Hey Everyone!

Hello Everbody!
IM not really new to the site but i have never posted. Im finally taking the plunge and hopefully i will be posting more as my progress continues. Ive been using MFP for a while now and Have also been doing the South Beach Diet. The diet has been working well but from what ive read once i start adding carbs back into my diet i will gain all my wieght back. Not what i had in mind. Im looking forward to browsing everyones post for new ideas to help me with my journey and lifestyle change and maybe even help one of yall out as well. :D


  • heidiscool
    Everyone is different, and what is a perfect diet for them may not be for you. I would just say pick something that you plan to eat for the rest of your life (with modifications). Don't plan to lose weight and then go right back to what you are eating before. You will just gain it back. I just focus on eating healthy, portion control, low fat, minimal sugar and lots of exercise. I've made a committment of one hour a day for exercise for the rest of my life and am enjoying success. It is all about finding a structure that works for you. Good Luck!