Any walkers here?

Hi Y'all! I am a walker here doing an hour everyday now for almost two week and scared to look at the scale in case I don't see any numbers go down but my body is getting more toned. I have no problem eating healthier but it takes more motivation to excercise! I weigh at 154 couple weeks ago at 5'8. Want to be 125. I have self image issues and in the past I struggled with bulima. I was very skinny last year but been through some stressful times and turned to food :-( I am new to this website and ready to be healthy :-D


  • ScorpDX
    ScorpDX Posts: 93
    I do an hour(or sometimes more when I feel the urge) walking on the treadmill 4-5 days a week with my strength workout. Trying each time to better myself by going farther or faster. It's been a huge stress reliever along with helping me shed quite a bit if weight. I noticed my legs and thighs dropping fat and shaping up very quickly. That along with working up a sweat and getting rid of retained water helped jump-start things. You're welcome to add me if you like.
  • liznotyet
    liznotyet Posts: 402 Member
    Walking is not the greatest for weight loss, but it has really helped me not gain, especially when I add in some jogging and some other dance/pilates stuff. Endurance gains have been the best. One thing that has helped has been a thread where we report our mileage each couple of days towards reaching a real-world place virtually through our accumulated mileage. Pick a historic walk or a long hike you would love to take as a tourist.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    Me! An hour at least 4 times a week. I used to run, but I broke my foot and now it's very uncomfortable. Walking has been super helpful for my depression and anxiety. That's actually the biggest benefit I get from it.
  • sarahkeedwell
    sarahkeedwell Posts: 18 Member
    Keep up the great work! And pictures are awesome! Lately I been doing it 7 days a week but I heard that would overstrain muscles? Hope not because I am trying to lose 2 pounds a week. And making the small changes like eating raw veggies but it has to have marzetti dip that I love. I hate things plain lol. I would love to add you because need some friends here :-) If you take a look inside profile that was at my biggest and wish I lost weight for my wedding :(
  • sarahkeedwell
    sarahkeedwell Posts: 18 Member
    I am sorry about that. I hope it got better and also thanks for tips everyone! I know how that feels. Depression sucks and walking does help get your mind clear. It also helps with music :-)
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    I do walking the pounds off with Leslie Sansone along with walking outside
  • Do any of you who walk use a counter?? I have one but it doesnt sync up so I am looking for one that shows the steps and I can down load info on. Any hints??
  • hilts1969
    hilts1969 Posts: 465 Member
    Hi Y'all! I am a walker here doing an hour everyday now for almost two week and scared to look at the scale in case I don't see any numbers go down but my body is getting more toned. I have no problem eating healthier but it takes more motivation to excercise! I weigh at 154 couple weeks ago at 5'8. Want to be 125. I have self image issues and in the past I struggled with bulima. I was very skinny last year but been through some stressful times and turned to food :-( I am new to this website and ready to be healthy :-D

    Barring any health issues i would make the step to running, better results, walking is for people who can't run
  • domeier
    domeier Posts: 2 Member
    Don't look at the scale for a while. Instead tape your hips / below your belly button and keep track of it. After you've made progress with that, weigh yourself. Weight isn't everything.
  • bethmeyer357
    bethmeyer357 Posts: 13 Member
    I use Pacer. It counts my steps on my iPhone and syncs with myfitnesspal. I used to use a pedometer, but found it easier just to use the app.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Hi Y'all! I am a walker here doing an hour everyday now for almost two week and scared to look at the scale in case I don't see any numbers go down but my body is getting more toned. I have no problem eating healthier but it takes more motivation to excercise! I weigh at 154 couple weeks ago at 5'8. Want to be 125. I have self image issues and in the past I struggled with bulima. I was very skinny last year but been through some stressful times and turned to food :-( I am new to this website and ready to be healthy :-D

    Walked initially and only 3 months ago [broken ankle]. Am running again now. Remember to take measurements of your body too and progress pics. Whilst eating well and walking, I'd discovered there were weeks I'd lose some weight daily [I was a weighing fanatic] and days/weeks with zero scale drops, then BOOM, I'd lose like a lot of weight. Stay the course and congratulations for choosing a healthier path to achieve your ideal body goals.
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    I walk quite a bit.
    I have a Fitbit, started out aiming for 10k steps, now getting 12k minimum each day, some days as high as 20k.

