Weight loss and breast size

Hey guys. This is my first message board post, so excuse me if I'm posting in the wrong place, or if this topic has been covered to death already.

A few years ago, I lost a lot of weight pretty rapidly. At first, I went from approx. 145 lbs to 130 lbs in about 3 months. The weight came off quickly, but not absurdly so. I was pretty pleased, and my bra size remained the same (34D). Then, a few months later, I developed some seriously unhealthy habits which resulted in more weight loss. It was pretty drastic this time. In about a month, maybe 6 weeks, I went from approx. 130 lbs to hovering somewhere around 110-115 lbs. I am 5'6". My breasts totally shrank. I only went down to a 34C because I still had a bunch of skin leftover from my bustier days, but believe me, aside from that, my breasts were just gone.

Over the next few months, I quit most of the unhealthy nonsense that had caused my weight to plummet, and I managed to keep my weight around 125-128 for a good while. My breasts were still 34C, but were much, much fuller than they were when I was super thin. Over time, I eventually put on some more weight, without even really realizing it. In January of this year, I discovered that I was around 135 lbs. I got refitted for a bra, and found out I was 34D again.

Over the last 6-7 months, I've been casually watching my caloric intake. No crazy unhealthy BS like back in the day. Just a little mindfulness. I currently weigh 128 lbs. My breasts are 34D. They seem to me to be as full as they ever have been. They seem as full as they were years ago, when I was 145ish lbs.

My question is this-- why are my breasts a whole cup size larger than they were a couple years ago, when I weighed as much as I do now? Is it because, back then, my changed breast size was the result of rapid weight loss?

When I look at myself today. I see a body that pretty much looks the way it did a few years ago, when I was weighing in around 125-128. The only difference is that my boobs are much larger!

I don't have a problem with my breasts at all. I really like the way they look now, and am happy that I can weigh what I weigh now without having to endure sagging, deflated boobs. I'm just wondering: Why, this time around, have my boobs have not shrunk? I know that some women have a lot of breast tissue, and therefore do not go down in breast size when they lose weight, but my years of weight fluctuation have shown me that I'm not one of those women. I have historically lost weight in my breasts, drastically and immediately.

What's the deal? Thanks!

Like 5 years ago, I lost a lot of weight really quickly through unhealthy means, and went down a cup size (34c). Now I'm at a similar weight to where I was back then, except this time I arrived at this size more slowly, without the unhealthy ****. Today, my breasts are as full as they ever have been (34d). Why are my breasts so different, though I am at approx the same size as I was when they were shrunken?


  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    I'm not a professional or a doctor, but maybe your hormones have changed over the course of all your weight fluctuations. Are you on birth control or a new one? Anyway, you're happy with how your breasts look and your weight, so you're lucky. I'm struggling with the opposite problem.
  • pabstvortex
    pabstvortex Posts: 6 Member
    Hmm, maybe I have experienced some hormonal change. I was quite young when that rapid weight loss/breast shrinkage happened, like around 19-20. I'm 23 now. So that could definitely have played a part. I am on birth control now, but only as of this summer. I've been at my current weight and bra size since last spring.

    Anyone else have any ideas? I'm really curious, and can't find much on the web.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    Age is most likely the deciding factor in this you usually get a 3rd and final growth spurt for lack of a better term at about 21 or so. When I was about your age I went thru a similar weight loss drop 40lbs in about oh about 3 months and now I'm up 60 lbs and I'm the same size cup size through the whole damn roller coaster. At 19 I was a happy DD and wearing a larger pants size than I do now and I weigh 20lbs more. That being said another factor is just where your body puts added weight and where you lose it from some people are lucky (or unlucky depends on your view) and they actually lose weight from their cleavage before you can count their ribs.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Another poster already covered what I was going to add-- age and hormones could definitely play a factor. If you're taking birth control, anything that increases estrogen could possibly affect your breast size, that, and just genetics in general. You're extremely fortunate! You've got youth on your side, the weight loss is great! It wasn't such a massive amount that it would cause a huge difference in breast size, and you didn't mention if you had/have any children, as pregnancy and/or breastfeeding can do a number on your breasts. I've got all of the whammies. I was a 48DDD at my heaviest, and honestly, probably should've been bigger. When I was pregnant, I was in an a 42F. Then, I gave birth, nursed for awhile, and life went back to normal. I'm now down to a 40DDD, but they're NOWHERE near where they're supposed to be. It's sad. I'm turning 36 tomorrow and I'd just like my boobs to be where they're supposed to be.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    No clue.

    I've lost 60 pounds and the girls went down one cup size. That's it. So far. I'm hoping to lose one more.

    Now they look bigger, because the rest of me loses and they just don't keep up the same pace. Ugh.
  • sendcassie
    sendcassie Posts: 15 Member
    Everything everyone already said seems likely, but if not, maybe it could be an increase in muscles underneath the breast tissue? Some exercises can affect breast size. Just a random guess.
  • shabaity
    shabaity Posts: 792 Member
    No clue.

    I've lost 60 pounds and the girls went down one cup size. That's it. So far. I'm hoping to lose one more.

    Now they look bigger, because the rest of me loses and they just don't keep up the same pace. Ugh.

    Welcome to the same boat. I've come to the conclusion I'm not going to lose there without surgical intervention or anorexia. So I'm just working at getting the documentation out of the way so I can prove to an insurance company or at the very least a plastic surgeon that yes this is a problem, yes I've already lost 50-60 lbs this isn't changing, and yes I've been to the physical therapist to see if that will help with the problems. Obviously I consider the surgery a much safer option and in no way condone disordered eating.
  • pabstvortex
    pabstvortex Posts: 6 Member
    Another poster already covered what I was going to add-- age and hormones could definitely play a factor. If you're taking birth control, anything that increases estrogen could possibly affect your breast size, that, and just genetics in general. You're extremely fortunate! You've got youth on your side, the weight loss is great! It wasn't such a massive amount that it would cause a huge difference in breast size, and you didn't mention if you had/have any children, as pregnancy and/or breastfeeding can do a number on your breasts. I've got all of the whammies. I was a 48DDD at my heaviest, and honestly, probably should've been bigger. When I was pregnant, I was in an a 42F. Then, I gave birth, nursed for awhile, and life went back to normal. I'm now down to a 40DDD, but they're NOWHERE near where they're supposed to be. It's sad. I'm turning 36 tomorrow and I'd just like my boobs to be where they're supposed to be.

    Age and hormones, makes sense!

    So no one thinks that maybe it was speed of weight loss that contributed to my severe boob shrinkage the first time around? My suspicion was that, maybe because I've lost weight much more slowly (6 months versus 1 month) and less drastically this time, my breast fat has been less specifically affected. But that hunch is based on absolutely nothing!

    Haha, at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. I'm just curious because I recall looking at my breasts when I lost the weight the first time, just marveling at how deflated they'd become. Totally different story this time. Guess I won't look a gift horse in the mouth, or whatever the saying is. :)
  • carolineat111
    carolineat111 Posts: 97 Member
    I would guess hormonal.

    I've lost 70lbs (60lbs of it pregnancy weight) and went from a 32B to 32DDD but I also dropped $10k on implants to do it lol.

    I like your way better. :)
  • pabstvortex
    pabstvortex Posts: 6 Member
    I would guess hormonal.

    I've lost 70lbs (60lbs of it pregnancy weight) and went from a 32B to 32DDD but I also dropped $10k on implants to do it lol.

    I like your way better. :)

    Hahaha! There's a story behind every pair :P