I started my weight loss journey again 3 weeks ago. Every other time I have tried I always give up, but this time I am determined not to. I am trying out adipex, to help with cravings, so far it has helped, but I also think my mind is changing the way I thought about eating. I have self control now. I have so far lost 10 pounds. I now am obsessed with losing weight! not sure if its a good or a bad thing. It is all I can think about. I weigh myself multiple times a day, and yes I do know weight will fluctuate, but I still do it. I have 60 pounds to lose and I will do anything to get it off as quick as I can. I'm tired of always being the bigger girl everywhere I go, I am determined to not be, or at least be able to not have to shop in plus size sections. I do suffer from depression, which has not helped. I only eat between 600-900 cals. a day, I feel if I do then I wont lose weight. I do feel fine though. I try to walk 30 minutes a day, if time allows. other than that I am not active, my job requires me to sit 12hrs. I do not believe in the starvation mode, or people telling me I wont lose weight eating so few calories. I'm just not sure how to stop obsessing about losing weight, I just want it so bad!! The food I do eat is heathly, but im having problems finding cheap healthy food, or quick meals.


  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Well let's see....ummm. Your eating a vlcd, and obsessing over weight loss.. Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, but do whatever you wish. IMO , you really should eat more to make sure your body is getting everything it needs..are you able to hit your macros eating that little??? Personally, I would be very concerned about losing muscle.
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Your calorie amount seems, to me anyways, to be very low. I'm not sure how you can maintain that safely after you have lost the weight you needed. I say safely as you may not be hitting your macros. The obsession is strong right now as it is something you desperately want. I've been there, still am. I also weigh myself several times a day to guess what I am going to weigh in the morning. I only count one day a week as my official weigh-in. Don't let things get out of hand as it can easily slip into something more sinister than just being driven to lose weight.
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    I only eat between 600-900 cals. a day, I feel if I do then I wont lose weight

    Uhm.... Go see a professional. That's bad. Very bad.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I only eat between 600-900 cals. a day, I feel if I do then I wont lose weight

    Uhm.... Go see a professional. That's bad. Very bad.

    Agreed... I give it another week before the binges start...
  • uagrl02
    uagrl02 Posts: 8
    I am seeing a doctor... I am getting macros, just not sure if I am getting enough..
  • Neff_Sport
    Neff_Sport Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Uagrl02 :)

    I have lost recently some 7 kg, just from the time I started using this MyFittnessPal platform and I plan more...I am telling you this, because I had the same problem at the beginning - I wanted to it less and to measure myself too often! Then I realised, that it made me feel even worse :/ What I did is, I listen to what guys from MFPal recommend - first set your goal (don't try to accomplish it in 2 weeks, but in 2 months or in your case (you want 60 pounds less) even longer, then define how much per week you want to lose (I set just 0.5kg, as I didn't want to stress my body and produce jo-jo effect) and then they tell you how much callories you should ideally take in order to keep your organism awake (not to slow the metabolism down, and therefore lose the weight regularly). And yeah, very important - hide your scale :):) They said, even I you want to measure yourself, make it ideally once per week :) That was hard for me :)
    One more hint, once when you take more food, then it is planned, just get your shoes on and go fast walking, running, or whatever you like the most, it doesn't matter if it is too late in the night :) Use some apps, that measure your steps, callories and distance (I use Runtastic). This will keep you motivated! I guarantee :)

    I hope, this helps!
    Good luck and enjoy every step you make towards your better shape and positive feelings!
    All the best,
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I am seeing a doctor... I am getting macros, just not sure if I am getting enough..

    No, you are definitely not getting enough.
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    I am seeing a doctor... I am getting macros, just not sure if I am getting enough..
    If your doctor thinks the current caloric intake you have is okay, you have a solid court case.
    Seek BETTER professional help.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    So you say that your hitting your macros eating that little? What are your macros set at?
  • M3333
    M3333 Posts: 1
    Hey sweetie! I understand wanting to lose weight so badly, but eating only few calories a day will send your body in starvation mode and a plateau at some point. Which will be so discouraging. You need to eat more calories, and as you lose weight, eat less to keep losing. But never go under 1200 calories! There's a better way to do this!!! Read articles online backed by credible sciences articles, you will learn a lot and it will help you. You can do this!!! :)
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    I am seeing a doctor... I am getting macros, just not sure if I am getting enough..

    dont rush it. i promise you, i know you want it to come off but please be careful. its not recommended to eat less that 1200, im at 1420 and i'm steadily losing weight. if you keep this up you will lose muscle, feel fatigued, and do some serious damage to your body
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    The only way you are going to do it is if you do it properly.