    I've lost 39lb in a year from mainly walking and staying within my calorie goals.

    Feel free to add me on mfp or fitbit
  • ScottH_200
    ScottH_200 Posts: 377 Member
    Do any of you who walk use a counter?? I have one but it doesnt sync up so I am looking for one that shows the steps and I can down load info on. Any hints??

    MapMyWalk is an app I use on my cell phone. It tracks your walk/run/hike/biking using the GPS capabilities of your phone. Very easy to use and it syncs to MFP.
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    You can keep your Fitbits. I have a Max. The handsomest bit of excercise equipment to have ever lived.

    <--there he is.

    If you can borrow a dog, walking becomes easy. Your local shelter will love you if you offer to take one for a walk regularly.

    Just a thought if you struggle with the motivation.
  • srmchan
    srmchan Posts: 206 Member
    Yes... Just started this month thanks to a 10k-a-day challenge at my local gym. I've averaged a little over 14k steps per day this month and am tracking steps with a Garmin vivofit. It's still a little early to tell, but it feels like my weight loss has accelerated slightly since I've started walking. (I was already strength training 3x per week and inconsistently doing cardio.)

  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member
    Walking is my go-to activity. Don't let anyone tell you that it isn't good for weight loss. It is a full body workout, and if you walk at a pretty good clip, but not so fast that your heart is racing, you can keep your target HR at a level optimal for fat loss.
    I lost my last 30 pounds by walking. One of the ways I stayed motivated was by joining a group. I have a friend that is a breast cancer survivor and was training for the 3-Day. At the time, I had no interest in signing up, and thought that walking 60 miles was a bit unrealistic for me, but I asked her if I could join her and other walkers on their training walks and she said yes. Most of the week night ones started at 3 miles and ended up at about 7. the weekend walks were longer. Having all the other people walking made it social and fun, and I had not only a set schedule for walks, I had the accountability of the group to help me keep to that schedule.
    I started with a 6 mile and a few months later was walking 15-18. I realized then that I could actually do it and signed up for the 3-Day the following year. I trained again that year, did the walk, and now love walking.

    One of the ways I get my miles in now is to break them up during the day. I find I do much better when I take 2 walks (sometimes 3) a day than when I try to go for an hour or more straight. Last month I walked 102+ miles.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Love walking, and walk about 4 miles every day :) I find it great for weight loss too, and would attribute it to about 3/4's of a lb of my weight loss every week :)
  • JacqueJo
    JacqueJo Posts: 33 Member
    Yep! I have tried to run several times, but I have an old ankle injury that swells up and then I can't even the doctor said "no running". That is ok. I actually like walking better, I think. Love nature trails. :)

    I use Map My Walk and have a FitBit. If you are a Walking Dead (zombies) person, there is a REALLY fun app called "Zombies Run". I use it when I walk, though it is probably intended for running. It provides a story line of the zombie apocalypse. It definitely keeps me entertained! You can use your own music within the app too. Total fun!
  • blackcrossknight
    blackcrossknight Posts: 26 Member
    I'm 5'7 and walk about two hours every day. Last year I was walking about three on average, or nine miles but now I'm just in walking in the morning and evening to stay away from the heat. I am aiming for 130, but am going to stop at 135 first to see how I like it and then go from there.
  • cnadiger
    cnadiger Posts: 168 Member
    Wow! cdoesthehula what a great idea! I have a shelter right around the corner and I miss my border collie like crazy. Since I'm not in a position to be a dog mom right now, maybe I should become a foster dog-mom??