FitBit vs MFP descrepencies

So, I have been on MFP for almost 2 months now. I have recently started an exercise regement and even more recently started using a Fit Bit Zip. Here is my question. When I log my walk/jog routine in to MFP it tells me that my caloric burn is 143 calories yet my Fit Bit says 550ish? If I look at an independent calorie calculator it tells me approx 440!!That's one heck of a difference!! Who am I to believe?! Anyone have this problem or know who is actually right?


  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I don't have a hrm but if I were you, is average the 3 for your burn.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Depending on what value you're looking at in your Fitbit, you might not be viewing just your exercise. What are you logging here to get 143?
  • meg091380
    The time and distance is given by C25K. I have the apps linked and it sends it over. Then MFP calculates the calories.
  • lavenderphoenix
    lavenderphoenix Posts: 48 Member
    Hmm...I have a fitbit one and I think it's fairly accurate. MFP usually adds about 1000 calories from exercise each day from my fitbit (700 cals burned in 1 hr on the elliptical, the rest come from 3 dog walks - 3 walks with 2 dogs, not walks with three dogs lol)
  • Eoghann
    Eoghann Posts: 130 Member
    I have found FitBit's estimates on walking to be pretty damn accurate so I would go with that number.
  • SkinnyGirlCarrie
    SkinnyGirlCarrie Posts: 259 Member
    I've been using a Fitbit One for almost 2 years now and am pretty confidant in the calories burned estimation (just over time seeing what it has me burning and relating that to calories that I eat and compared to the TDEE calculator on IIFYM). Over time Fitbit should be able to anticipate your daily burn based on your history.

    Do you have your Fitbit and MFP linked? I do and then when I use my HRM and the digifit app I have that feed only to Fitbit so that all my exercise is coming into MFP from Fitbit. There is a Fitbit users group here on MFP, they may have better answers. Happy logging! :happy:
  • ali4579
    ali4579 Posts: 24 Member
    My guess would be the MFP number doesn't include your BMR, it's the "extra" calories you have burned. Fitbit will be BMR + the extra cals you burned from exercising.
  • smarionette
    smarionette Posts: 260 Member
    I have a Fitbit One, not a Zip, but in general Fitbits keep a <b>running total of your calories<b> for the day. So that number you get from the Fitbit is (everything you've already burned) + (your walk) where the MFP estimate is just your walk. It isn't a discrepancy so much as the way the two systems work. For example my Fitbit dashboard tells me I have 666 calories left to eat for the day as of right now because I haven't done all that much yet, where MFP tells me I have 1275 left as of right now because it assumes I'm going to do at least so much. As the day goes on the two numbers get closer together and by the end of the day the two are generally in sync within 50 - 100 calories.

    I tend not to log exercises that the Fitbit tracks well (walking, running) because I have the two accounts linked and they sort it out via the "Fitbit Adjustment" you see pop up on your diary.
  • meg091380
    Thanks you for all the answers.

    I do look at my Fit Bit before running/walking and then again after to determine calories burned. I do not use the daily total as I am aware that it tracks the entire day. I will look in to the Fit Bit group and see what is cooking there. Thak you so much!! I hope Fit Bit is right over MFP as those numbers are so much better when compared to how hard I feel I have worked! If I only burned 143 calories after 2-3 miles in 100 degree Georgia heat is NOT worth it!! HAHA

    Thanks Again!
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    In that case you aren't comparing the same data. If you add an hour of walking to MFP you're only adding exercise as it is on top of your sedentary allowance MFP gives you. The hour of burn on FitBit includes what you'd have burned if you'd done nothing at all. You'll notice you've already got a few hundred calories of burn when you wake up in the morning.

    My question is though... why are you logging your C25K to MFP at all when you can sync your FitBit and MFP accounts so that it'll adjust your activity levels/calories for you automatically?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    I do C25k and have yet to cover more than 1.9 miles, but I'm in the middle and run slow. Assuming you cover 2 miles and are 100 lbs. overweight, 143 sounds too low and 550 sounds too high. I would expect it to be 100-150 calories per mile, for you.

    I agree with linking your Fitbit and MFP accounts and not having C25k send the info to MFP automatically. The Fitbit Adjustment won't be directly from your workout but what your burn for the day was above what MFP estimated it'd be.
  • jpapp13
    jpapp13 Posts: 73 Member
    This is going to vary for some people.
    I found that in general the two tend to be close for walk based activities.
    I personally wear a HRM while running as my burn tends to be lower than what MFP calculates
    I don't log daily things like walking, etc as Fitbit sends over your step data to MFP.
    Be sure to enable neg calories, I found that I was eating a bit too much before I did this and things have leveled out.

    Also make sure you're set to the same activity level between the two as this can cause some variances.
    But as most have said it'll even out and at the end of the night you should maybe have a 100-200 cal difference between the two.

    Good Luck!
  • meg091380
    Just realized that I can link my FB and MFP, so I have that set up. I can cover 2-2.25 miles on my first week depending on the path i take. One has more hills than the other.

    I will see what output I get just from my FB link.
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Is your Fitbit giving you those distances or do you have something more accurate? Fitbit does ok if you set your stride length settings or if you fit the default formula well.

    The first week of C25k only has a few minutes of running and the workouts are around 35 minutes, so you must be walking at 4+ mph, if the distance is accurate and you're only doing the 35 minutes. In 100 degree heat with hills, too. Impressive!
  • meg091380
    I never really know if the distances are correct, so I do it by driving. I always figure that has to be pretty accurate. My walking pace is very close to 4 MPH because I was blessed with freakishly (but loved) long legs.

    I'm not sure about impressive, but I finally made the desicion that I can have no more excuses! Too hot, too cold, too tired, too hilly, too _________. When it's time for a change, you must commit. And if looking like a drenched, swollen whale with a sunburn (can you imagine that?) is what it takes...then that's what I'm going to do!