    You have the desire at the moment, but you will burn out and are eating a dangerously low amount of calories.

    Is your 600-900 calories really giving you the nutrition you need? I doubt anyone here thinks so.

    You should be looking at slow steady healthy loss.
    Changing portion control and then also moving your food to a more nutritious basis, so you eat more helathily as well as staving off hunger.

    If you want to do more to lose weight then take charge of your calorie deficit and also consider doing some more exercise or activities which involve moving. That extra exercise can up the calories you can eat and still be on target. You might also find it will help your body shape a lot more than just a diet alone.

    Listen to the people who have lost a lot and sustained the weight loss.
  • uagrl02
    uagrl02 Posts: 8
    Im also very strapped for money right now, and healthy food is more expensive that junk foods... so I have no ideas on how I can eat more calories than I do now... I know its not the best for me, but right now its working...
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Well let's see....ummm. Your eating a vlcd, and obsessing over weight loss.. Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me, but do whatever you wish. IMO , you really should eat more to make sure your body is getting everything it needs..are you able to hit your macros eating that little??? Personally, I would be very concerned about losing muscle.

  • uagrl02
    uagrl02 Posts: 8
    I would like to exercise more and work out, but by the time I get home from work, eat and go for a 30 min. walk. Its time for me to go to bed already... The days im off I do try to do more.
  • jsherrill0613
    jsherrill0613 Posts: 233 Member
    I understand where you are coming from. Early last year I started a diet and only taking in the amount of calories you do a day as well. Yes, I lost a good amount of weight. But I hit a plateau very early and I started gaining it back quickly plus some. A few weeks in my body started to feel very fatigued. Also, with that little of calorie intake you are not supposed to do any exercise! Since starting back this time around I eat around 1200 calories a day. I have lost 20 lbs since June 25th. I am 5'2" and 200 lbs so this works for me, I am also a homeschool mom and going to school to finish a degree so I am very sedentary through the day.

    From experience, you need to at least be getting 1200 calories a day, with moderate exercise you will lose the weight and more then likely keep it off this way then the way you are doing it now.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Im also very strapped for money right now, and healthy food is more expensive that junk foods... so I have no ideas on how I can eat more calories than I do now... I know its not the best for me, but right now its working...

    :huh: You can't afford to eat more calories than you do now, yet you have 60 lbs to lose? Come on, that's just silly.

    Eat the foods you plan on eating for the rest of your life in portions that fit into your calorie goal. You do not need to completely change the way you eat to lose weight. You can eat the same foods you've always eaten as long as you pay attention to the portion sizes and make sure they fit into your calorie goal.

    If you are really eating as little as you say, weighing several times a day, and exercising, then please seek help. That's not healthy. :flowerforyou:
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    I only eat between 600-900 cals. a day...

    Sorry hon but you're not going to be able to sustain this and you'll eventually binge and get into a very bad habit of binging and guilting and binging and guilting.

    Why don't you go for something you can sustain over a long period of time? Starving yourself is never the answer.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    Im also very strapped for money right now, and healthy food is more expensive that junk foods... so I have no ideas on how I can eat more calories than I do now... I know its not the best for me, but right now its working...
    I would like to exercise more and work out, but by the time I get home from work, eat and go for a 30 min. walk. Its time for me to go to bed already... The days im off I do try to do more.


    That's a whole lot of excuses but do what you want. Not sure what the purpose of this thread is. No one is going to say this is a good thing. But hey, as long as it's working for you.....:ohwell:

    I wish you the best & good luck on your journey :drinker:
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    Try eating more. Of course you CAN lose by starving, but it's not the smart or healthy way to go.

    Eat healthy foods, eat a balanced diet, exercise. Set it up so that when you're done, all you have to do is less exercising...not counting calories and weighing food for the rest of your life. Just being healthy. :)

    You have a long way to go. You don't want to burnout early.

    Commit to doing it the right way, which means committing to a lot or work for a long time, not a tremendous amount of work for a short one. This, "I'm going to starve it off!" is short-term thinking.

    You have to be in it for the long haul. That's what works. That's determination.
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