SOOOO SICK of chicken!!



  • Falcon
    Falcon Posts: 853 Member
    Thanks guys I've been going with chicken for far too long. It is sometimes just easier to slap it on the grill or in the pan and not think. I just make a large batch for the week. I've thought about fish but didn't know how it was as a left over. I think there are a few suggestions that I can work with for the quick thing with the fish though. Beef is always a fav at our house, but it always seems to be accompanied by high fat sides like baked potato loaded and yummy sauteed mushrooms. I always forget about pork. Ok re-motivated here. Thanks for the input!

    Fish left overs? not very good. If you have the proper proportions for fish then there are no left overs. You can take a large fillet and split it into two to three meals and fish doesn't take long to cook. Low in calories, high in protein. I alternate between fish and chicken.
  • Hi
    Try any morning star veggie burgers and "chicken" patties. They are a good source of protein and good tasting. Hang in there

    I love their corn dogs!
  • Kingsize prawns. :) love them.
  • .......Beef is always a fav at our house, but it always seems to be accompanied by high fat sides like baked potato loaded and yummy sauteed mushrooms........

    Why are sauteed mushrooms high fat? I do half a pound with 1tsp olive oil.

    Because YUMMY Sautéed Mushrooms are made with equal parts butter and mushrooms. ;)
  • lildynarider
    lildynarider Posts: 78 Member

    Why are sauteed mushrooms high fat? I do half a pound with 1tsp olive oil.

    We do horrible awful yummy things to mushrooms like adding wine, butter, capers, lemon, butter, garlic, butter, shallots and butter. Oh did I mention the butter? Anywho that's why the mushrooms I normally cook are bad. I am going to try a new recipe with olive oil and leave out that b word :wink:
  • Rabid_Hamster
    Rabid_Hamster Posts: 338 Member
    Salmon, tuna steaks,... soo many choices and huge variety: high protein, low fat
  • ttcbelieve
    ttcbelieve Posts: 181 Member
    if you are adventurous. Goat meat. Lean and less/equivalent calories
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    At first I thought you said children... tee hee hee.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I've thought about fish but didn't know how it was as a left over.

    Lean, thin fish fillets (like flounder and sole) aren't usually that great as leftovers, but they take so little work to prepare that it doesn't matter. Thick fillets, whether lean like cod or fatty like bluefish and salmon, do generally keep as leftovers for a few days, especially if they've been prepared with a flavorful sauce.
  • I thought I would never get tired of chicken either ( I grew up on a chicken farm so I ate chicken every day of my life as a child) but before I could get tired of it, it got tired of me... My iron stores got depleted from not enough red meat. I eat lots of other iron sourced veges and legumes but my iron just kept dropping. So I started to add lean sirloin to my diet 2-3 times a week. I grill it and have it with a sweet potato or slice it and add it to my salad for lunch (yummy). I even added it to my chili recipes (along with ground chicken). I was never a red meat person but I had to incorporate it into my diet after 4 decades of only having red meat maybe twice a month.
    To my surprise I started dropping weight much faster. I was terrified that incorporating red meat into my diet would kill my weight loss but it did the opposite.
    I've also found some nice lean pork recipes at and there is a great website called which has a free downloadable cookbook for primal (similar to paleo) foods. They focus on lots of proteins so they have a lot of recipes with meat as the featured ingredient.The only downside is they don't have nutrition counts but the recipes are yummy and you can always import the ingredients into your recipes section of MFP and it will calculate the nutriion info for you.
    Hope this helps
  • Padzster
    Padzster Posts: 75 Member
    Grilled fish?
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    if you are adventurous. Goat meat. Lean and less/equivalent calories

    Goat is fantastic but you could also try Ostrich, Venison & Kangaroo as well, all good healthy alternatives but best eaten a little rare