Scared and feeling alone

So I hit 200lbs this week- the heaviest I've ever been. I can see my husband and kids disappointment in me. I am a full time nursing student and spend the week caring for others while NOT caring for myself. I eat over stress, I eat over sadness, I eat and eat. Looking for some help. I like to be active, I do a POUND workout 2 times a week and walk a mile or 2 several days. But I have contiued to gain. My eating habits are BAD. I tend to stuff myself sick. Hoping for some comraderie, friend me if you ever feel this way. My goal is to lose 35lbs.


  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    Used to be this way,, have managed to control my eating habits and no longer "stuff myself" Now I eat until I am satisfied and stop. Dont know how I have done it but have.... add me if you want. I no longer find emotional satisfaction in food and try to only use it as fuel for my body. I have really changed the way I eat,, but still occasionally eat things I enjoy as long as I count it and it fits in my macros,,, I still have about 134lbs to lose so a long journey still for me!

    Add me if you want!
  • ghosthackexe
    ghosthackexe Posts: 181 Member
    Its good that your working out but I used to be the same way eating bad but still working out unfortunately you do need both diet and exersize so just hang in there youll lose 35 before you know it ^_^ feel free to add me as well
  • Ian_Davies
    Ian_Davies Posts: 122 Member
    First off and most importantly.

    YOU ARE NOT ALONE - All us crazy MFPs are with you to help, i am still new and i feel like i am surrounded by friends that understand AND know how to help.

    Secondly, i find if i try to do everything all at once i slip up, make a mistake, feel guilty and then make another mistake. I find what works for me is doing it in steps.

    My first step was making sure that the only things i drank were healthy - water, cold water, water with a slice of lemon, green tea, water, did i mention water. :)
    My second step was to try to cut out the naughtiest sins and increase a couple of good things. So I fought my addiction to peanut M&Ms (now banned) and started to make it a rule to eat 5 pieces of veg a day.
    Baby steps but they are working, i am making them habits in my life rather than just going strict.
    Step 3 was making sure i hit 10,000+ steps every day as part of just general life. If when i get back from work i have not hit the target i go for a walk till my fit bit vibrates (i phone friends while walking ti distract me)
    Step 4 is trying to fix my sleep routine which is pretty poor.

    A trainer once said to me eating is 80% of it, get that right and the training is easier.

    Make it easy for yourself and give yourself a chance to win. Set little goals you know you can achieve. Do one at a time and add a new one each new week.
  • JoshLikesBeer
    JoshLikesBeer Posts: 88 Member
    I have worked out fairly for a long time and "ate healthy", but the problem was that I wasn't paying attention to my portion sizes and was totally overeating all of the time, so I was still gaining weight. Portion control and stopping eating before I start to feel stuffed have been critical for me losing weight.

    Feel free to add me if you want. That goes for others in this thread too.
  • dedflwrs
    dedflwrs Posts: 251 Member
    Kind of echoing what others are saying... But differently: do some research on "mindful eating" and then apply it. You will surprised how much healthier you can eat if you apply this principle.

    Also, while your husband and children are obviously important this is something you have to do for yourself. Taking care of yourself is not selfish. Not doing so actually is.
  • Fasttrack2freedom
    Fasttrack2freedom Posts: 122 Member
    You made a great first step by reaching out! Now just keep logging on her and you will find the team trust will help you get results ! I agree with the above posts that it is not selfish todo this for yourself . The healthier you and I are the better people we will be to those we love

    Hope that helps
  • megsagogo
    megsagogo Posts: 4 Member

    Getting back into the swing of things myself, and we have similar goals. Would love to be friends to cheer each other on! :)
  • GBRhusker
    GBRhusker Posts: 32 Member
    Don't be afraid! It took me a year but I am down 42 lbs, and about 18-23 more to go. I am not afraid at all, and neither should you be! Reaching your goals along the way is SO EXCITING and LIBERATING! It's the best I've felt (and looked in 35 years. Add me as friend if you'd like, would like to share and encourage.
  • Joy12682
    Joy12682 Posts: 7 Member
    You can add me. Having a good support system is crucial for motivation!
  • gimmedatfork
    gimmedatfork Posts: 19 Member
    Hi :) I added you. I definitely know about stress eating. I tend to get stressed out so easily and food seems to help in the moment.

    Let's go through this together. We need all the support we can get!
  • angelpooh1582
    angelpooh1582 Posts: 5 Member
    really good advice, thank you!!
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    You are not alone, we are all in the same boat and all had that dreaded number that was the heaviest ever. Mine was 234. ugg. Just take this one day at a time. Make baby steps and small changes and additions to your day's activites or foods you eat instead of focusing on derpriing yourself. If you feel hungry at first while starting out: what helped me when i started and still does is to make a plan to split your day into six small meals OR three meals and three snacks. I always say that a little preplanning goes a long way. There are somedays when i don't eat that many times and there are some days when i am an hour away from one of my eating times and counting the minutes on the clock until my next meal time. It all depends on the time of the month or how active i was that day. Getting more active by walking and swimming has been the main thing that has helped me stay on track. The more active you are, is the more food you can eat while still losing. I suggest you do a kitchen makeover: go through all your pantries/cabinets/fridge and freezer and see what you have. If its a trigger food (something you just think about or see and can not resist eating it) then make the choice to either throw it away or stuff it in the back or my go to method is to use baggies and proportion out serving sizes for the entire package. I do this for chips/ cereal/ crackers/ cookies whatever it may be. This helps you so you can grab and go on temptation days. I also suggest you try new foods and recipes every once in a while. IT breaks up the monotony of your days. Don't bother making seprerate meals just tweek your current recipes and/or try new recipes to have more vegetable and lean meats, skip the oils and butters, use low cal cheese etc. Don't call this a diet. Call it a new lifestyle change and if you are the grocery buyer and the meal preparer then you have the control of what comes into your house and your family's dinner table. Again you are not alone girl. Welcome to MFP. :flowerforyou: