Goodies in the Break Room!



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    First, I try to ONLY partake if it's something I actually think I'd love. White cake with strawberry filling? Yuck. Pass. Chocolate lasagna? That, I'll budget for. So that helps to cut out about half the sweets that are offered. Sometimes more.

    Second, sometimes I tell myself, "That chocolate iced donut right there looks delicious. I'm going to wait until my afternoon snack. If it's still there at that time, I'll eat it." Lots of the time, whatever I had my eye on has disappeared by the time I come back for it.

    Of course, plenty of times I just give in. I try to incorporate it into my calories. Every once in a while, I just splurge. But I try to make the splurge worth it.
    This is me. If it's a home made cake that looks really yummy, maybe. It's it's a costco sheet cake, not worth it. Same goes for donuts. Most of the time they feel like a waste of calories. I want everything that I eat to be delicious! It's a trade off: if it's delicious, I may budget for it. If it's likely to be just so so, then no.

    For me, this rarely includes cake, donuts etc. For me the conversation usually revolves around pizza.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    First, I try to ONLY partake if it's something I actually think I'd love. White cake with strawberry filling? Yuck. Pass. Chocolate lasagna? That, I'll budget for. So that helps to cut out about half the sweets that are offered. Sometimes more.

    Second, sometimes I tell myself, "That chocolate iced donut right there looks delicious. I'm going to wait until my afternoon snack. If it's still there at that time, I'll eat it." Lots of the time, whatever I had my eye on has disappeared by the time I come back for it.

    Of course, plenty of times I just give in. I try to incorporate it into my calories. Every once in a while, I just splurge. But I try to make the splurge worth it.
    This is me. If it's a home made cake that looks really yummy, maybe. It's it's a costco sheet cake, not worth it. Same goes for donuts. Most of the time they feel like a waste of calories. I want everything that I eat to be delicious! It's a trade off: if it's delicious, I may budget for it. If it's likely to be just so so, then no.

    For me, this rarely includes cake, donuts etc. For me the conversation usually revolves around pizza.

    This x1000.

    I am quite often disappointed in cake and pastries in the break room. My standards for desserts have gone up now that I'm restricting calories.
  • srd_23
    srd_23 Posts: 43 Member
    We also have a lot of baked goods hanging around the office, and a chocolate bowl that is always full. Anytime I am tempted I pull out a healthy alternative from my desk. I like the Kashi cookies. I get that chocolate chip (or double chocolate) and its got healthy ingredients and only 130 calories. I'm not saying I'm perfect, and that I never succumb... Just that this keeps me on track most of the time.
  • dcberlin10
    dcberlin10 Posts: 54 Member
    First, I try to ONLY partake if it's something I actually think I'd love. White cake with strawberry filling? Yuck. Pass. Chocolate lasagna? That, I'll budget for. So that helps to cut out about half the sweets that are offered. Sometimes more.

    Second, sometimes I tell myself, "That chocolate iced donut right there looks delicious. I'm going to wait until my afternoon snack. If it's still there at that time, I'll eat it." Lots of the time, whatever I had my eye on has disappeared by the time I come back for it.

    Of course, plenty of times I just give in. I try to incorporate it into my calories. Every once in a while, I just splurge. But I try to make the splurge worth it.
    This is me. If it's a home made cake that looks really yummy, maybe. It's it's a costco sheet cake, not worth it. Same goes for donuts. Most of the time they feel like a waste of calories. I want everything that I eat to be delicious! It's a trade off: if it's delicious, I may budget for it. If it's likely to be just so so, then no.

    For me, this rarely includes cake, donuts etc. For me the conversation usually revolves around pizza.

    This x1000.

    I am quite often disappointed in cake and pastries in the break room. My standards for desserts have gone up now that I'm restricting calories.

