Getting Back on Track-Could Use Some Encouragement! ????

Just getting back on track with dieting and am trying to make a lifestyle change as well. Encouragement and motivation would be welcome! Feel free to add me if you are in the same boat! :)


  • Feel free to friend me!
  • trishtrish1
    trishtrish1 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm just getting on track myself this last month - you can do it!!!!!!!!!!!

  • EddieV2
    EddieV2 Posts: 19 Member
    Friend me if you'd like as well!

    Always remember when you need motivation why you're trying to be healthy, lean, and/or fit; to feel good, look good, and be proud of yourself without any regrets :)
  • DringusDrungus
    DringusDrungus Posts: 12 Member
    I'm trying to come back too. In order to keep my head straight, I remind myself that this is a choice, and I get to choose it or not choose it. My goal is to usually choose a healthy, functional body over 8 billion maple bars. Not gonna lie, sometimes I have a hard time caring if I'm a sad lumpy lump in a corner, drooling and covered in maple sugar, crooning love poems to baked goods.
  • I often feel the same way! It's like something takes over in your mind sometime and you're like "Screw how well I've done this week, I NEED that ice cream!!" That's the trouble I've been running into these past few days...
  • EddieV2
    EddieV2 Posts: 19 Member
    You know what mindset really got me truly committed and has allowed me never to stray? The fact that my health is the only thing in my life that I have complete control over.

    For me, it started when my life was a wreck (just starting to get back on my feet now) and I had no control over anything at that point. Everything was a whirlwind of terrible things. It started with going to the gym to get my anger out, then I realized what I look like, how I eat, and how healthy I am is the only thing that I can do immediately, without hesitation or any outside interference. It's the only thing that I can truly say that how I look and where I've gotten was completely because of my hard work and dedication and it allows me to be extremely proud of myself.

    Just a thought :)
  • Thanks for the insight! :) I'm actually kind of where you are...coming out of a time where I felt completely out of control. Food was the only thing that made me happy, as cliche as that sounds. I'm ready to get focused, and I've been logging honestly and daily, so that's a great start. My encouragement to you is that you seem to be looking up and forward, and not back and behind, and that's a great thing! :)