Where to start



  • nrobenolt
    nrobenolt Posts: 57 Member
    you have come to the right place to start, your friends can help you along! You will learn as you go we are all on journeys to good health and weight! Anyone can add me I am on every day and love to support people. Nancy
  • Jennifero88
    When I was in high school, I lost a lot of weight. When I started that journey I did not over think it, I just watched my portions of food and if I craved something I did not deprive myself of it because if you do that you will eat so much of it and more. Also with the 100 pound goal, if you look at that number you will get overwhelmed really fast and stop trying. What I do and have planned for this journey is to take my weight and set goals of 10% and that is my "Big Goal" and with that each week I set small goals of logging in everything I eat to working out and even drinking more water. Don't think of this as a diet, but a lifestyle change and it won't be so hard on you. And after awhile you will love it to where it will become a normal thing, just don't stop logging in your food and doing the right portions. Feel free to add me and good luck with your journey.
  • delacarlisle
    delacarlisle Posts: 6 Member
    im trying to lose around the same amount of weight.. its nice to know im not the only one with the same problem.. add me and we can keep eachother motivated..
  • kempt_ken
    kempt_ken Posts: 96 Member
    Break it down. It's the how do you eat an elephant dilemma...one bite at a time.
    Start with small goal just 1 or 2 pounds...
  • BeginningNoStop
    BeginningNoStop Posts: 78 Member
    i have no clue where to start my goal is 100 pounds any suggestions :yawn:

    Every journeys starts with a single step. ... Eat less and move more. ..... but you have to WANT it.

    THIS should totally be on a tshirt!!