    I feel ya, I want my calories to be worth it too... but the See's in the break room today is some niceeeee chocolate. The only reason I'm holding out is because "you never know whatcha gonna get" and if I bite into one I don't like I'm just gonna feel dumb :laugh:
  • flatcoatedR
    flatcoatedR Posts: 173 Member
    I work in a medical facility where drug reps bring in full meals for lunch every Monday from restarants. They are also brining in donuts, rolls and candy every other day. Iam a very bad complusive overeater esp. with sweets. No such thing as "well, you can eat just one" with me. Power to all of you that can do this. So I had to tell myself a long time ago that. "I only eat at work - what I bring to work" and also if I know somrthing's in the break room, I try avoiding it until the food is gone or put away. Don't like playing these head games with meyself, but I do what I have to do to stay on program.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Keeping a food diary is just like maintaining a budget...make an allowance for that kind of stuff in your "budget"...that's what I do...thus, not an issue at all.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    I am quite often disappointed in cake and pastries in the break room. My standards for desserts have gone up now that I'm restricting calories.
    I definitely agree with this. Since I have been keeping track of calories, I've been way more selective of what high calorie treats I consume. If they aren't that great, it's totally not worth it. Some things just aren't worth their calories. My appetite is such that I would much rather devour a steak than a sub-par dessert.

    There has been a bowl of chocolates just sitting on a table at work for the last couple of weeks, and the strange thing is that I haven't even really been tempted to have any.

    Nothing against treats though, it's just sometimes really disappointing when you actually go for it and it's not as good as you hoped.
  • sbox11
    sbox11 Posts: 59 Member
    We have free range to all the chips, cookies, candies, sodas, snacks you can imagine....and they all sit right outside of my office. Literally, I look through my window and see the chocolates, cookies, chips, coffee, tea, trail mix and granola bars.

    It's very difficult to look past, but I find that if I bring my own snacks that I enjoy, it's much easier to walk past them without even noticing. Eventually, I lost interest the snacks and now will focus on the fruit that they keep in the kitchen when I get a little hungry.

    It was hard for me to overcome because I'm very much a sweets girl. I have ALWAYS loved Oreos, chocolate, and Cheeto Puffs, which we have all of. But strawberries and whip cream seem to satisfy my sweet cravings. I'm still working on the cheetos though!
  • dcberlin10
    dcberlin10 Posts: 54 Member
    I am quite often disappointed in cake and pastries in the break room. My standards for desserts have gone up now that I'm restricting calories.
    Nothing against treats though, it's just sometimes really disappointing when you actually go for it and it's not as good as you hoped.

    ^^ YUP
  • mbcieslak87
    mbcieslak87 Posts: 206 Member
    I think this is hard for all of us! One of the girls in my office (who is in fantastic shape) always just reminds me that they never taste as good as they smell & look. (easier said than remembered when they are in front of me)

    I try to keep snacks that I love but are healthier in my desk (natural peanut butter and high fiber bread... things like that) so that I'm not as tempted since I still have something I enjoy back at my desk.

    For me, living in South Texas, we literally have breakfast tacos at least two days a week in kitchen, along with the usual litany of donuts, pizza, and chocolates. The tacos are the hardest for me to resist, so I usually plan to have one a month on a Friday (they're always here on Fridays). It gives me something to look forward to but that way I don't give in on an inconsistent basis.

    I am a firm believer is eating anything within moderation... I have tried too many times to be perfect and it never works, so building in meals that I love in smaller sizes is the only way I survive.
  • hellodangergirl
    hellodangergirl Posts: 15 Member
    Dang, now I want breakfast tacos for dinner!

    Our break room is right outside my office so I get to stare down all the yummy leftovers for literally my entire day. My strategy is to eat peppermint candies when the temptation gets too bad. Lower calorie, strong flavor, they usually curb the cravings.
  • dcberlin10
    dcberlin10 Posts: 54 Member
    Dang, now I want breakfast tacos for dinner!

    Our break room is right outside my office so I get to stare down all the yummy leftovers for literally my entire day. My strategy is to eat peppermint candies when the temptation gets too bad. Lower calorie, strong flavor, they usually curb the cravings.

    I LOVE peppermint! Good idea!
  • pleasurelittletreasure
    I haven't worked for a while - I'm doing enough work at home for sure! - but when I was in my office job, I hated the, "Krispy Kreme's are in the kitchen" e-mails. Fortunately, I knew that if I waited it out for about 20 minutes, they'd all be gone. Dang, those things are good. Usually I'd only have to exercise enough self control to let the IT guys hit the treats and then it was safe to go in again. But the best thing was just bring my own lunch cooler - they make them so nice and small now - so I didn't have to risk going into the kitchen, lest a jelly donut be lurking. I can only say 'no' so much.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Where do you people work???? No one flipping brings me donuts! Oh wait, I'd kill them.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Except for once in a great while, I don't indulge in the constant foods at work because I prelog and eat whatever I bring. If I want something at work, I log it and reduce calories accordingly later on.
  • dcberlin10
    dcberlin10 Posts: 54 Member
    Where do you people work???? No one flipping brings me donuts! Oh wait, I'd kill them.

