Looking for some kind words...

Hello everyone!

I, like many, have been down this road before. I have lost the weight, gained it back, lost it, and gained it back again. Right now I am at the highest weight I have been in a long time-almost as much as I weighed when I was nine months pregnant. I want to blame it on something else...too busy, too tired, overwhelmed with work, not enough time, not feeling well, whatever! The thing is I know that the responsibility lies with me. I made these choices. I had the opportunity to do the right thing regarding my health and my fitness and I consciously chose not to.

I am writing here because it is time to change for good. I can't keep doing this to myself and I know if I continue down this path the more difficult my journey will be when I finally turn things around. I want to say this time is different than all the rest but really it isn't. Nothing spectacular has occurred that is going to make this any easier. However I am determined to be disciplined. I have sat down, did my research, and made a plan. No more crazy diets that cause me to lose my mind. I am going to take it slow and do it right. I am going to focus on my nutrition instead of the number on the scale. I am going to celebrate the number of push-ups I can do instead of critiquing my reflection in the mirror. I am going to change my lifestyle. There won't be a deadline because these positive changes are intended to last forever. I have never reached out to a public forum like this before and it is very intimidating. Any kind words, advice, or stories of success you have to offer would be very much appreciated. In fact I plan to print this page out and post it on my door where I can see it everyday. I have spent enough time browsing around these forums to know that there are some incredible, uplifting, folks out there and I would love to hear from you all. Thank you in advance and take care!


  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    Sometimes I think the hardest thing to do before starting anything, is to quiet that negative nasty voice in our own heads that is so scared of change and/or failure that it will say anything so we don't take any risks. I think losing weight is really a tough thing. There is so much emotional baggage, habit, body chemistry etc. that goes into how our bodies are made up its bound to be hard. But it is possible when we decide it's what we really want and we stick with it. And there is so much pressure to be perfect! (Especially from ourselves) Expect to slip up and then forgive yourself.

    I suggest investing in a food scale. I got mine on amazon and it wasn't very expensive. I weigh everything that I eat. It's how I hold myself accountable. It can be tedious but I'm getting quick at it. Drink lots of water. Get moving. You will feel better :)
  • elemkc
    elemkc Posts: 43 Member
    Welcome back! I've been in your shoes exactly. Gained, lost, gained, lost, and now I'm finally working on me, :)
    You can definitely do it. Just remember to take it one day at a time. I'm going at weight loss the slow route this time too, it's laborious but I know it's the right way for me, Best wishes!!
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Just remember that any changes you make now need to be things that keep you sane. So if you eat a certain way for a while and find that you are just miserable, think about what you're doing that makes you miserable and change it. For me, restricting foods makes me go crazy. I make things fit into my calories (specifically my macros) if I want them, and I no longer feel bad about what I eat.

    Do exercise that you enjoy! Don't assume you need to do 6 hours of cardio every day to lose weight. And if you do exercise, do it for a few weeks to figure out waht you enjoy doing and your activity levels, and then calculate your TDEE so that you can get an idea of what your estimated caloric maintenance needs are. Then subtract 20% from it and eat at that consistently, see how you feel and monitor your weight and/or measurements. Strength training will make you feel pretty awesome btw, consider trying a program like StrongLifts or NROLFW! I made my own program but these would be good starting places. I feel like a badass when I lift nad it does help with confidence and body composition.

    Also, ,take breaks as needed. Exercise and diet. Sometimes you just need to step back and relax for a bit.
  • Ke11er
    Ke11er Posts: 147 Member
    Sounds like, actually, this time IS different....
    You are determined to be disciplined
    You have done your research, and made a plan
    This is not going to be a crazy diet that causes you to lose your mind
    You are going to take it slow and do it right
    You are going to focus on nutrition instead of the number on the scale
    You are going to celebrate the number of push-ups you can do instead of critiquing your reflection in the mirror
    You are going to change your lifestyle
    There won't be a deadline because these positive changes are intended to last forever.
    You now have never reached out to a public forum, you've overcome an intimidating situation

    This time IS different!
  • betsastormborn
    Thank you everybody! I am going to be honest in saying that reading these responses caused me to tear up a little bit! I started the morning off right and I am feeling good. Thank you so much for all the suggestions. I went ahead and ordered a food scale online and I will certainly check out those training programs as suggested. I am just doing my routine push-ups, sit ups, and run to hold me over for now. The key thing is getting my nutrition in check. Thank you so, so, much to everyone who has replied. You truly touched my heart. Also, as promised, I am printing this out and posting it. I want this positive energy to be part of my life everyday.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    You can do this. Quietly, with determination.
    There are threads that helped me develop a plan. I apologize, I can't post links on my iPad..
    Go to message boards>> getting started>> guide to get you started on your path to sexy pants.
    There are great links in this thread. They helped me.

    Send me a friend request with a message. Doing this with support and friendship makes a huge difference. :flowerforyou: