Need serious motivation!

Hi all. I'm 48 married with 6 children and 6 grandchildren that are my life! I quit smoking after 35 years if puffing the poison on Oct 25th. My already overweight body went into overdrive and I am now almost 15 lbs heavier than I was in Oct. I work a desk job from home and spend lots of time on my bottom, stuffing whatever is handy into my mouth. Since I could not find time to get to a gym, I got a treadmill and have committed to getting (at the very least) 20 minutes a day walking. I started that last week and could only go for 5 minutes and had to stop, and now have finally worked up to a solid 1 mile....took me 28 minutes and 28 seconds to complete but I did it!

I am 5ft 5 in and 200lbs. I would love to drop 35-50 by this time next year. Even though I have started watching what I have been stuffing into my mouth and have gotten off my butt, I have not lost even a pound....and it is affecting me. All day today I have found myself thinking if I went back to smoking, I'd eat less. Now I know if I go back to smoking it is a death sentence as my lungs are totally shot from the last 35 years of damage I've already done to them. But I hate this weight, so much my mind is telling me it would be worth the risk.

Can anybody give me a good solid kick in the behind to get it in gear and get off this pity party?


  • timanda2
    timanda2 Posts: 149
    you need to remember that being overweight can kill too.
  • heidiscool
    Don't go back to the cigarettes! The American Cancer Society states that being off of them for even a week your lungs improve markedly. Think of your children and grandchildren, they should be motivation enough. Continue to log your food and exercise for you. Eventually your body will settle down and you will lose the weight. I am 41 and went from 285 to 198. I've got a long way to go but also a long time I want to live for my kids. Find your reason to go on and keep going!
  • Kiyy
    Kiyy Posts: 91 Member
    I HEAR YOU. I have been struggling myself. My friends laugh because i am always on a diet and I never loose weight. I got tired of working out so hard and not seeing results.Then...
    I found this guy on face book. he trains a ladies only Boot Camp. Ive been going one month Its hard but BAM!!! Its helping. I'm really getting stronger. I'm slowly loosing weight. Its only 17 to 20 min five days a week. Yesterday I found this site so now I have another tool. I see a light at the end. Look for a boot camp style trainer if you can. I hope you find success. :)
  • rsonthelake
    rsonthelake Posts: 113 Member
    Hey Jag.....I've felt the same way you have, but look at it this way. It took from Oct to Jan to gain that 15 pounds. It won't come off overnight either. You are doing great. Here are a few things to check................your sodium and sugar content of the foods you are
    eating. If you are over on your sugars, it can just turn to fat. Sodium will retain much more water. Are you eating enough to sustain
    yourself. I've started off slow too.....5 pounds in 3 weeks, and I'm thinking I'm not eating enough with the exercise, etc that I'm doing. This week I'm going to try to eat all my calories.

    Whatever you do, do no pick up that nasty habit again. I commend you on quiting and nipping that 15 pounds in the bud. Me, I quit 5 years ago in October and I was 2 over when I quit and have put on 50 more before I decided to take this plunge. You'd think with 70 pounds to loose that I'd drop it, but this is a life style change. Keep after it, it will come.

    Also, did you do your measurements. I only lost 1 pound this week, but I've dropped 3.5 inches, so I count that as a success.

    You can do, just stay after it. Your kids and grandkids will thank you will be around to enjoy them!
  • MrsFoster18
    MrsFoster18 Posts: 125 Member
    Congrats on quitting smoking. You made an amazing step! The weight will come off with eating right and exercise. Easier said then done I know...

    Please don't go back to smoking. My uncle who was 55 smoked for years and got diagnosed with lung cancer and passed away 6 weeks later from it. It was already in the late stages when they discovered it.

    You CAN do THIS and this place is a wonderful support group!
  • aligirl32766
    Just hang in there! Our stories are kind of similar. We're both in our 40's, I was a long-time smoker for 19 years before I quit 13 years ago. I was already overweight, but I put on about 35 lbs when I quit smoking. When I was about 38 (6 or so years ago) I reached my all-time high weight of 332. I finally started losing weight, but I yo-yo'd a lot for the first 3 years. Now I seem stuck at 236, but thats a whole lot better than332. Anyway, enough about me...

    Welcome to the site! It's been a great help to me, as I know it will be for you. Add me as a friend if you'd like.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    I am 47 . I have 7 children and 4 grandkids another on the way in june. Sounds like we have alot in common. I have been on this journey and joined this site in mid july I have lost 49lbs so far and am about 1/2 way to my goal. It is hard but I think it is a mindset thing. You just have to decide that this is important and make it a priority. Dont go back to smoking, you need to be healthy for yourself and your family. You can do this without the cigarettes . It will come off it just takes time. Hang in there. Feel free to add me as a friend .
  • Jag13760
    Thanks everybody.

    Last thing I want to do is smoke. I am terrified if I ever go back I will never quit again. Heidiiscool, I have a daughter named Heidi:)

    I'll crawl in bed and get some sleep. Maybe I'll wake up with a better attitude!

    Thanks again!
  • Jag13760
    I want to thank everybody again for the support last night. I was really having a bad night and was really nice knowing I wasn't alone. It is difficult here at home as hubby is not on a diet and does not understand why I am. So anyway, it makes it difficult at times, like last night, when he is sitting next to me with yummy stuff and I really want it........
  • heidiscool
    JAG you're doing great. My family can eat anything they want too, but have started moving to my foods since I'm always going on about how good they are and how good they make me feel. The kids love Skinny Cow better than ice cream. carrots are a yummy snack instead of chips. Keep it up and they will follow. Start making more chicken at dinner with veggies instead of starch. Feel free to add me as a friend if you would like to view my logs. I've lost 86 pounds since June 12th although I only started logging here a few months ago. p.s. you have good taste in names. I love my name, it's a little different but in a classic way.