    I work for my city's park and recreation district. come on over we'll share hehe :flowerforyou:
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Anyone else struggle with constant goodies in your break rooms at work? ... And when I say constant, I really mean DAILY!

    Donuts to get everyone by on a Monday, cookies and brownies for yet another co-workers birthday, cinnamon rolls from cinnabon last week because we had a meeting, donuts again to get us over Wednesday's hump, cake because another gal is going on maternity leave, and of course MORE donuts because it's Friday!!!

    Today's villain... See's Candies... A giant three level box filled with chocolatey goodness and another huge box of See's lollipops keep staring me down when I go in the break room to fill my water bottle :sad:

    Now on MOST days I can resist, but it is NOT easy. I think my heart breaks a little when I walk past those donuts to the fridge to grab my celery sticks... Some days are harder than others and I give in, but when I do give in I try to do it in little moderation... Only half a donut, only one cookie, only one piece of chocolate. I understand it's okay to give in once in a while, but at my work once in a while is every day and it's very obvious why some of my co workers are so overweight. I also don't want to set myself up for failure at 10am when I've got a full days worth of calories still waiting to be blown on some worthless donut :angry:

    I've got willpower, and like I said, more days than not I stick to the healthy snack and lunch I brought, but someone needs to get me a blindfold so my eyes can't see all of the yummy goodness on the way to my chicken and veggies :sad:

    Does anyone else have similar issues with there constantly being sugar, and treats in your break rooms/ office? Do you give in? How does it affect your goals? How do you resist?

    Would love to hear from others who are faced with the same challenge :smile:

    OMG... I want to work there! How sweet of people to bring in all that wonderfulness!

    In most offices, peoples' birthdays are ignored, if ever discovered. A cake for maternity leave? "Bah! Who GAF?"

    With so many opportunities for office mates to get together and socialize and an environment where people care enough about one another to do things like that, I can only imagine that office morale is really high. You're really blessed.
  • dcberlin10
    dcberlin10 Posts: 54 Member
    Anyone else struggle with constant goodies in your break rooms at work? ... And when I say constant, I really mean DAILY!

    Donuts to get everyone by on a Monday, cookies and brownies for yet another co-workers birthday, cinnamon rolls from cinnabon last week because we had a meeting, donuts again to get us over Wednesday's hump, cake because another gal is going on maternity leave, and of course MORE donuts because it's Friday!!!

    Today's villain... See's Candies... A giant three level box filled with chocolatey goodness and another huge box of See's lollipops keep staring me down when I go in the break room to fill my water bottle :sad:

    Now on MOST days I can resist, but it is NOT easy. I think my heart breaks a little when I walk past those donuts to the fridge to grab my celery sticks... Some days are harder than others and I give in, but when I do give in I try to do it in little moderation... Only half a donut, only one cookie, only one piece of chocolate. I understand it's okay to give in once in a while, but at my work once in a while is every day and it's very obvious why some of my co workers are so overweight. I also don't want to set myself up for failure at 10am when I've got a full days worth of calories still waiting to be blown on some worthless donut :angry:

    I've got willpower, and like I said, more days than not I stick to the healthy snack and lunch I brought, but someone needs to get me a blindfold so my eyes can't see all of the yummy goodness on the way to my chicken and veggies :sad:

    Does anyone else have similar issues with there constantly being sugar, and treats in your break rooms/ office? Do you give in? How does it affect your goals? How do you resist?

    Would love to hear from others who are faced with the same challenge :smile:

    OMG... I want to work there! How sweet of people to bring in all that wonderfulness!

    In most offices, peoples' birthdays are ignored, if ever discovered. A cake for maternity leave? "Bah! Who GAF?"

    With so many opportunities for office mates to get together and socialize and an environment where people care enough about one another to do things like that, I can only imagine that office morale is really high. You're really blessed.

    Thank you, it really is a wonderful thing, and I appreciate your kind words. For my birthday though I'm requesting a veggie tray :laugh:

    Treats are great for our morale, not so great for my muffin top... But very thankful I have a wonderful atmosphere to work in.