerenaFisher Posts: 2,170 Member
    I think the government shouldn't be "mommy and daddy". People live unhealthy lives and die young, it's tragic but that doesn't give the government the right (or anyone the right to justify this action) to push laws and restrictions on the people. Is it fair to me to restrict sugar because someone can't put the fork down? I do not think so, plus if someone is happy because they had a donut that is their right... If they die young, that was also their right.

    Ironically most of my family lives into their 80's, they ate red meat, they ate high starch foods, they didn't work out every day or run anywhere. Most of my family is obese, or at least overweight. I have had no family member get cancer, and most of them smoked like chimneys (and still are.) It's funny how that works. My significant other's family dies very young, most of them are at an ok weight, yet it seems their life is just shorter.

    Yeah, it's so funny how the people who do everything in their power to reduce their risk of getting cancer, having a heart attack, etc., are the ones who end up dying from it… :grumble:
    It is, trust me my significant other makes that same "happy" face when the topic comes up. You may not like my choice of words or terms, but the bottom line is sometimes it's a genetic factor. I just finished a project in school about nano tech eventually curing cancer, it is possible that it could happen in our life time. Then the question is will the pharmacies approve? It's funny how they control everything these days :D then it's all money.
  • enterdanger
    enterdanger Posts: 2,447 Member
    NO ONE is getting out of here alive.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    oh dear
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Where did you get the idea that life expectancy was going down? It certainly is not. Look it up.

    The National Institutes of Health ring any bells?
    Yeah, it's so funny how the people who do everything in their power to reduce their risk of getting cancer, having a heart attack, etc., are the ones who end up dying from it… :grumble:

    A healthy lifestyle may not add years to your life but it will add life to your years. (Paraphrasing Jim Fixx who wrote "The Joy of Running" and died in his mid 50s from a congenital heart defect)
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    3 relatives died this year, one was a 3 year old child, the other my age, the third is my grand father

    death comes to us all so yea, you can take all the measures you want but you never know when its coming
  • WorthlessFag
    WorthlessFag Posts: 8 Member
    My goal is to die before 50, but there's no reason I can't look better when I go. My great grandmother smoked like a chimney and lived to nearly 100. Her brother was 107 and was still running a farm until the day he died! I can't imagine wanting to be around that long!
  • CaitySins
    CaitySins Posts: 57 Member
    Losing weight generally is about becoming healthy, as well as becoming comfortable in your skin which tends to be the kickstarter for most people's journey, but those who keep with it like the benefits they feel from being fit.