14 pounds away from goal...

So, I'm 14lbs. away from goal weight, and I haven't lost any weight in the last 3 weeks...holding steady at 124. GW is 110. I've been mostly pretty good with my diet, and doing 2 hours of exercise daily most days. Working hard.... Maybe the lack of a drop is due to monthly fluctuations, or possibly inaccurate logging? I usually try to be pretty good about it. I don't want to quit at 124....I guess I'll just have to stay the course and trust the process. Anyone ever been in a similar situation? Am I getting close to "vanity pounds" territory? Psychologically, I'm already planning for maintenance but I don't want to maintain until I get to my GW! It's a little bit of a mind blower. If anyone has been through anything similar, I'm open to suggestions! Thanks in advance.


  • dcberlin10
    dcberlin10 Posts: 54 Member
    How tall are you?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    How tall are you?
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    5'2" so not at all tall
  • Eanna_S
    Eanna_S Posts: 6
    I'd love to be 5,2. I'm 5,8... it maybe personal preference but I just think smaller people look better and are cuter..
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    I am 18lbs away from mine and haven't lost any in over a month, so I feel your pain! I upped my workouts and changed my calorie intake to .5lbs a week and still haven't had any success. If you figure it out, let me know! I'm 5'9, SW was 204, CW is 158, GW is 140. It's so frustrating!
  • mandez19
    mandez19 Posts: 179
    Just pretend like you just started and have 15 lbs to lose.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Congratulations on a job well done. 3 weeks can be water retention from your increased workouts as two hours a day is pretty intense. I would just hold tight, as whatever you've been doing has obviously been working.
  • Mariachicat
    Mariachicat Posts: 311 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm going to trust the process and keep at it. I really appreciate the feedback.
  • TheSheepFollower
    TheSheepFollower Posts: 64 Member
    Good Luck! Can't wait to here your success story!
  • TheSheepFollower
    TheSheepFollower Posts: 64 Member
    I just started and can,t wait till that day comes!
  • jodios528
    jodios528 Posts: 379 Member
    I'm just under 5'2" myself and weigh 118. I did get down to the 114's before JMBR, but I've put on muscle and now am up almost 4 lbs. I think 110 might be too low - it is the very bottom of our weight range (for our height). What size is your frame? Unless you are small boned you might be looking to go too low. How do you look and feel....how are your clothes fitting? I would go more by that than a number on the scale (which can drive you nuts). Maybe try to get to 120 and reassess how realistic 110 really is for a GW.