5:2 buddies

Hi. Time to try again to loose weight. Have tried so many different diets but am going to try 5:2 again. Have tried before and struggled but the results i hear about have given me reason to try again.
looking for support and people to share ideas


  • lisa_darlene9
    lisa_darlene9 Posts: 54 Member
    I just stumbled across a board here talking about 5:2, I read the feeds and then looked it up online. I am going to give it a try starting today. I am going to make Mondays and Thursdays my 500 cal days. Support and advice would be so appreciated.
  • sammybella
    sammybella Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Lisa I am on my second week...although the fast days are quiet hard I find the day after I am not too hungry and so far I have avoided pigging out after a fast..interested in the 16:8 as I think that might be easier..but I will stick to the 5:2 for a week or 2 first and see how things go. I cook for a living so its super hard for me..
  • lisa_darlene9
    lisa_darlene9 Posts: 54 Member
    Hi Sammybella, what is 16:8? I am still trying to learn about the 5:2, I have to do my reading about it online as I now live in Venezuela and I can not just go out and get a book about it since I am pretty sure English books are not available here. If you have advice or tips I would love to hear it. I had some 60cal yogurt this morning with chia seeds, I am going to do my best to make it through my Day 1.
  • nic2006
    nic2006 Posts: 9
    Hi Lisa and Sammybella.
    Think my fast days will be Monday and Thursday too.
    Found today hard at times but just had dinner and will go to bed early if i get hungry ha ha
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    I am going to try and incorporate this in to my week too. I have pcos which really seems to hinder my weight loss attempts. I am very strict about weighing all my food on digital scale and recording it all. My body quickly adapts though and often seems reluctant to let go. Increasing calories did not help so I tried a bit of fasting last time got stuck and that seemed to get things moving again. I will try making it a regular part of week and see hoe that goes.
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    Im starting EODD next Monday... finishing up a different program thru this week and have a birthday weekend that Im saving cal's up for. Im going to try EODD first then move into 5:2 if I find the other to restricting.

    To anyone....Please feel free to friend me.....
  • julez4774
    julez4774 Posts: 80 Member
    its my first fasting day today on 5.2 would like friends on here so add me
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    I'm doing one meal a day, I am on day four. I only eat dinner, so I have a "feast" window of about 5 hours, at night, and the rest of the time I fast. Feel free to add me.
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    I believe 16:8 is where you fast for 16 hours and only eat during the remaining 8 hour time frame. That 8 hours can start at whatever time you want.. ex eat during 11am to 7pm, fast from 7pm to 11am.
  • Deathbyppt
    i think having the motivation to lose weight is a great thing, but pretty much everything in this post sounds like a greatest hits album of the worst ideas ever.
  • tanny76
    tanny76 Posts: 4 Member
    you really need to look into it Deathbyppt. Fasting has amazing health benefits not just weight loss. Watch the document, eat fast & live longer.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    i think having the motivation to lose weight is a great thing, but pretty much everything in this post sounds like a greatest hits album of the worst ideas ever.
    I'm guessing you don't know much about intermittent fasting then?
    For many people it's a great way to make adherence to a calorie target much easier.

    If you want to find out more then you might be interested in looking at these two methods...


  • rainrain83
    rainrain83 Posts: 82 Member
    i did the 5:2 for a bit last year with great results.

    I found it super easy
    on my fast days i would eat boiled egg whites.
    cruskits with cream cheese and oven fish with veg.
    the best thing about this diet is you can put up with it because
    its really just one day then the next day eat what you want.
    makes it alot easier to fit in social occasions etc by just swapping fast days around.