Weighing In...

MsTiffamee Posts: 137 Member
This is my first REAL attempt at dieting and exercise. I'd like to weigh everyday, but I'm afraid if the scale doesn't reflect a loss I will be discouraged.

How often do you weigh?

Tips and advice on accepting what the scale says and not being discouraged!



  • SusannaBanana5293
    SusannaBanana5293 Posts: 13 Member
    I weigh in about four times a day, but that is very discouraging! I would recommend once a week and put your scales away during the week so you won't step on them!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    I weigh in pretty much daily, but I'm also very familiar with, comfortable with, and understand natural weight fluctuations. You have to understand these things as well as understand that losing weight isn't a linear function...you don't lose exactly X ounces per day or X Lbs per week...the trend is far more important than the actual number.

    Even if you weigh in weekly you are going to have weeks with smaller losses, weeks with bigger losses, weeks with no losses, and even weeks with small gains due to water retention, waste, etc. Again, what is important is the trend over a much longer period of time and averages. Really, if you can't come to grips with that, it doesn't matter how often or when you weigh in...you're always going to be discouraged.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    I weigh in daily after i wake up and gone to the bathroom.
  • tabicatinthehat
    tabicatinthehat Posts: 329 Member
    At least once a day. Usually more like 2-3 times. Once in the morning upon waking, another after working out and again before bed. Weight fluctuations don't make me paranoid. I like knowing what is making me retain water, etc.
  • jwats8
    jwats8 Posts: 112
    I weigh in every day, but I don't get discouraged- example: I ran a tough race Saturday night, ate fantastic all weekend and gained a pound today- should have lost. My legs are sore, and menopause is freaking out my water weight- so I know this weight will come right off. If you can weigh every day knowing it will fluctuate like crazy, do it, if it will make you upset, only weigh once per week or so. Best of luck to you!
  • JoseCastaneda
    JoseCastaneda Posts: 245 Member
    I weigh in every weekend or so. It's easy to become anxious about your weight, but I've learned that this is a long term race to reclaim my health, so, I don't rush in to weigh in everyday. It can be deceiving!
  • Bunniekatt
    Best thing is to weigh yourself at the same time. Some like to weight one a week. I like to check it every day. Weight will go up and down on a daily basis. It depends what you eat, it you had a poo (yep yuk) If you do weigh yourself every day chart it and look at the result each week. Ive managed to lose 41 lbs. sticking to 1200 kale and swimming for one hour every day. I go more to go. Good luck
  • Melonpaul
    Melonpaul Posts: 323 Member
    I weigh in daily but I only log it once a week, I do this so I can see the trend of my weight loss. I always do it in the morning after using the bathroom. On top of this I also take measurements and I just took my "before" photo recently. Also really pay attention to how your clothes fit, that's another great way to tell if your losing even if the number on the scale is not changing.
  • themusicdude
    themusicdude Posts: 35 Member
    I'm currently weighing myself every Monday, after I get out of the shower post workout. A friend of mine has suggested I do it first thing in the morning (post morning fecal deposit) instead, so I might try that starting next week.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    I weigh every couple of days, but I'm also smart about it. If I have a sodium filled day, I'm not going to step on the scale the next morning, even if that would usually be one of my weigh in days.

    Weight really fluctuates though, or probably more frustrating for me is when it stays the exact same for multiple weigh ins. I don't let it discourage me though; if my weights not budging it's great motivation for me to run that extra five minutes, or double check my portions, and so on. I take measurements every 3-4 weeks too, which helps. But you need to keep a long term perspective too. An example of this is that in the last 9 days I haven't seen a loss on the scale (nope, still not freaking out), but when I look back at the last 28 days (so 4 weeks) as a whole, I've lost 6.8lbs, which I'm more than happy with.

    Just make sure you have realistic goals and understand that weight loss isn't always linear. Weigh daily if you won't take it personally; if a 0.2 increase is going to make you freak out, weigh weekly and watch your sodium for about two days leading up to your weigh in.
  • tshabliss
    tshabliss Posts: 22 Member
    This is my first REAL attempt at dieting and exercise. I'd like to weigh everyday, but I'm afraid if the scale doesn't reflect a loss I will be discouraged.

    How often do you weigh?

    Tips and advice on accepting what the scale says and not being discouraged!


    I used to weigh in every day, sometimes twice a day. I'd get so discouraged and end up getting so upset. I'd go and eat and completely self sabotage myself. Then one day I just decided I couldn't do it anymore and took those damn batteries out. It's been the only thing that stopped the cycle. Now, when I put the batteries back in for my weekly weigh in, I completely forget they are back in and go days without the urge to step on.
  • kristinmichelle_81
    Hi, my name is Kristin and I would love to be your friend and to support you! I am motivational, upbeat, and I am constantly online.

    Anyone who wants to add me is welcome too. I would love to meet everyone

    Welcome <3
  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I only weigh once a week.

    If you do daily, don't get discouraged.you can't lose a pound a day..some days you will weigh more than others.
  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    First thing in the morning, after using the bathroom, before eating or drinking. I weigh everyday but some people can't handle the ups and downs. Do body measurements too!!! Feel free to add me!
  • becs3578
    becs3578 Posts: 836 Member
    I have been a little OCD about it... I weigh every day and keep track on a chart at home. Finishing up a 100 day challenge and that was part of it. Once I reach my next goal.... Part of my next challenge will be to only weight once a week. I am trying to ween myself off my bad habits. So far the following has been achieved.

    1. Last 112 days - (except my week of vacation)Gave up diet coke (I really really love it)

    2. 10 days in to NO TV while going to bed. I can already tell it has help my sleep patterns a ton. Gonna try to keep that up.

    3. No fast food (I feel terrible when I eat it... and only cheated 3 times in the last month or two when I when out drinking with friends)... Next goal... go out, have a few drinks and DO NOT go to wendys for 2 jr bacon cheeseburgers.


    Weight only once a week. Trying to figure out the best day to do it. It is either going to be Thursday or Saturdays. I think it will be better for my mental health but who knows.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I weigh in all the time but I'm not bothered by the scale number. I don't really put a whole lot of focus on it so one would wonder why I'm always stepping on the scale! :D

    If it bothers you or you know it will maybe you should just put the scale away for awhile and focus on hitting your other goals. The scale is a reflection of you hitting your calorie and exercise targets so focusing on those should eventually reflect on the scale.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    My nutritionist said to NOT weigh every day. Due to fluctuations, your weight can go up and down like crazy, even within a day. IF you have a bad weigh in, you're likely to get frustrated and overreact and eat out of anger or emotional-ness.

    If you weigh once per week, same day, same time, butt nekkid, you will notice your 'trend' and become less anxious and dependent on that damn number.

    She was spot on, too; it's really worked for me.
  • gail1961
    gail1961 Posts: 111 Member
    Once a week. First thing in the morning every Sunday. I've been maintaining since May and I think weighing daily would make me crazy. Its better that I DON'T see the day to day fluctuations. When I first started I would weigh Wednesday and Saturday but even that was too much so I went to 1X a week.
  • Eanna_S
    Eanna_S Posts: 6
    Just weigh yourself in the morning everyday if you want to or once a week, if your diet and exercise are ok then youl see results, if you don't then youl know you need to change something :)
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    discouragement and failure is as much a part of life as pride and success.

    of course you will fail. but you must learn to pick yourself up and try again after every time.